Associated Press Story Says Democratic Group Recruited Independent Conservative Candidates for U.S. House in Five States

This AP story says a group that supports Democrats has persuaded conservative independents to run for U.S. House this year in districts that are closely balanced between the two major parties.


Associated Press Story Says Democratic Group Recruited Independent Conservative Candidates for U.S. House in Five States — 20 Comments

  1. Surprised (not).

    Plurality voting makes such strategies possible. Both major parties know this and do these things. Alternative voting methods are really the only way to minimize such strategies.

    At a minimum, runoff voting should be implemented in all partisan races.

  2. Run off is a more realistic sell. Alternative voting systems are not what most voters care about. They care about the economy, education, health care, immigration, and other such tangible immediate concerns. Alternative voting methods are an esoteric concern for hobbyists, which is why it doesn’t ever really gain traction as a leading political issue despite how obvious it might seem to some such information bubble encased hobbyists that it should.

    Incidentally, but far less importantly, as one such hobbyist myself, I like runoffs better than those alternate schemes – but even if I liked one of them better, see first paragraph.

  3. It’s not immoral and should not be illegal. Political coalition partners often have very different reasons for supporting the same side of an issue. Take gambling as one of many possible examples. Religious conservatives, Nanny state liberals and competing gambling interests often come together to oppose any given gambling proposal – so what?

    Democrats and conservative independents may have very different reasons to want Republicans to lose, but if they agree on that one thing, there should be nothing illegal about them working together on that one thing even if they would otherwise rather see each other die in a fire.

    On a related issue, why do control freak progressive brain cancer leftards always need to outlaw and or mandate anything and everything?

  4. “Alternative voting systems are not what most voters care about.”

    That’s probably so, to the voters’ disadvantage. They don’t fully appreciate how the voting system manipulates them.

  5. As Democrats try to throw every progressive off the ballots, they are forcing conservative candidates to run in swing states/districts. They are doing it to Kennedy as well.




  7. Jeff, recruiting is not forcing. Forcing candidates who want to withdraw to remain on the ballot is crap. If they were forced to actually campaign or serve, it would be slavery. Otherwise, it’s just receiving the voters intentionally – ie election fraud.

    Recruiting candidates is completely different. They have to actually agree and file. Was someone held at gunpoint and forced to file as a candidate? Were their kids threatened or their spouses held for collateral until they signed the paperwork and turned it in? Not as far as I know. Unless there’s something like that which I’m missing it’s completely wrong to equate recruiting candidates to deceiving the public by keeping withdrawn candidates listed on the ballot.

    The recruited candidates have their own reasons to run, which don’t match those of Democrats who recruited or helped recruit them. So what if someone with different reasons for them to run than their own reasons for running recruited them?

  8. Walter – it may well be to voters disadvantage, but wishful thinking doesn’t cause mass adoption of a political issue which is not an immediate, tangible, every day real life concern as something a lot of voters care much about. It doesn’t help that it’s complicated, not very easy to understand, with many competing proposals butting heads . Politicians just don’t have the incentives to tackle that sort of thing. Donors have other priorities. Etc..

    Runoffs are more easy to pass and implement, and better understood. I happen to think they’re the best of these proposals, other than maybe something far fetched like the standing count sci fi novel in development or whatever that is.


    Postal Service insists it’s ready for a flood of mail-in ballots
    David Sharp
    Associated Press
    U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy assured state election officials in a letter released Monday that he’ll work with them to handle their warnings of problems with election mail delivery during the primary season, while insisting that the Postal Service will be ready for the flood of mail-in ballots ahead of the November election.

  10. And even runoffs are just not top of mind for enough voters when keeping groceries st0cked is a real concern for a lot of families.

  11. Ready, locked and loaded! We’re totally ready to deliver this election here at USPS! We’re union strong and we know who our friends are!

  12. “And even runoffs are just not top of mind for enough voters when keeping groceries st0cked is a real concern for a lot of families.”

    And then they wonder why they are not truly represented.

    Caveat elector.

  13. They’re not truly represented because government is way too big and complex for anyone to effectively fix or oversee and has all the wrong incentives… No voting system proposal fixes that.

  14. Government schools do the opposite of actual education, just as government elections do the opposite of giving average people real power over government. So, there might indeed be fewer voters in future elections, but that’s totally fine.

  15. Why is the meshuggeneh retard party candidate troll bot colluding with demonic rats to deceive the voters that brain worm dude is still in the race?

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