
Colorado Public Radio Story on Libertarian Party Presidential Controversy — 38 Comments

  1. See link for another similar story, by Colorado’s largest circulation paid daily newspaper, The Denver Post (might be pay walled; I’m a subscriber).

    Chase Oliver was interviewed yesterday on a Denver radio station and sounded rather hard-core Libertarian, calling into question the state party’s description of him as “not a Libertarian.”

    (I have not been involved in state party business for over a decade, even though I believe I still hold the Colorado vote total record for a non-major party, non-presidential, non-gubernatorial candidacy, and the Colorado Libertarian Party single election vote total record)

  2. Kennedy filed his own petitions today with no reference to the Libertarian party

  3. Clint Russell did a pretty good anti-campaign ad/campaign anti-ad for Oliver last month, though it’s a bit fast so you have to pause it to read the tweets, and it has to much of Russell himself and others who are not Oliver or ter Maat spliced in:

    When trying to call into question that he is more of a Democrat than a Libertarian, Oliver’s not-so-subtle paper trail sure doesn’t do him any favors.

  4. Libertarian Party national bylaws require that state parties not endorse or put on their state ballots (in partisan elections) candidates who are not members of the Libertarian Party. That means a state LP may refuse to place any candidate(s) on the ballot for any or all offices in an election (and likely lose their line on the ballot in the future) OR the state party can offer a slate of uncommitted Electors for President on their state ballot. Placing any presidential candidates other than the official LP nominees chosen by the national convention is a self-executing disaffiliation from the national LP. This may not affect the legal ballot status of a party under state law.
    Clearly, state ballot access laws have direct effects on the freedom of association and the internal governance of political parties and should be totally abolished.
    I was the Chair of the Bylaws Committee at the founding convention in 1972.

  5. After doing a lot of thinking, I have changed my mind and will vote for Donald Trump. His policies mostly worked and should again.

  6. Thank you Libertarian in Colorado for posting the interview of Chase Oliver by Ross Kaminsky. It was a positive presentation.

  7. RFK is a member of the LP, so that shouldn’t be an issue. And disaffiliating from the national LP while retaining ones ballot line, currently seems like a total win without any downsides to it. Sort of like leaving the Paris Climate Accords… and the World Health Organization… and the International Monetary Fund… and the World Bank… and the rest of the UN… and NATO.

  8. I did not write the comment above. It is an impostor. I am voting for RFK Jr.

  9. In 2008 the AIP of CA had a close issue. AIP picked Dr.Alan Keyes for POTUS. Then former officer King sued the party for the next two year over three lawsuits and lost all those lawsuits.




  11. @Mark Seidenberg
    And King was angry that the AIP didn’t nominate Chuck Baldwin, or what?

  12. What would the usual process be in Colorado? Just a certificate of nomination from the national party/convention? That plus some additional form from the state party? How and by whom are the elector slates named, surely Caryn Ann can’t just pick them herself?

    If the national certificate of nomination is necessary but not sufficient, seems it would be a stalemate and neither side can complete the necessary steps for either RFK or Oliver. At least not unless LP-CO disaffiliates itself from the LNC and so can then create its own “national” nomination certificate along with the other steps usually done by the state party.

  13. Notably, Colorado does require elector candidates to file their own forms specifying which candidates they’re pledged to under Colorado’s elector-binding law. So if the Colorado LP… state convention, presumably?… has nominated elector candidates and they won’t pledge to Oliver / ter Maat, that would presumably result in CO SOS refusing to put that ticket on the ballot for failure to complete that necessary step.

    I don’t see how Caryn Ann’s action alone can be sufficient to complete the process and actually get Oliver on the ballot, with nothing else. Even under her always generous interpretations of her own power, the LNC Secretary doesn’t get to unilaterally pick the Colorado LP’s Electoral College candidates.

  14. It’s easy enough to recruit electors. I’ve done it for anywhere from $25 to $300 a pop, depending on whether a state requires them to reside in each congressional district or not. Rules vary by state. I’d probably charge more with current inflation, but I’m not available.

    There are other people still in the business who have experience doing it. I know some of them. Some of them comment here sometimes. I know Caryn Ann and have her number (so does everyone, since she makes it public). If she’s reading this and needs help guessing who I am, I texted her belated happy independence day on July 7. If she has any difficulty recruiting electors, she can text me and I can consult. Voice calls don’t usually work where I am most of the time.

  15. Caryn Ann Harlos needs to resign immediately for supporting a child abuse supporter.

  16. Donald Benito Mussolini Trump is a failed businessman who has been found guilty of sexual assault. His policies were all about helping the rich get richer at the expense of the working class. I have never voted for Trump and I never will.

  17. The imposter is lying again. Trump’s policies helped me from filing bankruptcy. I’ve come this close to doing so under Biden.

    Why are imposters allowed to post here?

  18. Trump impressed me in the debate. I have realized he will solve our problems.

  19. Saying you were close to filing for bankruptcy proves you are not the real Robert K Stock. I have been debt free for several years. My last debt was my student loan which I paid off in 2017, three years early. With the exception of that student loan I haven’t borrowed any money or bought anything on credit for the last 25 years. I pay up front or I do without.

  20. Which Stock is the real Stock and which one is a stock character? Is Stock trolling himself?

  21. Confused: The real Stock is the one who will vote for RFK Jr because neither Rachele Fruit nor Cornel West will be on the ballot in Oklahoma. I am a proud Communist who disdains both Trump and Biden. It should be easy to tell the difference between myself and the impostor.

  22. Come to think of it, I middlemanned finding electors in Colorado as recently as 2020, or at least 2016 for sure, but I think it was 2020. It didn’t have to be by district.

  23. A real communist would support Trump to hasten the crisis of capitalism, and thus hasten the global workers revolution, exactly as Karl Marx predicted.

  24. My guess is that Confused, Stop Trolling, and my impostor are one and the same person. And this person is definitely a troll.

    I don’t understand why this person enjoys doing this, but they must get off on trolling or else they would not have kept it up all this time.

    Richard Winger never responds to the derogatory comments made about him. I will try to follow his example, but no promises.

  25. Communists for Trump: Communists do not need to give the Revolution a nudge by trying to make things worse. Capitalism will bring about the Revolution on it’s own.

    We don’t need to do anything right now but organize the Working Class into Unions and educate the public about their exploitation by the present Ruling Class.

    A Revolution is an organic thing that cannot be rushed. It can only happen when the majority of the Working Class have woken up to their oppression. Just make sure you are ready to seize power when the moment comes.

  26. Capitalism will bring about a revolution when it becomes so oppressive that workers are pushed into a corner and have no choice but to rise up. Organic things can be pushed by giving them food, water, and sunlight. Hastening the revolution will end human suffering sooner. We are already organizing, educating, and ready to seize power. We need to give it a push and make Trump President Again. Then the workers will rise up in arms and overthrow capitalism.




  28. Brain dead cappie troll moron: a Trump administration’s policies versus a Biden/Harris administration’s policies is the question, not Trump’s personal loot.

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