Free New Mexico Party Expects to Qualify

June 27 is the petition deadline for newly-qualifying parties and independent candidates in New Mexico.  The Free New Mexico Party expects to qualify.  It is affiliated with the national Libertarian Party.

There is already a ballot-qualified Libertarian Party on the New Mexico ballot, but it is no longer affiliated with the national Libertarian Party.


Free New Mexico Party Expects to Qualify — 165 Comments

  1. All voting should be thru the great and wonderful US Postal Service. Voting places are, like, so 2nd millennium, duh!

  2. So now there are two New Mexico parties that can both refuse to put Chase on the ballot.

  3. RIP AZ’s Diaper.

    I’m curious who both of these parties will nominate. Somewhat similar to how Dr. Stein is on the ballot as an Independent in Alaska, while the Green Party of Alaska nominated Jasmine Sherman. A bit messy tbh




  5. Just Me: please explain what 2:20 means. I have no idea. It appears to be in English. Thousands of people, and ostensibly objective measures, tell me that I know your primary language (perhaps, my error here’s in making precisely that assumption) fairly well.

    It’s not my primary language, but I lived, studied, and worked in the US and UK in the 1980s and early 90s, have visited primarily English speaking countries often, continue to have business interests therein, and maintain many conversations – anonymous as well as personal, group, one on one, through a variety of communication media and in person – in your(?) language.

    YMMV, as the kids say – maybe my English is less well maintained than I thought it is. I don’t wish to succumb to hubris. So, I double checked myself by running your sentence through three separate free online translation services and crowdsource it through an English language group chat I’m on, thus far to no avail.

    Despite all this, I haven’t the first clue as to your intended meaning. May I ask what in the world you are talking about? My apologies if the question is rude.

    Perhaps, I should also take into account the possibility that your statement was twisted out of recognition by typographical errors and the great and horrendous evil that is autocorrect? I’ve posted any number of things that suffered from both to the point of complete illegibility.

    A second try to convey your intended meaning, if it’s in order to make a suggestion?

  6. Truthiness: your many attempts to repeat this statement and provide what you think is evidence under your endless screen names have been unconvincing.

    I don’t actually know or care whether Stock is lying about not using pseudonyms. I don’t know whether be does in fact troll or is just a delusional crank and irredeemable contrarian.

    It’s abundantly clear that you use many pseudonyms and are in fact trolling in the classic early internet era sense. I also use many pseudonyms and occasionally troll, but most of my pseudonyms are not trolls or trolling, unlike you.

    You also seem to be a propaganda sloganeer / (flesh)Bot. I have no idea what you think it accomplishes if it’s anything more than just lulz or continuous self reprogramming by repeating slogans.

    On issues, provided you are not trying to parody the perspective you generally convey, you’re far closer to the mark than Stock. But, you’re far more obviously dishonest and manipulative.

    You will predictably now say I’m Stock.I’m not. I don’t think I’ve ever met him. His Marxist claptrap and devil worship are evil and stupid. But, I call them like I see them.

  7. Observer: why should either of them put twisted Chasing Oliver on the ballot?

  8. Max, I think I got it. You probably thought Bill referred to legislation, I’m guessing. I think it refers to the first comment above.

    Mises Mice is a slur by lolberts, aka libertine liberaltarians, against actual libertarians.

    The comment is intended to convey Bill as in the multipseudonymous entity in the first comment above is a bot.

    I doubt it’s precisely a bot – and AI would be a misnomer.

    That is, I don’t think bill is artificial, and his character doesn’t convey intelligence, although there may well be an intelligent entity behind it – endlessly and mindlessly repeating slogans does nothing to convey any such intelligence, regardless of carbon, silicon, or cloud based.

  9. Azbot 666 is against snail mail ballots again? Usually it’s for them, but not always.

  10. AZtard:

    Hamas “Palestinians” are not descended from philistines. It’s a mildly curious open question to what degree if any today’s Jews descend from biblical Hebrews.

  11. Dump: you are a propaganda sloganeer, bot or flesh bot. You are evil. Propaganda sloganeering is evil, regardless of content. No ends justify those means.

  12. Predictably the questions are ridiculous propaganda. Trump rules, the Biden cadaver stinks!!!!!

  13. What happened to state of the onion Biden? Sleepy Joe ate him? Not enough crack, ice cream, and adrenochrome in Atlanta?

  14. The idea that this childish slogan exchange in responce to Chinese National Network propaganda questions is a debate is funny.

  15. Trump is wiping the floor with Beijing Biden. This is the most horrible thing to happen in Atlanta since General Sherman.

  16. There’s something wrong with the Biden cadaver robots voice. Did he catch worms from the brain worm dude?

  17. Senile dementia Joe’s alternate reality BS propaganda written in Beijing is amusing!

  18. And Trump wins again! Are you tired of winning yet ?!

  19. It’s pretty obvious that the most significant handicap on stage was not in golf.

  20. How embarrassing for America to have a white house resident like Joe Biden!




  22. Biden can’t be replaced. They can’t pass over Cumala. They’d lose the sista vote, and they can’t do that. And she’s somehow even less popular than this weekend at Bernie Sanders a shlock sequel remake.

    Even as a Trump supporter, I’m embarrassed. Friends from other countries are dunking on America and our President.

  23. I voted for Biden. I’d be way too ashamed to say this under my real name. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.

  24. One small step back for Joe ” dark Brandon” Biden, one giant leap back for our country image on the world stage…

  25. Has the titular Libertarian Party of New Mexico even nominated anyone yet for this other New Mexico Libertarian Party to disparage?

  26. No. They’re waiting until (next?) month before nomination. They want to see which petition parties are approved and who those nominate first.

  27. Debate winners: Trump and the Brain Worm Dude. Trump had a great performance night, but even better because of how bad Beijing Puppet Dudes night went. The contrast was jarring.

    It was a lot like the Kennedy Nixon debate, except that people who listened on radio – a lot of people in 1960 – thought Nixon won. Only those who watched on television, and live audience if any (I was too young and it was too long ago to remember and it’s beside my point so I won’t look it up) realized how bad Nixon looked. Senile Dementia Pedo Quisling Xi Puppet Dude both looked and sounded terrible.

    Terrible is, of course, an understatement. He looked and sounded like he was all set for hospice care. President Carter would have done a better job representing the Evil Party than President Biden. I mean President Carter today, age 99, not in 1980 or 1976. It was a tremendous train wreck of historical proportion. I’m not even sure whether any of this hyperbole isn’t literally accurate, no matter how exaggerated it might sound.

    It might be an understatement. No joke.

    Afterwards, the Evil Party blamed the common cold. That was very, very stupid. They’re usually the relatively less stupid party. With that one, they’re both evil and stupid. If Biden actually has a cold, as opposed to severe long term mental decline, they were very stupid to not let on before the debate – or even pulling and rescheduling – as opposed to sounding like a dog ate homework excuse.

    I’m not even saying Biden didn’t have a cold. Maybe he has a cold. People get colds, especially sickly old people who probably won’t live long. By old, I mean mental and physical condition, not chronological age. Trump is chronologically almost as old as Biden, and I’m not far off myself, but I mean condition, not age.

    The fact is, half the country according to predebate polls thinks Biden is too incompetent to serve due to age related mental decline. Three times as many people as think the same of Trump. The disparity isn’t due to 3 years of chronological age difference. Job one for Biden and his team in the debate was to prove all of us who think he’s not up to the job, regardless of issue positions, wrong. They failed in epic fashion.


  28. So, let’s eliminate the common cold excuse. Even if it’s literally true it still doesn’t hold up. Laugh all you want, I actually did have the dog eat my homework once when I was in school aeons ago. I was still smart enough to not use that excuse the next day.

    It wasn’t a good excuse anyway, because I could have stayed up and done it over, and it would have been easier the second time, but I chose not to. I got my ass whipped in school, and again when I got home, and I deserved it. Not redoing my homework was a choice. Actions have consequences.

    The stunning contrast can’t be explained by a common cold alone. We see it constantly every time Biden is walked in public. Like the dog eating my homework, there were things that could have been done to mitigate the consequences if he has a cold. The easiest would have been to announce it ahead of time.

    I don’t know if rescheduling was an option – TRUMP could have said no, but I think he would have said yes. CNN would have done whatever the Biden team asked. Perhaps, the speculation would have been even worse than the aftershocks.

    Regardless, just announcing he had a cold ahead of time was certainly an option. They did the opposite – fake fake bragging that he was on performance enhancing drugs. The problem with performance enhancing drugs is that at some point they stop working. The other problem with performance enhancing drugs is dosage modulation (see the most recent State of the Union address).


  29. It’s fairly obvious that Biden handlers are incompetent as well as evil.

    Biden and his team made debate prep their sole job for the last 7-10 days. They know full well, at least the handlers do, what job one was. If they couldn’t nail that, and they obviously did quite the opposite of nailing it, they deserve to lose, quite aside from all the other reasons they deserve to lose, like destroying our nation’s sovereignty, setting up a third world war, bringing back inflation levels not seen since the aforementioned Jimmy Carter, etc, etc.

    There is no excuse for that level of incompetence. None. Even if the one they used was literally true. Incompetence in politics is commonplace, but that’s just malarkey. Come on, man!


  30. First attempt at Tl;Dr:

    This, dear readers, on the foolishly optimistic assumption you exist, is why Trump was very smart to say anytime, anyplace, and immediately accept the XiNN invitation without any serious negotiations, knowing full well how biased that propaganda network is against him.

    He knew what those of us who don’t buy its propaganda know: Biden actually is mentally incompetent, quite literally, and even a highly biased debate and the best medical teams in the world , any amount of professional debate consulting and prep, can’t put enough lipstick on this pig to fool anyone that it’s not a pig.

    Tl; Dr fail


  31. So – Trump = Winner.

    Why brain worm dude, when he wasn’t there?

    Marginal and soft Biden supporters have to go somewhere. Many of them are dead set against Trump. This disaster of a debate performance will harden more against the big guy as well, and soften more of what little committed support he had.

    I guess I should say lower vote turnout among people who would otherwise vote for the quisling xi handpuppet is also a winner.

    But among breathing humanoids, brain worm guy and former guy win. Big guy loses. His loss is their gain.

    Past the former and brain worm guys, I don’t have to tell anyone in this particular venue about the various choices on in various states. But that’s only in this venue. Among the general public, few know or care that there’s more than three running, much less seriously willing to consider voting for any of them.

  32. None of them. Anyone not identified as a sista, regardless of how unsista Cumala actually is, would kill their sista vote and support, and they can’t afford to lose that.

    Michael Obama doesn’t want to let go of the still fairly popular delusion that he’s Michelle. Or. For those who still don’t believe it: Michelle Obama doesn’t want to be a candidate and is relieved that her husband is finally done with running for and holding office.

    There is no other sista prominent enough. No, Oprah won’t do it.

  33. Cumala is less popular than senile dementia. Not just less popular than senile dementia Joe. Less popular than actual senile dementia itself.

  34. Basically their problem hasn’t changed. They are still stuck with pedo joe. That pendejo is unfortunately for them still the best buro they have, even with a leg or two in the grave. If that wasn’t the case, they would have replaced him months ago.

    None of that has changed or is about to change.

    All that changed is that Biden’s mental decline is harder for them to spin out of, and Trumps age is harder to use as comparison fodder after they stood on the same stage in the current year.

    They will still try, but even fewer people will believe then.

    Tl Dr; they’re screwed.

  35. Reagan was believed to have been “finished” after the first debate in 1984. Biden will serve and complete a second term and go down as an hero in history. We may have achieved full communism by then, but probably not yet. He’ll certainly set the stage.

  36. The Biden campaign is run by communists. They don’t want to win. They realize Trump winning will be the best thing possible to hasten communist revolution.

  37. I’m watching the commie “brain” trust seethe and cope on mourning joe. Their tears are delicious. On fox there fill of justified glee.

    Hail Trump! Hail Victory l



  39. Biden being a complete vegetable was exactly what his team tried and failed to disprove by offering up the most unfavorable terms they could manage in response to “anytime, anywhere”

    They blocked off over a week of the presidents time. Isolated him from distractions. Grilled all day every day with the top national and may be international debate prep, policy wonk, image and acting consulting coaches – of course they had access to every Trump tape and tweet and talking point ever.

    If they wanted to use performance enhancing drugs, they have teams of top medical professionals. Nobody was urine testing. They could joke about it and still do it anyway.

    Maybe they did, and this was the best they could do despite all that.

    Trump used his time, campaign money, and in kind resources very wisely by accepting this loaded counterchallenge.

    Mr. Brain Worm was also a winner by not being there. Had he been there, few viewers would have got past his frog in throat, throat cancer, oral std, or whatever that is. Trump would have come off even better in comparison, regardless of what you think of any of their policy views.

    Since the worm wasn’t there, he picks up support (as does not voting) by team Biden’s monumental failure. As in, it was epic enough to deserve actual monuments

  40. and epics. Trump does too, but most of what Biden had to shed was already strongly anti Trump – far more than pro Biden – so Trump doesn’t pick up all that much.

    Brain worm benefits most for now.

    But not enough to win. It’s not totally impossible for that to change but extremely unlikely.

    That means that eventually he will shed too.

    So where do they go? Some might go back to the big guy. By then, this will have been months ago. People have short attention spans, although they will get endless reminders. But, come on, man. It wasn’t just a cold. That’s complete malarkey. They will get plenty of reminders in the form of more Biden face plants, both figuratively and literally.

    How is September debate set to go for them, providing it’s not cancelled? Any other, in the unlikely case they accept one?

    Trump hit a lot of points besides illegal invasion, although that in fact is the biggest existential problem rn.

    Trump kicked ass. Granted, it’s a very old and decrepit ass he kicked, but that’s the ass party’s fault for not putting up a better ass for him to kick.

    X, or anyone else, is free to try to put something together. I don’t see team Biden accepting – I still don’t think his nomination is in danger, but abc in September very well could be. I’d love to see Trump-Kennedy. Especially with an empty Biden podium, perhaps populated by a dead duck or chicken.

    Trump would beat Kennedy as well. You can agree or disagree however much or little on policy. Very few people will get past audiovisual cues to prioritize that.

    If Trump doesn’t work with X or Fox or who ever to make that happen, he’s not very smart. He may not be. Some of the time he makes brilliant moves, like needling Biden and XiNN into making this self goal. Sometimes he screws up, like slumming with the LNC.

    I recommend putting pressure on Trump to do it. If you’re a brain worm fan, you’ll think it will benefit your guy. Write, call, tweet whatever @ the Trump campaign . People like me who see Trump as the least bad choice: you should agree with me here. Start putting some squeeze on the Teflon Don. Biden supporters, if there are any here – you should think this would help the big guy. He’d be presidential and above the fray, right? LOL.

  41. Mentally ill child “bob” is back with yet another name and the same old nonsense claim.

    Other than your wrong, pointless, and besides the point guess about who I am, do you have anything to add to the discussion, boy/bot/fleshbot?

    Like, something about my comment’s amazing and deep substance and great insight and helpful historical parallel, as well as ahead of my time prescience about future decades and centuries?

    Or for that matter, the stupid things other people here blurted out?


    Then go away. That would be great.

    Those panties you got molested in years ago and haven’t taken off since are stinking up the room. You not showering ever since then isn’t helping either.

  42. They both needed performance enhancing drugs, but Biden way more so. Trump is only 3 years younger but 30 years younger seeming.

  43. Alex Jones had two great points I didn’t hear any of the cable networks mention: Biden is a pedophile and shits his pants every day. Of course both are true.

  44. I disagree with commenters above. Contrary to popular misconceptions, Biden is not the nominee yet. The debate was an audition. Viewers were test subjects.

    The modern potus is primarily a performance artist. That’s been true since at least Reagan, perhaps Kennedy. The presidential candidate, regardless of incumbency, even more so.

    Issues and public policy are at best Window dressing. With rare exceptions, the potus does whatever team potus comes up with. He has less leeway than you might think in selecting that team, regardless of who he is, than you might think.

    Biden has until iirc Aug 7 to release his pledged delegates.

    The debate was a crowdsource experiment to see if he’s up to the nomination. Now, everyone around him has about 6 weeks or so to convince him to retire. If you’ve ever had to convince a great grandfather who’s been driving since he could see above the steering wheel to give up the keys, you know that’s not easy.

    Trump and Team Biden both got what they wanted out of it.

  45. Louis / Ed / Bob:

    See, that’s the kind of issue based intellectual discussion I meant. Keep up the good work, kid….

  46. Interesting hypothesis. Somewhat but not all true. @ devil’s advocate.

    Point in favor : the two best Presidents in the past century (counting back from today) were Trump and Reagan, in that order. Both had careers as actors (Trump on reality tv) before politics. Trump was better because he’s also a businessman, which Reagan never was. Reagan had been a union boss, instead.

  47. Jorge / Luis / Ed / Bob / WeeAll:

    TaranX is Taran. My comment wouldn’t post otherwise so I tried different things until it finally posted. I’m sure you knew that, especially if you’re me, so:

    Right when I compliment you on your baby steps , you regress and crawl while sucking your thumb. Bummer. Oh well, may be you’ll learn to walk eventually. Here’s hoping, kiddo.

  48. Alex Jones also said Biden took showers with his daughter. That was proven to be true as well. He also correctly pointed out Biden had more airtime and CNN desperately was trying to save him.

  49. I saw the Alex Jones coverage too. Excellent stuff I will tune in to Infowars more.

  50. Dementia Joe vs Chasing Oliver would be an interesting debate. Who would support child abuse and communism more?

  51. Biden, on the other hand, is the worst president the US ever had. Not only is he a pedophile who loads up his diaper and is rapidly losing what’s left of his cognitive abilities, he’s put us on the brink of WWIII, brought in millions of criminals, gangs, terrorists, lunatics, etc, etc from every country and corner of the world…

    Single handedly brought back inflation and high interest rates after 40 years…

    Destroyed our demographic balance…

    Sold us out to China

    Pushed the toxic cultural Marxist agenda faster and harder than ever before…

    We can go on forever,

    Point being, Biden is worse than any president before..and you can extend that back to the English colonial governors and kings from before we were our country.

    Thanks to this commie Brijing puppet, there’s less White European blood in our nation’s veins than ever. Without those crucial White blood cells, we’re finished.

    And – perhaps not coincidentally – Quisling Biden spent more years at or near the top of political circles than any preceding president.

  52. Jorge / Luis / Ed / Bob / WeeAll / Nick/ Denise / Terry / question/ whatever:

    Alex Jones will lose Infowars soon. He’s going down.

    I didn’t know Alex even had a daughter. How did she even get to shower with Biden? That’s sordid, but slightly interesting. I know Trump certainly wanted to shower with his own daughter, and probably did. I don’t know if he still does, but that’s Kushners business, not mine.

  53. Biden claimed nobody died in the Afghanistan pullout. He lied.

  54. “Taran” (actually Robert K Stock) is such a retard. Obviously the other poster said Joe Biden took showers with Ashley Biden.

  55. Some of today’s supreme court decisions are why I’m so happy Trump was President, so angry his second term was stolen through vote fraud, and so looking forward to his second term starting next year, which will be tremendously better than the first.

  56. “Stock is a troll” is such a retard. They (probably he, based on psychological profile) is obviously the same person as the “other” poster and many more above.

    Of course, I knew what you meant, you dolt. Just making fun of your childish idiocy. You should quit playing on your phone and pay attention in class. If I was your parent, I’d take away your phone and replace it with a tracking chip.

  57. Gross. I feel sorry for ivanka Kushner and Ashley Biden. Major childhood trauma. It’s unbelievable what kind of sick men we have as presidents now. They should get castrated and we should have women presidents

    At least for a while.

  58. @Glenn @Answer man
    I wouldn’t discount Big Mike just yet. I can see the democrats wheeling him out as a last minute replacement or as VP.
    But even if they don’t, I suspect he is still going to try and run for president at some point. Maybe 2028.

  59. The debate went about as expected. As predicted Biden was a pickled vegetable; as predicted CNN’s blatant rigging backfired and did more to benefit Trump than Biden; and as predicted without RFK present to challenge his globalist pro-big pharma policies, Trump’s mediocre showing, endlessly droning on and on about illegal immigrants but nothing else, still handedly won him the debate. What a waste of time and money for all involved. And what a wasted opportunity to have a real presidential debate with all candidates on a more serious platform like X.

  60. Federal Agent Nunez / Nuna
    Foad / wtf already addressed your misconceptions.

    As did others.

  61. How dumb do you have to be to not understand that in dinkeyland only a sista can replace a (fake) sista!?

  62. We are sticking by our amazing and super competent President Biden! He had a super amazing nite while we were, like, outside causing a ruckus, LOL! Biden clearly won the debate on substance, despite a slight cold! Love, love, love Joe Biden! Kamala Harris is totally ready! But President Biden is doing great! If it wasn’t for a silly constitutional amendment, Joe Biden could be president for 20 more years and not miss a step!

  63. Porky, 22nd, LOL!

    Convicted felon TRUMP sentencing in under two weeks~ we’ll be outside PARTYING !!

  64. RFK Jr ran his own debate before a live audience. They would show the Trump Biden feed then stop it for RFK to respond to the questions asked with the same time limits. 13 million watched the RFK Jr debate . 13 million viewers for a 3 rd party is pretty damn good

  65. Progressive Leftist, Please clarify you views on Alaska ballot entry for POTUS and VPOTUS with the Green Party and the New Mexico libertarian Parties.

    When I was in Graduate UCLA we had two YAF Chapters at UCLA. One
    Was the Ludwig von Mises UCLA chapter and the other was Bruins UCLA YAF.

    That was over 50 years ago. The chapters membership go along great

    The dispute was with the name. ⁶

  66. Weekend at Bernie Sanders?

    Sharknado 2: the second one?

  67. Birds,that is because it was not cgi , Trump was right there so he’d have blown the whistle. It sounds like Karen and Jasmine may have used all the performance enhancing drugs, so their was none left for Biden.

  68. Watching it now. I was busy last night. Looking at Biden’s face … Is it my imagination? How many times can one man crap in 90 minutes? He’s not even fat. How’s that physically possible?

  69. Stop trolling: I have NEVER used a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

    I listened to the debate. Joe Biden showed the entire nation that he is a blithering idiot and not capable of being President. And of course Donald Trump lied and lied and lied showing the nation that he is not fit to be President either.

    I would prefer to vote for Rachele Fruit of the Socialist Workers Party or Cornell West. Since they will not be on the ballot in Oklahoma I will vote for Robert F Kennedy Jr.

  70. Biden lied about 13 Dead Americans in Afghanistan…that’s not OK!

  71. Stock owes everyone in this country an apology for lying and saying Trump lied. That’s an unforgivable lie.

  72. Wow the numbers have come out. The alternative RFK Jr ran on 4 platforms with no TV and got 13 Million viewers. The CNN debate broadcast across 22 tv networks got a total of 47 million views. CNN itself only got 8 million.

  73. I’m a little skeptical it’s even possible to measure viewership among platforms anymore, but good for Kennedy!

  74. ABC should be hosting the second debate on September 10th. Which scenario is most likely:
    A. The democrats will replace Biden before then.
    B. Biden will chicken out of attending that debate.
    C. The debate will suddenly get mysteriously canceled.
    D. The debate will actually take place between Biden and Trump

  75. It’s been an hour and not one alleged lie by Trump has been put forth by one person. Maybe I should make clear that I’m not only asking Stock.


    Name anything Trump said that you do not believe to be true. Explain why you don’t think it is true. Explain why you think the alleged error was deliberate. Explain what makes you sure.

  76. I’m going with B. Biden will be the candidate, but unavailable for temporary health related reasons if they can’t gin up a crisis that demands the presidents full time attention.

  77. Trump is speaking and made a great point. All the proposed replacement candidates are polling even worse than Beijing Biden.



  79. Can he record his video replies to the questions and post a link to the file here?

  80. Four of Trump’s lies.

    He did say that American soldiers who died in combat are losers and suckers.

    He did have sex with a porn star.

    Most world leaders do not respect Donald Trump.

    Terrorists did attack Americans during the Trump Administration.

    These are easily found if you Google.

    There were many more lies from Trump during the debate. But you won’t accept the idea that Trump lies because you and your MAGA assholes live in a fantasy land where truth is whatever nonsense spews from Trump at the moment.

  81. Stock is wrong on all four. Satanist troll retards like Stock are well known for lying. No wonder he trolls here under multiple names.

  82. @Robert F Stick
    Do you mean anything during the debate, or anything during either of his two de jure presidential terms thus far?

    Because if you mean the latter, I will posit three lies which are related to three of his five betrayals of his voters which irk me greatly and prevent me from ever voting for him again:

    1. During the race riots following the death of George Floyd from fentanyl overdose while detained by police, Trump said the riots were instigated by the plot of anarchists to overthrow the government. That was clearly a lie, since clearly the socialist terror organizations BLM and Antifa funded by Soros and protected by Soros-backed officials were behind the riots.

    2. During his campaign, before DeSantis dropped out of the race, Trump accused DeSantis of being a foreign agent for a hostile power and of receiving money from Communist China to oppose him in the elections. After DeSantis dropped out and endorsed him, Trump dropped this story and suddenly started praising DeSantis heaven high again.

    3. After being cheated out of his de jure second term, Trump justified Operation Warp Speed with such lies as “Everyone wanted a vaccine”, “I saved 100 million lives worldwide”, “There were some problems with the vaccine but relatively small numbers” and “Without the vaccines you would have had a thing where perhaps 100 million people died”, etc. And he is still clinging onto these lies even now.

  83. Come on man! The current president was um good and uh well… anyway

    I’m going to bed.

  84. I mean during the debate. I’m not going to Google. I use search engines with better privacy protection, among other problems with Google. How about meeting me halfway and posting links which prove that he made specific claims during the debate last night, then: Explain why you don’t think it is true. Explain why you think the alleged error was deliberate. Explain what makes you sure.

    I’ll then see what I can do using search engines which respect privacy better to verify your assertions if and when you make them.

    Stock’s claims – I’m not sure these are even all things that came up during the debate, so this may be irrelevant to my query, but, for example, does stock have a porn video with Trump? I won’t count online videos of “Trump” which are actors badly portraying Trump. If not, he’s taking a porn actress claims about something that allegedly happened off set as a fact. I hear a case of he said she said. I don’t remember that coming up last night, but maybe I forgot. I won’t address the other 3 until and unless conditions in first paragraph are met.

    Why is Stock assuming that I’m MAGA, much less that I said Trump has never lied? What I asked for was specific evidence of specific lies during the debate. Please don’t assume that I will or won’t agree and please don’t just tell me to “Google it.” Make your claims, provide your evidence, and then we’ll see.

    I’m not assuming anything and I won’t do all the work..make your case, or admit you’re lazily repeating someone’s spin.

  85. @Robert F Stick
    Ah if you mean during the debate, I don’t know – nor do I particularly care, to be honest. I’m far more concerned about the major lies I mentioned above than about some are or aren’t they technically lies in the debate. But I can think of a few off the top of my head:

    Both of them kept using rather tactless hyperbole (e.g. everyone/nobody wanted something, the most/least something in history, etc.) But I wouldn’t call that a deliberate lie, just poor rhetoric.

    Trump said something about people’s biggest issue with covid “vaccines” being the mandates. I think that is debatable, but that doesn’t mean Trump was willfully lying.

    Similarly, he tried to argue the point that the founding fathers would have wanted states to decide on abortion. I’m very sure the founding fathers would have wanted to prevent abortion by any means necessary, though preferably by private citizens rather than through any government intervention be it state or federal. But again, just because I disagree with Trump, doesn’t mean he lied.

    The only thing I can think of that might be an actual lie from Trump, was his claim that Israel is the only party in Gaza that does not want a cease-fire. The reason I think that may be a lie, is because it generalizes Israel as if it is of one mind on the matter, when in fact even the military and the government are very much torn about it; and because certainly Hamas does not want a ceasefire either – what they want is to go on committing acts of terror without Israel cracking down on them.

    So much for Trump’s lies, or rather “lies”. Biden was completely full of shit each time he actually managed to string together a sentence suitably coherent for me to make head or tail out of it.

    Anyway, I’m not interested in trying to argue the point whether or not Trump technically lied during the debate. And I’m certainly not telling you to Google anything. Or use any superior search engine for that matter.

  86. Nick: I realize it’s comedy of course,but

    President Carter would be the only one on the list who is eligible. Sure, he’s 99, but he was actually not as bad as Biden when he was president, is probably at about an equal level of decline right now, and was actually very impressive in many respects in his post presidency, including among many other things in his ability to survive against the odds the last few months .

    All I’m saying is, don’t count Jimmy Carter out. Even without his wife of 77 years, which I can’t even imagine. Something tells me he’s got something up his sleeve yet, but at this point in his life, what could it possibly be?

    I’ve known Mr. Carter since the 1960s, when I was a kid. He’s about my daddy’s age and has some similar background (south Georgia farmer, military man, etc.) He ran for Governor starting in 1966. I was working on an opposing campaign (Lester Maddox). Before that, he was in the legislature for a few years.

    Daddy wasn’t a politician, but was quite active in politics, and we knew a lot of them. Mr. Carter was always full of surprises. Some things never change.

    All the replacement talk ignores fundamental problems:

    *It’s up to Biden. His campaign controls the pledged delegates, including their selection. If he doesn’t cooperate, it would be technically possible, but extremely difficult and unlikely.

    You might be tempted to say he will do whatever his handlers say. Usually, you would be correct. But he has instincts, and at this point hanging on to whatever he has must be one of them. You don’t have to have much mental acuity left to have that; an amoeba has it.

    * They can’t pass over the veep. She’s even less popular than he is. Catch 22.

    * Believe it or not, their other leading contenders also poll worse than Biden. They are unpopular on policy, too.

  87. To be clear, not as bad does not mean good. Carter was always a disappointing governor and president, and that’s from someone who usually never voted for him for any office ever.

    I voted for him for Governor in 1970, when Maddox was ineligible and had to run for lt gov instead, but I already distrusted Carter then, and in a moment of pique voted for JB Stoner in the primary, an extremist of the sort I’d never have actually wanted to see assume office, and was in no danger of so doing. Carter ran the type of campaign designed to get my vote, but I simply didn’t trust him.

    I voted for the relatively more liberal former governor Sanders in the primary runoff, and turned out to be right: Carter ended up being even worse in office; his campaign was disingenuous.

    For the 1970 gubernatorial general election, Carter was the lesser evil to Republican Hal Suit. That was the only time I held my nose and voted for Mr. Carter for any office.

  88. Nuna, and anyone else, I clarified exactly what I meant. If you don’t want to address my question, challenge, or whatever you want to call it on its own terms, I’m not interested.

    If I’m interested in anything beyond what I specifically asked, it would be in the same question, asked in the same terms, about Biden’s lies in the debate:

    What I asked for was specific evidence of specific lies during the debate. Please don’t assume that I will or won’t agree and please don’t just tell me to “Google it.” Make your claims, provide your evidence, and then we’ll see.

    I’m not assuming anything and I won’t do all the work..make your case, or admit you’re lazily repeating someone’s spin.

    I also said:

    How about meeting me halfway and posting links which prove that he made specific claims during the debate last night, then: Explain why you don’t think it is true. Explain why you think the alleged error was deliberate. Explain what makes you sure. End self quote.

    So,just in case something still wasn’t clear, my query is about claims made by the candidates in the debate sponsored by CNN and broadcast by them and other cable newsish networks on June 20 of the current year. Initially I asked about Trump. Let’s also include Biden, because why not?

    A lie is a statement that’s not just false, but deliberately so. My question is not directed at any person in particular, but at who ever wants to answer it. So, to meet the conditions, please provide

    * proof of exactly what the candidate said and that it was in this debate

    * proof that it was a false statement

    * why you believe that was a deliberate lie

    * why you are sure of each of these things

    * specific links which you believe best make your case and not just telling me to look it up.

    If what you want to discuss instead was whether anyone on the internet claims that Trump and or Biden have lied somewhere at some point, I’m not going to bother. Of course there are people on the internet who say each of them have lied many times. If either of them has never, ever lied…well, that seems exceedingly unlikely. So, that’s not what I’m asking.

    If anything, my bias is that both are likely to be habitual and shameless liars, but I don’t assume anything. If people want to make positive claims, they should back them up or back down when pressed. Thus far, stock has done neither, but the thread is still active and he still can, or someone else can bail him out.

    And this is directed at who ever wants to answer.

  89. President Lord Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus. He will come out of the closet as Jesus during his second inaugural address. He’s coming back, like Jesus and return of the Jedi.

    His second term will be the United 4th Reich. The 4th Reich will be the Kingdom of Heaven. Trump has never lied, or if he did, it was necessary to usher in that Kingdom.

    Sometimes a lie serves a greater truth. As a sheriff’s deputy and VIP Noble Order of White Confederate Knights of the KKK member I swear this is true.

    We must ensure a victory for Donald Trump and a future for White children!

  90. “The only thing I can think of that might be an actual lie from Trump, was his claim that Israel is the only party in Gaza that does not want a cease-fire. The reason I think that may be a lie, is because it generalizes Israel as if it is of one mind on the matter, when in fact even the military and the government are very much torn about it; and because certainly Hamas does not want a ceasefire either – what they want is to go on committing acts of terror without Israel cracking down on them.”

    I think the part about Israel was hyperbole. When he says Israel he means Netanyahu and or the governing majority of the war cabinet and or of military command.

    Hamas wants a ceasefire, not peace. They want a ceasefire to rebuild their attack capabilities. Then they can end the ceasefire on their terms. They’re basically saying stop counterattack, it’s our turn.

    I don’t remember Trump saying this during the debate but Biden put me to sleep literally several times, so I missed parts.

    Biden’s doctors need to get a better handle on dosages. Something between state of the union and j20. If he’s resorting to illegal street drugs, purity is hard to predict, but why would you resort to those when you’re POTUS ? And even then, you would think his people would know where to get the best shit and test it before they give it to him.

    Maybe it’s some kind of experimental cocktail, since the regular stuff doesn’t work on him anymore. Who knows. I can only judge by results. He seemed better the next day at his public rally, or at least the clips I saw.

    “much for Trump’s lies, or rather “lies”. Biden was completely full of shit each time he actually managed to string together a sentence suitably coherent for me to make head or tail out of it.”

    Yep! And agreed on the other cases of hyperbolic rhetoric.

  91. I’ll make an exception for Biden’s lie that no Americans died during his mismanagement of the Afghanistan pullout. Those were 13 troops under his command, and their families and friends are justifiably angry.

  92. I could not be happier with the results of the communist news network debate. Communists and Trump are winners. I’m seeing red! Biden and Democrats blew it and lost. Special shout out to the US Supreme Court and it’s TRUMP nominees for an assist in making communist revolution sooner rather than later.

  93. I could not be happier with the results of the communist news network debate. Communists and Trump are winners. I’m seeing red! Biden and Democrats blew it and lost. Special shout out to the US Supreme Court and it’s TRUMP nominees for an assist in making communist revolution sooner rather than later.

  94. Communists should never apologize except when doctrinally erroneous, but the double post was due to technical difficulties. The counterrevolutionaries and saboteurs responsible for those must be rooted out and executed after a show trial and appropriate torture to make them confess.

  95. My point was that I could not be happier with CNN, Biden’s handlers, and Trump. All played their roles very well!

  96. Biden lied about being endorsed by the border patrol.

    I tried to post the link, but the software here didn’t let me.

    See new posts
    Border Patrol Union – NBPC
    To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.
    8:33 PM · Jun 27, 2024

  97. Biden lied pretty much non-stop except for brain farts that can’t rightly be classified as truth or lies. Honest Don Trump told the truth.

  98. (Dis)Honesty aside, Trump’s performance was mediocre: not terrible, but nowhere near good either. Biden did horribly, though still not quite as badly as people are making out. Meanwhile Kennedy in his parallel debate annihilated both of them on every single topic other than abortion, which he tied with Trump. He somehow even managed to give better answers regarding the climate nonsense.

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