Tennessee Secretary of State Says Petition for Chase Oliver is Forty Signatures Short

The Tennessee Secretary of State’s initial review of the independent presidential petition for Chase Oliver shows that it lacks 40 valid signatures. The requirement is 275 and the campaign submitted 450. The campaign is engaged in efforts to review the work of the Secretary of State.

Tennessee approved these independent petitions: for the nominees of the Green, Socialist Workers, Socialism & Liberation Parties; and two independents, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Jay J. Bowman.

Tennessee rejected the Constitution Party presidential petition because that campaign collected some of the signatures on photocopies of blank forms, instead of on original blank forms.


Tennessee Secretary of State Says Petition for Chase Oliver is Forty Signatures Short — 19 Comments

  1. What about other independent presidential candidates in Tennessee? Is there a list for who made it and who did not?

  2. Rigged. Though I can’t imagine why. Tennessee is so thoroughly red that a libertarian on the ballot is not important in the slightest as a spoiler.

  3. Based exclusion! Libertarians are embarrassing. In the birthplace of the great and almighty Ku Klux Klan Nation, we kept their chomo candidate off the ballot. Huzzah!

  4. Libertarians never had a problem getting on the ballot in Tennessee as independent candidates in the past.

  5. I take it thaf the petition to qualify American Solidarity candidate for President, Peter Sonski, must have failed? I know they had at least one paid petitioner in Tennessee.

  6. Sure, if they want to end up with 20 or 30 signatures. If that worked, wouldn’t they already be doing it? Duh.

    In fact there are states where they already do it. They don’t get a lot of signatures back that way. That’s why they have to hire petitioners.

  7. Among other things, each petition booklet or page (I’m forgetting which already) has to have the candidates wet ink signatures in Tennessee. At least the last time I worked there they did. Maybe it changed since, but not to my knowledge.

  8. This is too funny. Chase Oliver sucks so much he had to resort to fraud- and still lost.

    Next time nominate an actual libertarian instead of a communist.

  9. WOW! In year 2020 primary in CA the ROV accepted petitions of photo copies of petition that were not duplexes but copied to single sided sheets. The County ROV then duplexes the single sheet and made them appear as duplexed in their records. Sent the original single sided sheets to the CA SOS.

    It is good to use original documents and not use copies because it cuts down on fraud.

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