Libertarian Party of Minnesota Hands in 2,375 Signatures to Minnesota Secretary of State

On Friday, August 2, the Libertarian Party of Minnesota handed in 2,375 signatures on its presidential petition to the Secretary of State Elections Division to place the Chase Oliver/Mike ter Maat ticket on the ballot there. 2,000 valid signatures of Minnesota residents eligible to vote are required, with a deadline of Tuesday, August 20.

It is possible that enough valid signatures have already been turned in, but the LPMN is continuing to gather signatures that will be turned in later, if the Secretary of State does not find enough valid signatures among the 2,375 already submitted.


Libertarian Party of Minnesota Hands in 2,375 Signatures to Minnesota Secretary of State — 10 Comments

  1. Hopefully it fails because child abuse supporter Chase Oliver should not be allowed on the ballot anywhere.

  2. If the other commie parties can take votes away from Harris and elect Trump, it’s a good thing.

  3. Harris should have chosen Chase Oliver. Both are evil child abuse supporting communists.

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