Michigan Group Says Cornel West’s Independent Petition in Michigan Doesn’t Nave Enough Valid Signatures

Some Michigan groups have examined the Cornel West independent petition and they say some of the signatures appear to be forged.  See this story.  The requirement is 12,000 and West submitted over 27,000.


Michigan Group Says Cornel West’s Independent Petition in Michigan Doesn’t Nave Enough Valid Signatures — 2 Comments

  1. How much did those 27,000 signatures cost them? Might it not have been better for both the state and the candidates if that money had been used as a filing fee for ballot access?

    Or, if the candidates made up for invalid signatures with a compensatory fee for each invalid signature up to the 12,000 required signatures?

    Is it not clear that the whole petitioning game has become a racket to selectively exclude some candidates, and not others?

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