Montana Green Party Wins Ballot Access Lawsuit, but Democrats are Appealing

On September 3, a Montana state trial court kept Green Party U.S. Senate candidate Robert Barb on the ballot. Montana Democratic Party v State of Montana and Christi Jacobsen, Lewis & Clark Jud. District, BDV-2024-542. However, the Democratic Party is appealing to the State Supreme Court.

The Green Party’s original nominee, chosen by the June Green Party primary, had withdrawn, and the party’s state committee had replaced him with Robert Barb. The Democratic Party said the Green Party’s bylaws don’t permit the state committee to do that; that only the entire membership of the Green Party can do that. However, the judge said that the Democratic Party’s challenge was filed improperly. Here is the 9-page opinion.


Montana Green Party Wins Ballot Access Lawsuit, but Democrats are Appealing — 2 Comments

  1. The court’s opinion apparently hinges on the Democrats failure to notify Barb that his nomination was being challenged.

    Based on that, they declined to issue any advisory opinions on any of the other aspects of the case.

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