Libertarian Party of Colorado Announces It Will Put Kennedy/Shanahan Ticket on the Ballot

The Libertarian Party of Colorado previously announced that it would not place the National Convention nominated presidential ticket of Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat on the ballot in that state. On July 2, the LPCO announced that it would place the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr./Nicole Shanahan ticket on in its place.

Here is the announcement on X.

It is possible that RFK, Jr. will decline the nomination, however. He does not need the LPCO ballot line to appear on the ballot in Colorado, as his campaign has obtained 27,000 signatures to appear on the ballot as an Independent candidate. The signature requirement for Independent presidential candidates in Colorado is 12,000 signatures of registered voters.

The Colorado Libertarian Party decision is contested, and the state party’s judicial committee will hear the issue.

The LP of Montana has also stated that it will not place the Oliver/ter Maat ticket on the ballot in that state.

These instances are the first time that a Libertarian Party state affiliate has not placed the nationally nominated presidential ticket on the ballot since the LP of Arizona put L. Neil Smith on the ballot for President in 2000 instead of Harry Browne.


Libertarian Party of Colorado Announces It Will Put Kennedy/Shanahan Ticket on the Ballot — 22 Comments

  1. Thank G°d for good news among all the lawsuits trying to remove Kennedy.

  2. OK, so will his name be listed twice, once as an independent and again as LP? Or does Colorado allow fusion tickets? My guess is whichever one he pays the filing fee on.




  4. A little syllogism for you to complete:

    Kennedy-Shanahan is more libertarian than Oliver-ter Maat.
    Neither Kennedy nor Shanahan is libertarian.

  5. @Trump Forever, Forever Trump
    The chair of the Libertarian Party of Colorado, Hannah Goodman, said she would vote for Trump. That is her personal endorsement as an individual, not that of the party. The party only said they would refuse to support Chase Oliver.

  6. @Trump Forever, Forever Trump

    Addendum: The LPCO offered to pull candidates from any race for federal office, if the Republican candidate in that race pledged “Federal Candidate Pledge for Liberty” (see below). Presumably Trump did not make any such pledge, and so the LPCO is free to nominate anyone they like as their presidential candidate – even Kennedy.

    Federal Candidate Pledge for Liberty:
    1.) I will immediately work to pull funding for Ukrainian aid and push aggressively for peace negotiations with Russia.
    2.) I will oppose a military draft, should the Ukraine-Russia conflict escalate.
    3.) I will audit and reduce foreign aid spending.
    4.) I will work to remove the presidential war powers and return those powers back to Congress.
    5.) I will recognize the egregious abuses by the US intelligence agencies, and work towards reducing their power with the end goal of abolishing them entirely.
    6.) I will include auditing the Federal Reserve in your two-year congressional plan.
    7.) I will prioritize reducing the size of government and funding of all three letter agencies.
    8.) I will abolish the Department of Education, returning education back to local control.
    9.) I will uphold freedom of the press by not objecting to the incoming president pardoning Julian Assange.
    10.) I will protect whistleblowers by not objecting to the incoming president pardoning Edward Snowden.
    11.) I will protect internet freedom by not objecting to the incoming president pardoning Ross Ulbricht.
    12.) I will vote to always protect and uphold the right to bear arms. I will move to abolish all unconstitutional gun laws, including the NFA.
    13.) I will support and uphold the freedoms afforded to the American people as set forth by our Founding Fathers in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  7. Colorado does not allow fusion for president. The presidential elector candidates for Kennedy must be registered independents. The presidential elector candidates for the Libertarian Party must be registered Libertarians. So the sets of presidential elector candidates must be different people.

    Montana does not allow fusion for president either. The law says if someone is nominated by two different groups, the candidate must choose just one.

  8. I think that if the Kennedy campaign believes they don’t need this nomination they should decline.

  9. Nationally Kennedy is better off running as an Independent than as a Libertarian, but I don’t know whether that holds true in Colorado, as the LP is relatively strong there because of all the junkies and libertines. It might be one of the only states where he would gain more votes by running as a Libertarian.

  10. @Richard Winger
    Sorry to be pedantic, but could you please change Shanihan to Shanahan, in the title and URL?

  11. So along with the Massachusetts, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Virginia affiliates, the Colorado branch is also going further to the left against the Mises Caucus. The Libertarian Party may be on the verge of complete collapse like the Reform Party did. That’s depressing.

  12. But the Kennedy petition in Colorado is exceedingly likely to be valid. It is about to be submitted.

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