Peace & Freedom Party Nominates Claudia De La Cruz for President

On Saturday, August 3, the Peace & Freedom Party nominated Claudia De La Cruz for president.  She had won their presidential primary in March 2024.


Peace & Freedom Party Nominates Claudia De La Cruz for President — 12 Comments

  1. To answer AZ – 16 that I know of.

    Here’s a list of candidates that, to my knowledge, are at least on a single ballot:

    1) Shiva Ayyadurai (independent)
    2) Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
    3) Lucifer “Justin Case” Everylove (independent)
    4) Rachele Fruit (Socialist Workers Party)
    5) Chris Garrity (independent)
    6) Blake Huber (Approval Voting Party)
    7) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (independent)
    8) Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
    9) Chase Oliver (Libertarian Party)
    10) Jasmine Sherman (Green Party of Alaska)
    11) Joel Skousen (Constitution Parties of Idaho, Utah, and Nevada)
    12) Peter Sonski (American Solidarity Party)
    13) Jill Stein (Green Party)
    14) Randall Terry (Constitution Party)
    15) Cornel West (independent)
    16) Michael Wood (Prohibition Party)

    Other candidates, such as Vermin Supreme (Pirate Party), Bill Stodden (Socialist Party USA), and Tom Hoefling (independent) have yet to gain any ballots, though I certainly wish them all the best.

  2. Darn, it’s sad there’s 3 main VERY socialists on the ballot (Claudia, Fruit, and Kishore)

  3. Fruit and the SWP are barely socialist – they fully support Israel, which, while they have every right to do, is absolutely beyond the pale when it comes to so-called “leftist” candidates.

    I don’t see what’s sad about candidates being on the ballot, though. This is a ballot access website, so I would hope every serious person commenting would support easing ballot access for all candidates across the board.

  4. I am in full support of ballot access, and if you qualify, you should be on the ballot. Its just that it’s sad that multiple people in America want these socialist candidates.

  5. Dear Mr Winger, welcome back. Could I convince you to please clear some of my comments that have been stuck in moderation limbo – some four or five of them since Sunday, I believe – due to including hyperlinks? Thank you in advance for taking the time and effort. Cheers!

  6. I don’t think Jasmine Sherman is on the ballot anywhere. She was nominated by the GPAK but they are listed as a “political group” and therefore not automatically on the ballot. Unless you weren’t talking about Alaska and she’s on in another state… Other than that, I found Mr. Mahoney’s post very interesting–thanks!

  7. According to Ballotpedia, as of June the only ballot qualified parties in Alaska are the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and the Alaskan Independence Party.
    According to Wikipedia, the Alaska Green Party lost ballot access in 2021 when the national Green Party officially decertified it as its Alaska state affiliate.
    But also according to Wikipedia, the Sherman-Bluebear ticket is qualified to appear on the ballot in Alaska (as well as qualifying for write-in in Alabama, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyoming).

    So does that mean they gained ballot access as independents? Or is Wikipedia just wrong like usual?

    The only name I don’t recognize from Michael Mahoney’s list is Lucifer Everylove/JustIn Case, neither of which sound like real names. Who is he/she/it? Some random satanist or something?

  8. @Nuña,

    Alaska has what is known as a Limited Political Party, which has ballot access only for President/Vice President. Current Limited Political Parties are: Aurora Party, Alaska Constitution, and No Labels. The Aurora Party has nominated Cornel West. It does not appear that the Constitution Party has made their nomination yet.

    RFKjr has qualified by petition.

    A Political Body is a group attempting to become qualified (based on registration < 5000). There is no requirement other than some paperwork. A voter registered with a Political Body may have that affiliation appear on ballots for partisan office (other than President).

    The source for Jasmine Sherman is a Youtube video where she says she has been "nominated" by the Alaska Green Party. But they don't have nomination rights.

    Everylove appears to have qualified by petition in Utah (1000 signatures). "Justin Case" is his middle name on his application, where he lists a Manchester, NH address.

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