Indiana Says Stein Petition Lacks Enough Valid Signatures

Recently Indiana county election officials finished validating the petition to place Jill Stein on the ballot as the Green Party nominee. They said only 40% of the signatures are valid, and therefore she is short 9,000 signatures. However the results are suspect, because Stein had the same paid circulators as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and he was told his validity rate was 60% and therefore sufficient.

Signers can sign multiple petitions for the same office in Indiana. The Green Party will try to do a re-validation process.

No Green Party presidential nominee has ever appeared on the Indiana ballot. 2024 is the first time the party have made a big effort in a statewide Indiana petition.


Indiana Says Stein Petition Lacks Enough Valid Signatures — 16 Comments

  1. Wow, even a deep red state likeIndiana is threatened by my president

  2. Another 60% rejection rate this election cycle. Abnormal. Extraordinary. Suspicious. Don’t be fooled by anyone pretending otherwise.

  3. Stop Trolling: I am not Progressive Leftist. I have NEVER used a pseudonym.

  4. That comment at 1:30pm was NOT me, I would never attack my favorite Presidential candidate 🤡

  5. Does Stock have multiple personalities? Obviously so. Now he’s claiming posts by him are not actually him.

  6. I could not find any actual reports of submitted and validated signatures. These should exist by county.

  7. Good luck ever finding it with the disorganization we suffer in this state, Jim.

  8. I wouldn’t be hard on Stein for being Jewish. That’s just plain bigotry especially with all the Zionists pulling Congress and Bidens and Trumps strings.

  9. Were all of Kennedy’s signatures from those same paid circulators? It’s conceivable he’s getting some through organic volunteers, and possibly in greater numbers than Stein.

  10. Sad that Jill Stein lacks access to Indiana ballot. Some will not vote for either of the other two candidates

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