Former Delaware Libertarian Activist Activates Delaware Conservative Party

Will McVay, a former Delaware Libertarian Party activist who has left the Libertarian Party, earlier this year noticed that the Conservative Party of Delaware had become ballot-qualified, almost accidentally. The Delaware definition of a qualified party is one with registration of at least one-tenth of 1% of the total state registration. Without any organized effort, the number of people who spontaneously filled out a Delaware registration chard showing themselves as “Conservative” rose high enough last year to qualify that party.

McVay organized it, and this year, under his leadership, the party is running Vermin Supreme for President, Jonathan Realz for vice-president, and Jon Roe for State Senate, district 2. Roe is the only minor party legislative candidate for Delaware legislature this year.

Supreme is also a former member of the Libertarian Party. He had sought the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, placing third on the first ballot.


Former Delaware Libertarian Activist Activates Delaware Conservative Party — 4 Comments

  1. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. And Trump is being generous by saying “maybe” purposely.

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