Idaho Constitution Party Nominates Joel Skousen for President

On August 3, the Idaho Constitution Party nominated Joel Skousen for president.  Normally the Idaho Constitution Party nominates whomever won its presidential primary.  However, in 2024, Idaho didn’t have a presidential primary for any party, so the party had to use another basis to make its decision.


Idaho Constitution Party Nominates Joel Skousen for President — 25 Comments

  1. I hope this guy gets more votes than Terry. Why split into factions though?

  2. He’s running. And the Constitution Party should suspend Terry and make him the candidate in all their states.

  3. According to their website, Randall Terry was not seeking the CP Idaho’s nomination (because he already has access via his own independent petitions?). The three Idaho Prez choices were Skousen, Samm Tittle, and Dan Cummings:
    Thus, not much to see here.

  4. Is it any worse than when Floyd Whitley was chair and two people showed up (one of which fell asleep)?

  5. So, the least bad state in the union is completely screwed:
    The Idaho Constitution Party is against the constitution, the Idaho Libertarian Party is against liberty, the Idaho Republican Party is against the republic and the Idaho Democratic Party is against democracy.

    The least bad part of that state is completely screwed:

    Randy Weaver – God bless him and may his spirit live on in all patriots – is turning in his grave.
    And the best hope for salvation is a Russian liberation and denazification that extends far enough inland to reach Idaho.
    The US is so screwed.

  6. its basically become the skousen = mormon vote… just the western states are nominating him..and whats the point of a convention, if you are just going to nominate whoever you want anyway….and yes I Know Idaho isn’t in the national party, but Nevada and Utah are.

  7. The Nevada and Utah Constitution Parties were already cancerous tumors that needed to be cut out for the health of the national Constitution Party. We are better off without them.

    The Idaho CP had already unnecessarily amputated itself previously, but Skousen seems to have metastasized there too, so that now they are completely ignoring their own declared party platform for the sake of kowtowing to Skousen’s cancerous agenda instead.

    How long until they are honest with themselves and others and openly abandon their platform, by removing all mentions of God, like Skousen wishes, and all pro-life values?

  8. Stop the religious persecution. You flatter yourself if you want to change people because of it. Ignorance is not bliss which sooner or later you will find out like it or not.

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