Religion Unplugged Describes Religious Affiliation of Seven General Election Presidential Candidates

Religion Unplugged, a news source that is part of the Institute for Nonprofit News, has this description of the religious affiliation of the presidential nominees of the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green, and Constitution Parties, as well as independent candidates Robert F.. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West.


Religion Unplugged Describes Religious Affiliation of Seven General Election Presidential Candidates — 20 Comments

  1. Chase Oliver is not a Christian. Christians don’t believe in child abuse like he does.

  2. None of the pro abort candidates are Christian or Catholic. They are all Satanists carrying a false cross. Stain’s claim of Judaism is highly suspect, to say the least, given her Hamas sympathies, among other things.

  3. Ah, right, at first I thought Bob knew of a valid, horrific thing that Chase Oliver supported. Like child trafficking or child marriage or parents have full sanction to abuse their children. But…

    Of course he meant it as trans rights. Wow, Bob.

  4. Also, “Roman Salute.” Fantastic, way to name yourself after something that was invented in the last few centuries. Like so many things you probably believe. Now, I’m here posting this for anyone looking at this site because they support American third parties and giving them equal opportunity to succeed, but is, at the same time, not a Christofascist Crusaderboo basement-dweller. I’m sure they exist. Just because you’re loud does not mean you speak for everyone here. So, please, if you won’t shut up (because you do have every right to say whatever shit you want), let it be known that you’re not speaking to an echo chamber.

  5. Finally, worth mentioning that Roman Salute is not only an idol of the very same empire that cost the Jewish people their homeland forever, but is likely about as Christian as Jill Stein is Jewish.

    If Stein’s Judaism is in doubt because she refuses to be trapped into condemning a necessarily violent anti-colonial resistance, than your Christianity is in doubt because you would most likely refuse to condemn so-called Christian hate groups and death squads. Just admit it: if Hamas is the religion of violence, than you might belong to it to. And if you erroneously (and quite stupidly) equate Islam with violence, than congrats my friend! You must be a Muslim! Most Evangelical and fundamentalist Americans would be Muslims! Muslims endorse violence and terrorism at a lower rate than the average Evangelical American! It’s not worth debating you, and I apologize to those reading if this became an unhinged rant, but I cannot let these posters (or poster, it might be one user using multiple names) go at least totally unchallenged.

  6. Ironically for a proponent of objective reality such as yourself, the Roman salute did NOT exist. That is the historical consensus of people who dedicate their lives to answering such questions. You are projecting onto the past the insecurities of the present. That seems awfully subjective – even postmodern – to me.

  7. Also, if what I said is unhinged, then the post I was responding to that called presidential candidates Satanists is crazy.




  10. Nominally, Mao worshiping Chinese; but at this point realistically, Bandera worshiping “Ukrainians”.
    So it you want to classify both of them together, and every other type of communists and nazis, as a single gang with a single religion: socialists worshiping the centralization, i.e. creating big government, a nanny state with the capacity to control ever aspect of life.

  11. Comrade Z,

    Eve and adam are a patriarchal/abrahamist fiction story.

    If your question uses them as proxy for dawn of humanity:

    Patriarchy, particularly its noxious abrahamist branch and the various grotesque branches and rotten poisonous fruit thereof.

    Like, by a whole whole lot!

    Comrade Nunya,

    LOL k.

    How many Ukrainians worship this obscure deity? Even if your answer is all of them, in secret:

    How many people have Ukrainians of any actual or alleged religion



    I realize exact numbers are logistically difficult, so let’s say, hmmm… Within +/- an order of magnitude?

    Your best guess?

    While we’re at it: how many Ukrainians are there, approximately? A lot more than standard reference numbers I’d find through a quick search?

    I’ve heard of the conspiracy theory wherein Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin were all secretly Jews, along with their top lieutenants.

    Do you believe they were secret Ukrainians?

    Or, what’s the explanation for your…um…rather unusual answer?

    Maybe my mistake is in thinking that there could be one?

  12. Mao worshiping Chinese are estimated to have killed at least 80 million non-combatants by 1961.

    Bandera worshiping “Ukrainians” are estimated to have killed at least 125 million non-combatants by 2021.

  13. Zhao Ziyang; Chen Yizi; Paul Bogdanor; R.J. Rummel drawing on Jung Chung and Jon Halliday; a comparative study of the estimated number of victims of the Volhynian Massacre by Grzegorz Motyka, Ewa Siemaszko, Mikolaj Terles, Ryszard Torzecki, Czeslaw Partacz, Lucyna Kulinska and George Liber; Leon Harrison; Robert Brycki; and Konstantin Sivkov.

  14. 125 thousand might be more realistic. 125 million is more than the population of Poland and Ukrainian SSR put together, before or after the war.

    Lots of people died in those and nearby areas during the 1940s and proximate decades, but many of them were killed by Russians and Germans. Many also died from disease and starvation.

    Many fled to relatively less dangerous places in the world – US, UK, Canada, British Palestine (later Israel), etc.

    The claim that 125 million were killed in Volhynia by Ukrainian fascist does not seem plausible. You’d have to do a lot better than list off those names to change that impression.

  15. “125 million is more than the population of Poland and Ukrainian SSR put together, before or after the war.”
    Cumulatively from 1917 to 2021? I think not. And 125 million is a cumulative death toll.

    “many of them were killed by Russians and Germans”
    And many soldiers fighting for the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the region were self-proclaimed “Ukrainians”.

    “Many also died from disease and starvation.”
    Disease and starvation can be increased. Mao certainly did so in reaching his 80 million murders. And aren’t the “Ukrainians” always accusing Russia of engineering the Holodomor. Certainly Lysenko’s incompetence killed many people through hunger.

    “The claim that 125 million were killed in Volhynia by Ukrainian fascist does not seem plausible.”
    Nobody said that. When I said Bandera worshiping “Ukrainians” are estimated to have killed at least 125 million non-combatants by 2021, I certainly did not mean to imply just in Volhynia, Galicia, Polesia and Lublin and only between 1943 and 1945.
    Remember: “Ukraine” is an experiment in state terror which Lenin began in 1917 and which has been committing genocide uninterrupted against many different groups of people living on the lands it occupied and neighboring lands adjacent to those they occupied.

  16. 125 million over the course of a century would still be an average of over a million a year. That’s still hard to believe. Over a million noncombatants killed per year every year for over a century, including in times of relative peace and stability? That seems to get noticed most places before very long.

  17. And indeed it has been noticed. Over and over again. All around the world. For example, Israeli and the US newspapers were talking about the systematic genocide of Jews by the “Ukrainian” authorities in 1920/1921 already. But unfortunately, until now nothing has been done about liberating and denazifying “Ukraine”. Mind you, that 125 million does not even include the murder of unborn children, which has also been rampant in “Ukraine” for many years now.

  18. Nuna is very nippy and wants to bite alot and will hiss like a cat too while trying to nip at you. I don’t know why she is being so aggressive now. We will see. I’m excited to be here in this forum. I’ve already learned alot of tips from everyone.

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