New Hampshire Green Party Defeats Democratic Party Challenge

On September 19, the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission voted 5-1 to keep Jill Stein on the ballot. The Democratic Party had challenged her petition, pointing out that approximately 1,000 signers hadn’t put their Ward Number on the petition. But there is no tradition that signatures are invalid when that information is missing, and it makes no meaningful difference for petitions for statewide office.

The challenge had been filed on September 17.


New Hampshire Green Party Defeats Democratic Party Challenge — 4 Comments

  1. Good news and thanks for keeping us up to date. The Democrats’ anti-democratic actions this year have been sick.

  2. How embarrassing to be that 1 person. May Dr. Stein also prevail in Nevada, otherwise that would be the most obscene and blatant Democrat fraud of the year.

  3. Dr. Stein’s campaign manager: “The @DrJillStein campaign just got word from counsel that the Democrat Party has failed in their scurrilous attempt to keep us off the ballot in New Hampshire. We won in Wisconsin. We won in Georgia. We won in New Hampshire. Our counsel believes the argument for the Dems is extremely weak in Nevada, we are hopeful for a win there also. For all their efforts to drag us down, Democrats are 0-3” oof

  4. A Former Ballot Access News subscriber is correct that the Dems actions are anti-democratic. And they make no attempt to hide it any longer. I see plenty of Dem households with yard signs that say “Vote! It’s a power thing.” For Dems, it is no longer about platforms, principles, or candidates. It is purely about power.

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