Free and Equal Presidential Debate Set for October 23, Wednesday Evening

Free & Equal will sponsor a presidential debate on Wednesday, October 23. Oliver Chase, Jill Stein, and Randall Terry will participate. The debate will be held in Hollywood, California, between 5 and 7 p.m. Pacific time.


Free and Equal Presidential Debate Set for October 23, Wednesday Evening — 6 Comments

  1. It’s possible that Claudia got frustrated that she wasn’t invited last time despite having similar ballot access as Dr. West last time (although funny enough, she now has almost as much ballot access electorally as Dr. West and Terry combined)

  2. So it’s just gonna be a rematch of the July one? Oh well, Terry can never wipe the floor with Oliver and Stein too much.

    Did de la Cruz definitely not accept, or has she just not been confirmed yet? (And for thoroughness sake, the same question regarding West, Trump and Harris – though I don’t think anyone seriously expects any of them to bother showing up this time around.)

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