On July 12, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., submitted a new petition in Nevada. It has 30,800 signatures. The first petition was rejected because it didn’t list a vice-presidential nominee. The law on that is ambiguous and there is a lawsuit pending over whether independent candidate presidential petitions need a vice-presidential nominee. The Nevada law says independent petitions may only list one candidate, not two. In any event, rather than hoping for a win in the lawsuit, the Kennedy campaign has submitted a new petition.
Well done
They have a paid team of people running validity checks on every petition signature before they turn them in to election officials. The signature requirement in Nevada is 10,096. So why did they need to turn in over 3 times as many petition signatures that they really need? Are they so incompetent that over 2/3 of their signatures are invalid? What is the point of paying people to check the validity of every signature before you turn in to the state if you are going to turn in over 3 times what you actually need? Do they just like wasting money?
Sounds like a belt and suspenders approach. They know they will get challenged anywhere and everywhere on all sorts of technicalities, so they’re going for the overkill.
Since they are checking 100% of the petition signatures before they submit them to the Secretary of State they should have nothing to fear.
You should know better than that.
They may also have contact information.
At minimum they have mailing addresses of 30,000 registered Nevadan voters, who apparently still live at the address and are receptive to supporting RFKjr.
Nice progress!
You are presupposing honest secretaries of state. Despite frauds like Fp pretending otherwise, we’ve seen anomalously high signature rejection rates in many states already this year, e.g. 60% for No Labels in Ohio, 65% for an independent in Georgia, etc. Submitting several times the requisite number of signatures is no luxury, even if you are confident they are all valid.
Here we go again. There’s nothing anomalous. As mentioned the last time;
What’s anomalous in California initiatives is not necessarily anomalous on candidate and party petitions around the country. There are some petitions with such high rejection rates every year somewhere, not just this year. You can find it unconvincing; reading the archives of this site is enough to prove this, and your disrespect for my experience is irrelevant. I’m not going to prove it. I know it to be true. You can do the research or find it “unconvincing.” Whatever.
I stand by every word. Some people here already know I’m right about the original point. Others can research it for themselves or ask some people who know more than just state initiatives and referenda verification in states where it’s a big industry and where they’re circulated and held regularly.
Numbskull Nuna didn’t even understand Andy Jacobs’ point. Normally, if a petition is prechecked before being handed in, that would be massive overkill. But there’s a lot of technicalities that valid signatures can be rejected for, as Andy would know very well, far better than Nuna.
This is not like working for the Goldsteins or Carl Towe on california initiatives. Andy knows this, since he’s worked around the country since at least 2000. Nuna should shut her yap.
Here we go again indeed. We’ve been through this all before and it was abundantly clear at the time who was being disrespectful of whose experience:
Just like it is abundantly clear now, that you do not understand my response to Andy: “Submitting several times the requisite number of signatures is no luxury, even if you are confident they are all valid”, when you are dealing with dishonest secretaries of state(s’ offices) with the incentives to keep you off of the ballot.
While it would be charitable to ascribe your pathetic attempt at moving the goalposts from “the original point” you failed to make last time, to your actually having learnt something after I exposed your lack of even the most basic grasp of statistics, I guess any self-improvement is more than can reasonably be expected from you. So I guess I’m supposed to give you positive feedback now: Yes, very good, no two petitions are the same
I’m so proud you finally worked that one out!
Hopefully when you crawl your sorry ass back in another half a month, you will have managed to let go of your erroneous belief that every year sees rejections rates of around two-thirds too
Because you are still embarrassing yourself. Yet again.
Now repeat after me the most basic and fundamental principle of statistics: You do not need to know what goes on under the hood in order to draw inferences based on the external observables.
You got that? Gooooooood. Then sit your dumb ass down, shut your big mouth up and write it down one thousand times or however many times it takes to finally penetrates that underdeveloped yet overinflated head of yours, you pathetic, rude and incompetent fraud.
It is against the law to use ballot access petitions as mailing lists in a lot of states. Also, using ballot access petitions is not a good way to get a contact list because a lot of people who sign petitions do not want to be contacted by anyone. A common thing people ask when signing petitions is, “Am I going to end up on a mailing list if I sign? If I am I am not signing,” to which petition circulators respond with something like, “This information only goes to the election department and the address is only used to verify that the person signing is registered to vote in this state and that the signature is not a forgery.” Another point is that not everyone who signs a petition is necessarily a big supporter of the cause. Some people sign out of a sense of fairness, some sign because they think the candidate will siphon votes from another candidate and hope it will lead to a victory for the candidate they support and others sign just to help the petition circulator out. This is why when campaigns want to expand their contacts they will have separate contact sheets for people to carry while gathering petition signatures for people who want to be contacted to fill out.
Nunya yapping and projecting again, as expected. As I said, the archives at this site are enough to prove to anyone who doesn’t already know that such “anomalous” results happen every election year in some places.
Some of us who have actually been through it don’t have to search the archives. Nuna doesn’t even realize how dumb she’s making herself sound right now with her ignorant big mouth yapping.
Keep up the good work, Nuna, it’s hilarious. The more you yap, the deeper you dig your hole, and the more laughs I get.
Given where we are posting, I’m not the only one getting those laughs, either. I don’t have to tell you to keep going, I know you will, which is great. I’m loving it.
What percentage of the Nevada signatures were collected by RFKjr enthusiast/amateurs? I do not know. You may know … or may not know. The RFKjr website is pushing the opportunity to volunteer. They are using professionals to validate, and perhaps even here using volunteers (volunteers are capable of keying in petitions, for example).
Consider the persons who decline to sign a petition. They are MORE likely to not want to be contacted by anyone.
They may well have had separate contact sheets with an e-mail and phone number. If you do not collate this with the address on the petition, you are incompetent.
And right on schedule, Fp comes out again with its projections, then accuses me of projecting. Project-ception. You will have to forgive it, dear reader: it is intellectually stunted and not very creative, so it always resorts to this infantile “no you” behavior. Not to mention always feeling the need to spam multiple comments back to back which add nothing – it thinks if it has a higher comment count it is “winning”.
Next its poor grasp of the English language will start breaking down again and it will start expressing its fantasies and wishes for my slow and agonizing death by fire. Meanwhile its number of back to back diatribes becomes increasingly large and their content increasingly undecipherable and unhinged… So lazy, so, ignorant, so arrogant, so dishonest, so completely intellectually, creatively and morally bankrupt. It has no self-awareness, no capacity for shame and no sense of self-preservation. So it will keep on playing the same old, predictable game, no matter how many times it exposes its ignorance and makes a laughing-stock of itself.
If it wasn’t so utterly evil, I would feel sympathy; but just like with the elder-abuse Biden is being subjected to, it is difficult to feel sorry when you know what a lying slime ball the scumbag was for years before dementia set in. Fp is just like that but somehow worse.
Nuna is very nippy and wants to bite alot and will hiss like a cat too while trying to nip at you. I don’t know why she is being so aggressive now. We will see. I’m excited to be here in this forum. I’ve already learned alot of tips from everyone.
Nunya yapping and projecting again, as expected. As I said, the archives at this site are enough to prove to anyone who doesn’t already know that such “anomalous” results happen every election year in some places.
Some of us who have actually been through it don’t have to search the archives. Nuna doesn’t even realize how dumb she’s making herself sound right now with her ignorant big mouth yapping.
Keep up the good work, Nuna, it’s hilarious. The more you yap, the deeper you dig your hole, and the more laughs I get.
Given where we are posting, I’m not the only one getting those laughs, either. I don’t have to tell you to keep going, I know you will, which is great. I’m loving it.
And now it’s just copy-pasting its comments over and over. Sounding like a broken record. So lazy, so creatively bankrupt, so embarrassing, so pitiful.
Nuna is trolling.
If there’s anyone who doesn’t get this yet, and you’re not Nuna, Lmk. I can explain further.
If everyone already gets that its point is solely to twist things and waste people’s time with pointless back and forth for lulz, there’s no point in explaining further.
Otherwise, if you respond to it: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.