New Hampshire Releases Candidate List

The New Hampshire Secretary of State has released a list of candidates for federal and state office in the November 2024 election. Here is a link to the candidates who qualified by petition. The only two presidential candidates who petitioned successfully are Chase Oliver and Jill Stein. The Libertarian Party also has a gubernatorial nominee. If he gets 4%, the Libertarian Party will become ballot-qualified. Thanks to Darryl Perry for the link.


New Hampshire Releases Candidate List — 14 Comments

  1. New Hampshire had 3 candidates on the ballot in 2020 and a whooping 19 write-in candidates. To be fair, 15 of those weren’t even running or they lost in the primaries. Apparently you can just write in any name on a New Hampshire ballot and they will accept it.

  2. Soy puertorriqueño y Thomas W Jones ha sido un gran apoyo para mi isla. Tiene mi voto al 100%. ¡Puerto Rico será libre!

  3. @some dude True, but generally sore loser laws would prevent that kind of thing for primary candidates.

    Unrelated, but Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, and New York don’t have automatic write-in status. Yet they all had over 15 write-in candidates each in 2020.

  4. Sore loser laws, if any,vary by state. Whether they apply to presidential candidates is questionable. From 1980-2012 it was understood they did not, but since then the courts have returned uneven verdicts on that.

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