Montana Democrats Sue Secretary of State to Remove Green Party Nominee for U.S. Senate from Ballot

Last month, the Montana Democratic Party filed a state court lawsuit to remove the Green Party nominee for U.S. Senate from the ballot. See this story. The Montana Green Party is ballot-qualified. In Montana, all qualified parties nominate by primary. The winner of the Green Party primary withdrew after the election. State law gave the Green Party the right to replace him with someone else. The party chose Robert Bard, who had lost the Green Party primary. The Democrats say Bard is ineligible because the Green Party didn’t vet him, but there is no such requirement in the law.

Montana state courts removed the Green Party from the ballot in both 2018 and 2020, after the Democratic Party challenged the party’s petition. Later the law that the Democrats had used the invalidate the petition was itself invalidated by the Ninth Circuit, so the Green Party got back on the ballot due to the Ninth Circuit decision.


Montana Democrats Sue Secretary of State to Remove Green Party Nominee for U.S. Senate from Ballot — 5 Comments

  1. Why? Jon Tester is going to lose no matter what at this rate.

    Democrats are really going to throw away every shred of legitimacy that they have.

  2. “The Democrats say Bard is ineligible because the Green Party didn’t vet him” LOL, that is literally the most delusional thing I’ve ever heard in my LIFE … even more delusional than corrupt neoliberals screaming in 2016 and especially 2020 that “bErNiE hAs nEvEr bEeN vEtTeD!1!1” … despite them literally attacking him CONSTANTLY.

  3. As I mentioned before, the Democrats are trying to become the only legal party in the United States. First, they must get rid of every other totalitarian socialist party before they can get rid of the Republicans, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, et al.

  4. “The Democrats say Bard is ineligible because the Green Party didn’t vet him, but there is no such requirement in the law.”

    We have had a candidate for President with worms who wasn’t “vetted”

    But, seriously. Are the Democrats trying to establish a judicial precedent for candidate “vetting” Since no law exists on this matter. Supposedly, every party exists to “vet” its own candidates. It’s one of the real reasons to have political parties, and allow them a veto over any candidate who runs with their label. Anyway, any vetting procedure is the prerogative of each party on its own. It isn’t the business of the Democrats to tell the Greens how to (or even whether to) “vet” their candidates.

    In the final analysis, it’s up to voters to “vet” candidates when they vote. It’s what elections are for.

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