A State Court judge ruled that Peter Sonski was six valid signatures of NJ registered voters short of the 800 required.
Thanks to Wilhem Von Hapsberg for the notification to Richard and me.
A State Court judge ruled that Peter Sonski was six valid signatures of NJ registered voters short of the 800 required.
Thanks to Wilhem Von Hapsberg for the notification to Richard and me.
As much as they stand against everything they say, let em on the ballot.
*i stand
Disgusting to see the NJ GOP engage in underhanded tactics to remove the true pro-life voice from the NJ ballot.
has anyone here seen this business of signatures not matching in action? How the hell do signatures not match?
I recall hearing stories that candidates in Rhode Island who were a few signatures short of the required number were quietly given the chance to go out and collect the shortage, even after the official deadline.
Anyway, this could all be avoided if candidates could make up any shortage upon filing by paying a fee proportional to the percentage of missing signatures to the total fee due without signatures.
Perhaps, if a candidate is short by 1% of the required signatures by the filing date, that they be given an extra 10 days to make up the shortage.
What George said. Personally I would feel gratified to see banderite Sonski get the zero votes he deserves. But rejecting almost a quarter of the submitted signatures to make sure he is less than 0.75% short of the requirement, seems very carefully tailored to keep him off the ballot.
It’s not nearly as statistically ridiculous as secretaries of state rejecting 60-70% of signatures, but nonetheless it “feels” hokey that it works out exactly to just barely deny ballot access by a mere six signatures. Walter Ziobro’s suggestion for resolving this sounds fair to me, though (in this case) it wouldn’t even need to be an extra ten days – one single day should be more than enough to get six valid signatures.
Peter Sonski is a Ukrainian freedom fighter?
How is Sonski particularly pro-Ukraine compared to other candidates, or all of American politics or its electorate in general?
Signatures don’t match when they are forged.
@Jim Riley
Sonski is a banderite. Banderites can be called many things – none of which are good – including nazis and fascists, or – more paradoxically for those without a bent for Soviet history – leninists and bolsheviks, but certainly never freedom fighters. As “Ukraine” is not a country and “Ukrainians” are not a people, there can in fact be no such thing as a “Ukrainian freedom fighter”.
@William of Habsburg
Most candidates, especially those outside the uniparty, are running on promises to end American involvement. Meanwhile Sonski openly wants the US to continue financing and arming nazi “Ukraine” so that it can continue carrying out the occupation and genocide it has been committing since its inception under Lenin in one hundred and seven years ago:
I repeat, Judith Lieberman (who appointed her?) has rejected 198 out of 992 signatures (20%) at the behest of the Bergen County Young Republicans, so that Sonski comes up exactly 6 signatures short of the required 800 (0.75%). That seems a little too close to be a coincidence.
Kamala Harris, #1 choice for the patriotic Americans!
What happened with the petition to place Peter Sonski on the ballot in Ohio?
All those who are wise following the Kamala Harris!
Just what makes a country, a country?
The true Americans are for Kamala!
Nuña, are you actually Russian or from the eastern Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine, or perhaps Belarusian? I can understand your emotion in your convictions if so. If not, then you’re a lot like this Welsh grandpa and I am very curious as to your origins:
She’s a pollock.
@William von Habsburg
All I am willing to divulge about my heritage, is to reiterate what I have previously revealed on BAN:
– I have more redskin blood in me than Pocahontas Warren.
– I was dubbed the next Landau by my supervisor at university.
– I have lost loved ones defending Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea from the banderites.
Anything more, is for me to know, and for the banderites and feds on here to speculate about – thus far with embarrassing ineptitude.
I’ve already been “anointed” a Cossack and a Jew on BAN, and now also a Pole. While I am flattered by all three of these compliments, I have no desire to reveal in what degree, if any, they hold merit. But my felinocidal curiosity demands that I ask: what on Earth makes you think so?
You’re full of crap. I don’t believe anything you say, although maybe some of it is true. A lot of what you say is way off and it’s never worth the effort to prove, which you don’t acknowledge anyway and nobody even reads. If you’re anything from over there it’s probably a banderite under a false flag yourself. More likely than that you’ve never even been close.
Fed might be you – but more likely wannabe. A Fed would know who can and can’t be stripped of citizenship and what agencies would be involved, for example. What would a fed find out trolling here? Not that they don’t waste resources routinely but this one would make very little if any sense even for them.
It’s amusing how wrong you are about how many things, and how you always insist you’re right way past the plausible point.
The most plausible scenario is you are a basement troll who has never accomplished anything and obsessively skims Wikipedia, Google translate, and a few other sites all day every day.
If the redskin part is true you’re almost certainly US born. Not very many native American tribe descended folks in eastern or central Europe.
Then again more than Pocahontas Warren doesn’t mean much as she is estimated at somewhere at most 1/64 and probably more like 1/512 or 1024.
That’s some nice projection you’ve got going on there, Perun-worshipping stolen valor coward. But as usual it falls flat when everyone has already seen that it is you who desperately skims banderite propaganda in a futile attempt to pretend you know even the first thing about the place you claim to have fought for but have clearly never even visited. You cannot even transliterate «Луганск» correctly to the Latin alphabet, because you have become too hung up on the Sovietized pronunciation. As you admit, you are too incompetent even for a fed, you are just a cowardly basement dwelling nazi.
Yeah, everything you said there is you. And your insults are misdirected since I am not Roman and don’t know him. You are also conflating Roman and GZ, two different people neither of whom is me, on religion. My religion isn’t your business, but it’s neither Roman’s Christianity or GZ’s paganism.
But I looked into his claims and yours, and on that matter its trivial to prove he was correct and you’re wrong. If anyone cares to look into it, they will find it for themselves very fast, so I don’t need to prove anything. Same with other things you argue til you’re blue with people about. You must know you’re wrong. You do it on purpose to convince yourself, or make yourself think you’re the most clever and respected, or waste people’s time, or who knows why. I guess it gives you something to do. Sow confusion, troll for lulz, who knows. Honestly, I don’t care.
Every time I checked into arguments you get into you were wrong, as in completely inverted. That can’t be a coincidence.
Again you are projecting and inverting. Again you are not going to convince anyone besides yourself, and probably not even that, because the record are clear and easily available to all. Try harder, inept Perun-worshipping stolen valor coward, maybe after leaving your basement – oh sorry, I mean the nazi “war bunker” under your parents house, of course – to touch some grass and get a breath of fresh air.
No, you. Every part of that applies to you, mine to me. And furthermore, we both know that we both know it, and that in the unlikely event anyone else even reads this, much less cares, they know it too, or will if and when they invest a few minutes into examining claims. You know it. I know it. That’s good enough for me.
None to me
The only everyone you speak for could be your voices or multiple personalities, and I highly doubt you have them all convinced either.
And you’re back to splitting your projection across multiple posts again.
Unhinged, unconvincing, rude, spamming banderite troll. Let people check the records as you say, they will see for themselves what we indeed both already know, that I have a 100% track record of honesty and all your accusations apply to you and only to you.
Yes, you are indeed accurately addressing yourself while pretending to address me.