Virginia Board of Elections Finds Three Presidential Petitions Have Enough Valid Signatures

On August 29 the Virginia State Board of Elections determined that three presidential petitions have enough valid signatures: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Chase Oliver, and Jill Stein.

The Board is still working on verifying the petitions of Randall Terry, Claudia De la Cruz, and Shiva Ayyadurai.

The Board said Cornel West will not be on the ballot because of some unspecified paperwork error. The Department did not say if he had enough valid signatures or not.


Virginia Board of Elections Finds Three Presidential Petitions Have Enough Valid Signatures — 5 Comments

  1. “Oliver Chase” sounds pretty good tbh.

    I’m curious about what exactly Dr. West’s error is. Ngl, it would be kinda embarrassing if he had enough valid signatures but missed out due to that error

  2. Randall told me last night that Virginia and Tennessee petition drives had both failed. Well, hope he was just assuming that and it’s not the case. He says he’s on in twelve states: Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina.

  3. To get on the ballot as an independent, the only paperwork that he needed was a notarized declaration of candidacy and the notarized affidavits from his 13 Electors.

  4. @Tom Yager
    You are talking about Virginia, right?

    In Tennessee, Terry has literally needed less than a hundred more signatures for three weeks now. Of course, having barely enough signatures always increases the risk of the petition being rejecting anyway, but it would be very sad if his petition drives in both Virginia and Tennessee failed.

  5. Nuña

    For Virginia, those are the only requirements beyond the 5000 valid signatures. If you want the party label, there are a few more things needed.

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