Oregon Secretary of State Keeps Libertarian Candidates for District Office on Ballot

On August 23, the Oregon Secretary of State rejected a Republican challenge to some Libertarian congressional and legislative nominees. See this story. Since then, the Republican Party has asked the Attorney General to remove the Libertarians.


Oregon Secretary of State Keeps Libertarian Candidates for District Office on Ballot — 1 Comment

  1. The Oregon GOP wants the SoS, and I guess now the AG, to rule that the Oregon LP’s organizational documents are illegitimate, and that therefore any nominations made in accordance with those documents are invalid. Firstly, that seems like an internal party dispute between the national LP and its Oregon affiliate. But more importantly, those documents have been in use for over a decade. Why is it suddenly now that the Oregon GOP is deciding to make a big stink out of it? If anything the Oregon LP will leech more votes from the Democrats, so it seems like an odd thing to make a fuss about now of all times.

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