For Third Time, Florida Doesn’t Enforce Ballot Access Requirement for Minor Party Presidential Ballot Access

In 2024, as in 2012 and 2020, the Florida Secretary of State is not enforcing a 2011 law that says qualified minor parties can’t be on for President unless they are either recognized by the Federal Election Commission as a “national committee”, or unless they submit a petition of 1% of the registered voters (145,040 signatures).

This year the Secretary of State put the presidential nominees of the Socialism & Liberation Party, and the American Solidarity Party, on the ballot. Yet neither submitted a petition, and neither is recognized by the FEC as a “national committee.”

The Secretary of State did not enforce the law in 2012, because, he said, he couldn’t enforce it because he had no official knowledge of which parties are recognized by the FEC. Nor did he enforce it in 2020, when he let the Socialism & Liberation Party on. But he did enforce it in 2016, when the ballot-qualified Independent Party tried to nominate Evan McMullin.


For Third Time, Florida Doesn’t Enforce Ballot Access Requirement for Minor Party Presidential Ballot Access — 8 Comments

  1. Well, that’s good news if they are not enforcing it. More parties on the ballot. Ballot access by any legal means necessary. Let’s hope all the states allow unconfrontational ballot access.

  2. I guess the duopoly was less afraid of losing votes to Evan McMullin than to Gloria la Riva. Though to be fair, it was a different (Republican) secretary of state each time except in 2012 and 2016: Ken Detzner in 2012 and 2016, Laurel Lee in 2020 and now Cord Byrd.

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