Alaska Democratic Party Sues to Remove Eric Hafner from November Ballot in U.S. House Race

On September 5, the Alaska Democratic Party sued the state elections office to remove Eric Hafner from the ballot as a candidate for U.S. House. See this story. The party claims he can’t serve if he is elected because he is in prison in another state.

Hafner’s ballot label is “Democrat”. Alaska has ranked choice voting, but apparently the Alaska Democratic Party feels Hafner’s presence on the ballot hurts the incumbent Democrat.


Alaska Democratic Party Sues to Remove Eric Hafner from November Ballot in U.S. House Race — 7 Comments

  1. Why are neolibs (including Tayble Stiff) so obsessed with suing everybody? They deserve to lose the case for that alone.

  2. Now I know it says that he is a Democrat and even further to the left than Peltola, but hear me out:

    “Between July 2016 and May 2018, while residing in the Mariana Islands to escape the long arm of the law, Hafner made threats to numerous individuals located in and around Monmouth County, N.J. and elsewhere. According to the Department of Justice, the victims were elected officials, judges, police officers, attorneys, and their families. Hafner sought to extort $350,000 from some of his victims. Hafner also made false bomb threats to an elected official’s office, a county courthouse, a police department, two law firms, and a business.”

    Someone who does this can’t be all bad.

  3. You can’t be domiciled in prison. The location of the prison is irrelevant. His Mom ran for Congress in Alaska. Maybe if he is paroled she can move to Alaska and he can live with her.

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