North Carolina State Board of Elections Delays Deciding on Whether to Approve Three New Parties

On June 26, the North Carolina State Board of Elections voted 3-2 to postpone deciding whether three new parties should be on the ballot.  The three parties are the Justice for All Party (which supports Cornel West for president), We the People Party (which supports Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president) and the Constitution Party.

Another meeting will be held July 9, Tuesday.

The Board votes were all 3-2, with the two Republican members voting to approve all three parties.  The three Democratic members said they are concerned that the Constitution Party petition lists the party’s address on the petition instead of the address of the state chair.  The three Democrats said that they feel the other two party petitions might have tricked some voters into signing.

The county boards have determined that all three petitions have enough valid signatures.  In 2022, when the State Board refused to approve the Green Party petition even though the county boards said it had enough signatures, the Green Party sued in federal court and forced the state to put it on the ballot.  One of the two Republicans said that the state board is likely to get sued again.


North Carolina State Board of Elections Delays Deciding on Whether to Approve Three New Parties — 12 Comments

  1. Guess they want to get sued in Federal Court again after July 9th . They should have learned from the Green Party case

  2. “The three Democratic members said they are concerned that the Constitution Party petition lists the party’s address on the petition instead of the address of the state chair.”
    🙄 Color me surprised.

    “The three Democrats said that they feel the other two party petitions might have tricked some voters into signing.”
    Compare Virginia petitioners collecting signatures for Cornel West’s ballot access allegedly telling signers their signatures would keep Trump off the ballot:


    7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: poll

    Thomas Beaumont and Linley Sanders
    Associated Press
    Washington — A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral arbiters of government authority, a new poll finds, as the high court is poised to rule on major cases involving former President Donald Trump and other divisive issues.
    The survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 7 in 10 Americans think the high court’s justices are more influenced by ideology, while only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults think the justices are more likely to provide an independent check on other branches of government by being fair and impartial.



  4. @AZ,

    Did you not read my response to the lawsuit by Laura Pressley, PhD.

    Did you watch the recent House Elections Committee hearing

  5. It’s a madhouse downtown! Rosie “Karen” is acting a fool in the street right now! We’ve been smoking a lot of crack and meth in the urban camping tents all week! It’s incredibly awesome in Atlanta!

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