August 1 was the petition deadline for Pennsylvania independent candidate petitions, and petitions for the nominees of unqualified parties. The Department accepted the petitions of the Libertarian, Green, We the People, and Socialism & Liberation Parties.
The Department rejected the petition of the Constitution Party, because some of the presidential elector candidates did not submit a timely declaration of candidacy. However, in the past, Pennsylvania has permitted presidential candidates to be on the November ballot even if they did not have a full slate of presidential elector candidates. No state law says a presidential candidate must submit a full slate of electors. The Constitution Party will submit evidence on past practices and will try to get the decision reversed.
UPDATE: the American Solidarity Party petition was also rejected for the same reason.
This is a break for Trump. Although I think the state will be decided, one way or another, by more votes than Terry would have gotten.
Weren’t the Prohibition and American Solidarity Party also canvassing in PA?
Pennsylvania will go for Trump.
What happened with the Cornel West petition?
What happened with the Prohibition Party petition?
What happened with the Liberal Party petition?
Literally everyone was petitioning here?? I wanna know if anyone else got rejected from the ballot.
Also Joel Skousen dropped out. Look —>
I’d like to see the Prohibition get on the ballot in more states.
Shapiro will not rescue Kamala in Pennsylvania. She’s going down.
The Liberal Party failing is hilarious.
Hurry! Lets vote for mongrel Harris and Jew Kike Shapiro.
Joel Skousen dropped out.
What’s your source on Joel Skousen dropping out? He’s only on the ballot in two states, right? Pretty much irrelevant anyway.
Any chance of the ASP or CP appealing successfully?
Hi, John Taylor Bowles.
So, the Constitution Party and the American Solidarity Party were rejected solely for their faulty elector candidate filings, even tho such issues were not a problem for minor party candidates in the past?
Seems like a court case is imminent.
The source on Skousen is highly suspect.
In any event, Pennsylvania ought to adopt run-off voting for President. This election could very well be decided in PA, with no candidate getting a clear majority of the votes there.
Instant run off elects communists.
Both the parties that campaign explicitly on an anti-abortion platform and no others, huh? Pennsylvania must really love killing babies.
The liberal party isn’t running a presidential candidate, although it does have down ballot candidates in Pennsylvania.
They were just looking for excuses to keep teh minor parties off the ballot. Nothing more, nothing less.
They were just looking for excuses to keep the minor parties off the ballot. Nothing more, nothing less.
The Liberal Party endorsed Harris, because they are a bunch of commie losers. That’s why Waldenberger is a member.
When/where did they endorse Harris? Source?
Joshua Eakle. Read his Twitter. He’s commie garbage supporting Harris and so is the Party.
Twitter kicks me out and tells me to sign up. I’m not interested in signing up. It they endorsed Harris, it should be on more than some random guy’s X feed. Where’s the official announcement?
Waldenberger is still in politics? Is he still whining about being a shifty Uber driver?
Waldenberger isn’t someone I’d let near my kids. Just saying.
Chase Oliver probably goes up to 6 year old boys telling them they are girls and to get surgery. He’ll make sure not to tell their mommy and daddy.
Chase Oliver supports child abuse. What a sick fuck.
So, nothing to substantiate the alleged endorsement of Harris?
Chase Oliver should be behind bars.
Good idea. He might learn about the importance of race there.
Chase Oliver is a textbook groomer.
“Connie” (in reality Robert K Stock) is too lazy to look at a Twitter account.
I’m with Kyle. I don’t look at X. It has nothing to do with being lazy. It kicks me out and tells me to sign up, and I have no interest in signing up. An official party endorsement does not occur on some random guy’s X account, so you’re the one being lazy, or dishonest, if you don’t have a better source.
I have no idea who you are alleging I am or why. Maybe you can explain that. Or maybe you’re just trolling yourself.
Prison is where you learn that race means everything if you didn’t already know. Nothing else matters.
Kyle = Connie = Robert K Stock.
Apparently, you’re a lazy, dishonest troll with no proof for any of your claims, whether that the liberal party endorsed Harris or that my boyfriend and I are some guy we never even heard of. Bye troll.
Everyone needs to do a little prison time so everyone knows the truth about race.
Yep Kyle and Connie are obviously Stock. Same type of language when denying.
Chase Oliver would enjoy prison, if you know what I mean.
The liberal party did not endorse Harris. I’m not Robert Stock, but even if I was, you’d still be a troll piece of crap for telling that obvious lie. And you’d have to have a better source than a personal Twitter feed. That’s not how parties make presidential endorsements. Since you can’t be taken seriously about that, you can’t be taken seriously about anything else, including who is who.
“Stock is a troll” is actually Nathan Norman. He is mad that Stock spurned his sexual advances. It does not matter who I am. This is a fact.
Nobody cares which of you retards is who. You either have provable facts or you don’t.
Why is Stock talking to himself again?
Stock is a troll is not Nathan Norman. He’s actually Stock himself. He just wants attention.
Why is Robert Stock making up the lie that the liberal party endorsed Harris?
Robert Stock likes to troll.
Stock is one reason why the comments have turned to garbage.
Yes, you are.
I did the turn in for the Libertarian Party this year as I have for most of the statewide elections since 1992. I believe the Constitution Party and Solidarity Party each have a strong case for getting on the ballot because as the post states, it hasn’t always been necessary to present a full slate of elector affidavits. We have been told previously the only result would be we’d lose any elector who didn’t qualify. No biggie since we’re unlikely to win. I kept asking them did the law change or did their interpretation of the law change? No one the Bureau of Elections could answer.
Lots of changes at the Elections Dept. this year. They decided to make themselves a secure office. No one gets in. In the past we were permitted to witness them reviewing our petitions. Not anymore, instead we were all forced to wait out in the hall while they had a runner go back and forth from the office with our petitions, receipts, questions, filing fees, etc. Kind of bizarre and at first I wasn’t happy, but then on Thursday, the final deadline day, it was kind of fun commiserating with all the other filers while we were all stuck out in the hall. Kind of like we were all on the Group W bench (Alices Restaurant reference). We had lots of other issues this year too, as pretty much every piece of paperwork they provided to us was riddled with errors. Our petitions were improperly numbered, missing important headers, the affidavits contained incorrect information and missed required questions, the withdraw form which we need to use for substitution has the wrong deadline date, and lots more. Reaching them has also become a problem. Several of my emails never got answered and phone calls not returned. It never used to be this way. So them deciding among themselves to require all Presidential Electors to submit an affidavit when they never used to, just seems so typical of their BS this year. Too bad those two parties now have to spend money to fight this.
Anyone know how many signatures the Constitution Party and the American Solidarity Party submitted?
What happened with Cornel West? I heard he had a petition in PA. Did they get less than 5,000 signatures in PA and not bother turning in or what?
“In the past we were permitted to witness them reviewing our petitions. Not anymore, instead we were all forced to wait out in the hall while they had a runner go back and forth from the office with our petitions, receipts, questions, filing fees, etc. […] We had lots of other issues this year too, pretty much every piece of paperwork they provided to us was riddled with errors. Our petitions were improperly numbered, missing important headers, the affidavits contained incorrect information and missed required questions, the withdraw form which we need to use for substitution has the wrong deadline date, and lots more. Reaching them has also become a problem. Several of my emails never got answered and phone calls not returned.”
That sounds actionable to me. I hope the Constitution Party (and the ASP) include that in their filings.
What next, preventing independent election observers from witnessing ballot counting, as several EU countries have started doing in recent years?
@Richard Schwarz
Very interesting, and at least as troubling. Thank you for chiming in with this.
I hope they do appeal. I would probably vote for ASP over RFK jr if I had the option. I know lawsuits are costly but they don’t actually count the write ins most of the time. We’ll see.
Oh would you look at that, turns out Philadelphia was already blocking poll watchers in 2020…
Still no evidence that the liberal party nominated Harris. Individual Twitter feeds are not evidence. Who all points this out is besides the point, it remains a fact that there is no evidence for the claim.
Kamala Harris is our best option!
We can still pray. Americans have been indoctrinated in Marxist, anti-Christian propaganda too long. They just don’t know any better. History and economics have been subverted. We will lose big in November. But take heart, it’s only going to get worse.
Everyone can shift support to, and vote for Kamala Harris!