North Carolina Board of Elections Approves Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Petition, but Denies Petition for Cornel West

On July 16, the North Carolina State Board of Elections approved the petition of the We the People Party (which has nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.), but denied the petition of the Justice for All Party (which supports Cornel West). See this story.

Justice for All was denied because some voters alleged that the petitioners were making inaccurate statements about the purpose of the petition. Thanks to Bobby G. for this news.


North Carolina Board of Elections Approves Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Petition, but Denies Petition for Cornel West — 56 Comments

  1. Kennedy might get more votes now since Trumps VP is a put Israel first, race-mixing piece of shit.

  2. Mafia is a Jew hater 🤣 Let me clue you in Kennedy is also Pro-Israel , always have been Thankfully. His father was killed by one of your friends , a Jew hater

  3. Go to a synagogue service and listen to the anti-Gentile hate mouthed by Jews to each other against dumb Goyim Gentiles. That’s where the real hate is, but I guess by your standards that’s okay. Jews are special and deserve special protection and laws. They never do any wrong. NOT! P.S. All major party candidates are pro-Israel and put it above America.

  4. I have been to multiple synagogue services and I have never heard any hate at such a service toward any group.

  5. Lets get back to the real J.D. Vance:J.D. Vance is a WINO: White In Name Only.

    He is married to Usha Chilukuri, a liberal Democrat whose parents were born in India.
    The couple have three mixed-race children.
    He is the author of the memoir Hillbilly Elegy (2016), which slanders Appalachian Whites by portraying them as drug addicts, petty criminals & hopeless losers.
    He is a staunch Zionist, who puts Israel’s welfare before that of the US.
    This is the man whom Donald Trump chose to put “one heartbeat away from the presidency.”

  6. Hey thanks for the shoutout . As a side note I know there was a Kennedy supporters effort that sent e-mails to the 3 democrats saying if you block our candidate from the ballot do you really think we would vote for Biden or the Democrat candidate for Governor who appointed you to the board ?

  7. Me thinks Mafia doesn’t understand what “zionism” means 🤔

    Zionism simply means Jews have a right to exist and not be murdered in Israel . That’s it , they are allowed to stay alive. So yes most people are zionists, they don’t want to have the Jews killed.

    Your language is very scary, I feel bad for your soul, you will have a bad life with that hate in your heart. You exhibit signs of being a potential danger to society.

    Good luck to you. Wouldn’t want to be you.

  8. “Mafia” is cosplay Nazi John Taylor Bowles. Like most cosplay Nazis, chances are very high that he’s a federal agent or informant (I don’t mean his position as a retired bureaucrat, when I say federal agent I mean false flag operative), drug addict, alcoholic, mentally ill, petty criminal,not as racially pure as he pretends, child molested / molester, physically inferior, dishonest, pathological liar, petty criminal, attention whore , and pretty much every negative character trait possible. He’ll deny this, but he’s given away too much info to leave it in doubt.

    He posts here under a bunch of names and is easy to recognize.

    If he claims to be dead, proof of death please, scumbag.

  9. “not be murdered in Israel . That’s it , they are allowed to stay alive. So yes most people are zionists, they don’t want to have the Jews killed.”

    Bowles would be an exception. He might deny the holocaust, but he won’t deny that he wants one, unless he’s smart enough to change his tune just because he got caught trolling again.

  10. “Trumps VP is a put Israel first, race-mixing piece of shit.”

    John, even for a costume play Nazi, that’s stupid. Kennedy’s vp is mixed race. The miniscule number of you idiots who care that JD Vance’s wife is not what you call white wouldn’t vote for a mixed race, race mixing woman.

    Then again consistency isn’t yalls strong suit.

  11. As for put Israel first, Kennedy is the candidate in the race who comes closest to that, even more than Trump. LOL

  12. “I have been to multiple synagogue services and I have never heard any hate at such a service toward any group.”

    Same here. John Taylor Bowles is obviously lying. If his fingers or lips are moving, that’s pretty much a given.

    I’m not Jewish, but there’s no reason anyone at any synagogue I ever went to would have known whether I am.

    “That’s where the real hate is, but I guess by your standards that’s okay.”

    Real hate is posting Auschwitz jokes and posting genocide wishes like JTB has here under various names a bunch of times.

    “Jews are special and deserve special protection and laws. ”

    Nope. Just the same rights as everyone else.

    “They never do any wrong.”

    Literally nobody believes this. But only morons believe in collective guilt or that all Jews belongs to a conspiracy. JTB is one such moron.

    “All major party candidates are pro-Israel and put it above America”

    Only from the perspective of someone who thinks Israel is uniquely bad among nations and has to be destroyed.

  13. “Lets get back to the real J.D. Vance:J.D. Vance is a WINO: White In Name Only.

    He is married to Usha Chilukuri, a liberal Democrat whose parents were born in India.
    The couple have three mixed-race children.”

    Indians are white (they’re the actual Aryans, not you, John), but even if you redefine them as not white, marrying someone who’s not white still doesn’t make him anything other than white himself.

    Btw, only morons and haters like Bowles care if his kids are mixed race. There aren’t enough people that dumb to matter.

  14. “He is the author of the memoir Hillbilly Elegy (2016), which slanders Appalachian Whites by portraying them as drug addicts, petty criminals & hopeless losers.”

    Some are. It’s not slander. It’s where and how he grew up, much like my ex wife. Neither Vance nor his book claims this is true of all of them, despite John’s lies (I doubt he read it, so he may just be repeating lies). Vance is an Appalachian white guy, and he’s not calling himself those things.

  15. “You exhibit signs of being a potential danger to society.”

    Society would have to go way downhill for him to be much of a threat. Do an image or bio search for John Taylor Bowles.

  16. Any American who puts Israel first instead of America first is literally treasonous.

    Am I the only one who thinks that the excuse they gave for denying Dr. West seems shady and/or unsubstantiated?

  17. I agree with you Progressive Leftist. The pro-Zionist lobby in USA runs the USA. I’m not anti-semitic, but its clear that Israel is allowed to do whatever it wants and USA just allows it.

  18. Mafia, you’ve apparently not read that Brainworm Bobby is also a genocide supporter.

    Maybe Mafia is Nuña’s even darker-sided doppelganger, given his vitriol and general racism?

  19. There are problems with JD Vance and I’d never vote for him even if he wasn’t attached to Trump, but they aren’t the ones mentioned above. Rather, they are his dubious track-record on Second Amendment rights, his refusal to disclose whether or not he had been vaccinated against covid during the 2022 Ohio senatorial election debate, and his recent flip-flop on abortion.

    That having been said, he is not the worst VP candidate speculated to be on Trump’s shortlist, which included the likes of Rubio and Youngkin. Nor is the best, given that it also included Carson and DeSantis. Not that it makes much difference when you’re bundled with Trump and we cannot vote for a president and VP from different tickets…

  20. @Just me
    You are projecting again, Antisemitic Gadfly. Is Mafia another one of your sockpuppets by any chance? Because you sure sound alike.

  21. I am not the person who uses the pseudonym “Just Me”. I never troll or use any name other than my own.

  22. “Any American who puts Israel first instead of America first is literally treasonous.”

    According to the United States Constitution (Article III, Section 3) and federal statutes (18 U.S. Code § 2381), treason is defined as:

    Levying war against the United States, or
    Adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort.

    Therefore, the above would only be true if Israel was an enemy nation, which it’s not.

    Very few Americans put Israel first ahead of the USA, and the very few who do tend to profoundly misunderstand what’s in Israel’s interests.

  23. “Am I the only one who thinks that the excuse they gave for denying Dr. West seems shady and/or unsubstantiated?”

    No. Very shady to say the least.

  24. Senor, hello again, John Taylor Bowles.

    “I agree with you Progressive Leftist. The pro-Zionist lobby in USA runs the USA. I’m not anti-semitic,”

    You’re lying and contradicting yourself. You’re an evil clown who parades around in Nazi uniforms. You hate Jews, and want to kill each and every Jew along with a lot of other people you want killed. You’re also easy to spot.

    “but its clear that Israel is allowed to do whatever it wants and USA just allows it”

    Nonsense, like everything else you say.

  25. “you’ve apparently not read that Brainworm Bobby is also a genocide supporter.”

    What genocide? If you’re making the claim that I’m guessing you’re making, it’s absolutely ridiculous, but let’s see if you mean something else first. Please explain what you mean by genocide and how you think rfk jr supports it.

    “Maybe Mafia is Nuña’s even darker-sided doppelganger, given his vitriol and general racism?”

    No, that seems very unlikely. As I explained earlier, “Mafia” is a very obvious John Taylor Bowles sock. Bowles has shown no capacity to change up his style. He says the same crap in the same ways and gives out personal details which make him easy to spot.

    Nuna’s vitriol isn’t racial, from what I’ve seen. Also, Nuna is as extremely pro Israel as Bowles is anti Israel. The writing style, reflex reactions and ideology are all different. I’d be very surprised if Nuna was Bowles.

  26. “Just me
    You are projecting again, Antisemitic Gadfly. Is Mafia another one of your sockpuppets by any chance? Because you sure sound alike.”

    Just me/gadfly does not sound like Bowles. They overlap on anti Israel views. One is a national socialist (or more accurately, cosplay latter day American Nazi) and the other one is just a socialist. They probably have a lot more other views in common than people who fall for the common misconception that Nazis are right wing might think.

    I’d be pretty surprised if Gadfly’s problems with Vance would include the latter having a wife of Indian subcontinental heritage though. The US left doesn’t usually object to miscegenation, even if you classify Mrs. Vance as nonwhite.

  27. Robert K Stock is indeed Just Me among others. Satanists are habitual liars.

  28. “Just Me is frequently troll Robert K Stock.”

    They’re different flavors of socialist. One’s a former randroid libertarian from Oklahoma turned CPUSA turned Trotskyist (I think) and works as a night auditor at a motel 6, and the other is a former Green Party member, attorney and blogger from Texas. I’ve accidentally found Gadfly’s real name before. I forgot it, but it’s not Stock.

    Different kinds of socialists might sound very similar to most of us, but they’ll fight each other to the death with limp spaghetti noodles over different interpretations of socialist ideology, and occasionally stick ice picks in each other’s brains and stuff like that over it.


  30. “The US left doesn’t usually object to miscegenation, even if you classify Mrs. Vance as nonwhite.”

    You haven’t kept up with the US left recently, I guess? They’re all about white-free safe spaces for negroes and La Raza now.

    They also decided cultural appropriation is a bad thing.

    They used to be all about it – half a century ago, or even more recently, you would often see an American leftard white in a dashiki with “Afro” style hair or dreadlocks ineptly attempting to speak in Ebonics or its older cousin Jive.

    Or, you might find them equally badly appropriating select religious and cultural traditions from India or Japan taken out of context.

    They make an exception for culturally appropriating Hamas crap, though. That’s still ok and even encouraged among these idiots. Of course, it’s very selective. In the US, you’ll find “queers for Palestine” (by which they mean for Hamas) – in Gaza, they’d be burned alive – and feminists for Palestine – in Gaza, they’d be gang raped to death.

  31. I do like Trotsky always have. I joined the CPUSA because it is the grand daddy of Communists in America and I thought it would be a good place to begin learning Marxism. (Of which I only had vague ideas) After 3 years I do have a better understanding. Hence my leaving the CPUSA for the SWP. I still consider the people I met in the CPUSA friends. I have no desire to fight them or anyone else and when the Revolution comes we will all be allies against the Capitalists.

  32. Johnny, they are both Stock. Taran, Dylan, and many others are Stock too. Satanists are constant liars.

  33. I have NEVER used a pseudonym. I have only commented under my own name.

  34. @Johnny on the bowl
    Thank you for giving me a by-and-large fair write-up. Though naturally I feel obliged to point out that I only ever meet vitriol with vitriol, and that my pro-Israel and pro-Russian stances are both a necessary extension and a natural result of my strong anarcho-capitalist and paleolibertarian convictions.

    And you are right, of course, that while all national socialists are socialists, not all socialists are national socialists.

    For all out disagreements, Mr Stock, whom I consider to be a contrarian above all else, has been relatively polite to me compared to some others. And I never understood why he seems to be one of the most hated and maligned BAN commenters besides myself, as the views he expresses are almost always the opposite of my own.

    Whereas Gadfly has been repeatedly very rude. To my face, at least, on BAN and IPR. Because I only just now discovered that, behind my back, he has featured me at least four different times on his own blog in what I would describe as the most positive light and the most glowing terms – unintentionally, of course – for which I am duly grateful.

  35. The most hated is the AZ bot for many reasons. Stock is second because of his constant lies, trolling under multiple names, and plain bullshit he spews.

  36. Stock isn’t particularly hated. He’s a communist and Satanist, which would be very bad if he had any way to gain power, but he’s powerless. He’s generally decent in his public online behavior.

    One particular troll of many names got into it with Stock years ago and ever since then repeats the claim that stock trolls under many names. No real evidence has ever been offered. Anyone from the left or who points this out is then supposedly Stock. I’m probably going to be accused of being Stock too now, even though I’m not even remotely from the left politically.

    It might seem that Stock is hated because the one person who hates him posts under so many names so frequently. But, like Bowles, he has a very distinct style.

  37. It’s because Stock admitted to trolling and posting under multiple names.

  38. He always says he doesn’t as far as I’ve seen. If he did,when and where?

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