Georgia Secretary of State Says Green Party Can be on for President

On September 13, the Georgia Secretary of State ruled that Jill Stein will be on the Georgia ballot, under the new law that says a party that is on for president in at least 20 other states (or jurisdictions that have electoral votes), can be on automatically for president in Georgia.


Georgia Secretary of State Says Green Party Can be on for President — 9 Comments

  1. My prediction, unfortunately: The unDemocratic Party leadership and their Elias lawyers sue the Secretary of State, and the judge hearing the case is biased enough in favor of the two party system or the unDemocrats to throw Jill off the ballot.

    I would love to be proven wrong by future events, though.

  2. Interesting that “suing the GA Secretary of State” was also my prediction as to how the anti-democratic Democrat party would respond to this ruling. Their corrupt arses are so predictable.

  3. When was DC included in the GA law? When was Maine added as having multiple jurisdictions? When was Nebraska added as having multiple jurisdictions?

  4. I think that parenthetical was only meant to account for DC, not Maine or Nebraska.

    Maybe in the future that would count for Guam or Puerto Rico as well, etc.

  5. The Party Party of Rhode Island has gained Ballot Access, and Nominated the Ticket of Robby Wells/Tony Jones for POTUS/VPOTUS!

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