Anchorage Daily News Editorial Says Alaska Should Drop its Primary and Just have a Ranked Choice Election

The Anchorage Daily News has this editorial, saying given that the state has ranked choice voting, it would be smart to just drop the August primary and only have the general election, just as Louisiana does.  See it here.  It appears to be behind a paywall, but if you try twice to read it, it seems to let anyone read it on the second try.


Anchorage Daily News Editorial Says Alaska Should Drop its Primary and Just have a Ranked Choice Election — 7 Comments

  1. You can also check an archive site like archive(dot)today or web(dot)archive(dot)org to see if someone uploaded it.

  2. An interesting recent quasi-viral video advocating – somewhat unfairly IMHO* – for approval voting over ranked choice voting over first past the post voting:

    *In particular, I do not think that candidates with “no chance of winning” affecting the outcome of an election, is necessarily undesirable.
    Despite Nader and Gore both being climate hoaxers, I am cautiously skeptical about the claim that “almost all Nader voters preferred Gore to Bush”.
    And I feel pretty confident that “most countries in the world” do NOT use RCV to elect their leaders.

    Curious to hear what other people think.

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