Guam is the only jurisdiction that does not have electoral votes and yet which holds a presidential general election. Any presidential candidate may be on the ballot by request. No petition nor filing fee is required.
This year, the ballot will list the nominees of the Democratic, Republican, Green, American Solidarity, Prohibition and Socialist Parties. Also it will include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., with the “independent” label. Thanks to Tony Roza for this news.
Guam has been holding presidential elections starting in 1980. Because Guam is on the other side of the International Date Line, relative to the United States, the results from Guam can be known by election day morning in the United States.
Hilarious child abuse supporter Chase Oliver didn’t file. Too lazy apparently.
What was the motivation of Guam’s 1980 legislature to introduce presidential elections? Were they hoping to someday get an electoral vote? Was it always intended to serve as a straw poll? Something else?
They wanted to get better voter turnout for their territorial office elections, and also call attention to discrimination against US citizens who live in territories.
@Richard Winger
Thank you. The former makes sense, but the latter seems to me a relatively expensive and ineffective way of protesting once every four years. Though I can sort of get behind the underlying reason.
It has always struck me as hypocritical that the 23rd amendment granted electoral votes only to the District of Columbia, but to none of the other non-state parts of the US. It’s as if we’re saying the paper pushers in DC are first-class citizens and members of the military in Guam are second-class citizens, when in reality both are leeches on the American tax payer and they should be equally treated as second class citizens.
Then again, since Guam is primarily a military base, most Americans are only stationed there temporarily and will have voting residences elsewhere in the US. For that reason, of the five inhabited overseas territories claimed by the US that could emulate presidential elections, Guam actually makes the least sense to me.
But since by rights Puerto Rico, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands are still part of Spanish king Enrique V’s royal domain, the matter is immaterial in their case. American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands however, should in my opinion, either be assigned electoral votes, or preferably the 23rd amendment should be repealed.
People of European origin should stop claiming rights over various places that are not in Europe. They should all go back to Europe and stay there.
“Taran” (Robert K St0ck) is back again with another retarded comment.
“Stop” Trolling (coward hypocrite) never stops his retarded comments. Taran, the brilliant teacher, is sharing true knowledge. Trolls can only respond with misdirection and trolling instead of sitting down quietly and learning like they’re supposed to.
Many, quite possibly most, people nowadays have at least some ancestors who lived in Europe at some point or another, and at least some who lived elsewhere their whole lives, so exactly who all is of European origin?
What exactly is European, while we’re at it? In Africa, America and Australia mountains ranges don’t separate continents, and neither do the Alps etc, so why do the Urals and Caucasus mountains? Isn’t Eurasia a more proper continent? And aren’t all humans ultimately of African origin?
Europe is a myth. European people are even more of a myth, since humans have been moving, individually as well as in groups of various sizes, all over the world – even across oceans, much less mountain ranges – since long before recorded history. White people are another myth, given that everyone is some shade of brown. Caucasian people exist, but are a much smaller set of people than many English speakers refer to by the term; most people who think of “Caucasian” as including themselves have no connection at all to the Caucasus.
In Antarctica mountain ranges also do not separate continents.
It’s interesting to note that the 23rd Amendment does NOT specify precisely HOW DC’s Presidential electors are to be chosen. It simply gives Congress the authority to legislate their mehtod of election. IMO, it is theoretically possible for Congress to authorize US citizens resident in any of the US territories to participate in the choosing of DC’s electors.
That would be preferable to what happens now. The 23rd was historically ignorant and is among the many amendments which should be repealed.
DC should be given back to Maryland.
Any reason why the Libertarians didn’t request to be included?
17. March 1, 1953 “The Turkey Shoot”
Conquest of the Marianas
Guam, a US territory, is invaded by Japanese a few days after Pearl Harbor and remains occupied for two and a half years.
The Japanese fleet is destroyed in a classic “turkey shoot”.
Meanwhile, the Americans are preparing the bases in the Marianas for the ultimate bomber offensive against Japan.
Puerto Rico has also adopted a presidential straw poll for the November general election ballot, being implemented for the first time this year.
Americans should stop stealing and redistributing crown lands which have nothing to do with them like filthy communist thieves.
@Walter Ziobro
I like your line of thinking!
The whole point of DC was so the federal capital would not be part of any state jurisdiction. DC isn’t a state, should never be allowed to become one, and shouldn’t be treated similar to one. But neither should it become part of any state, until we have abandoned the entire notion of a federal capital. After that, it can be returned to Maryland and Virginia – ideally in the form of a huge radioactive crater where no life will be possible for millions of years.
Casual Observer, it’s because child abuse supporter Chase Oliver is too busy trying to groom kids, force covid mandates, and commit petition fraud in Tennessee.
Communists are not filthy thieves. Capitalists, imperialists, colonialists and “crowns” are. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian (European). We are not Americans. We are Natives, whether here in Turtle Island (“America”), in Guam, or anywhere else in the world where European filthy thieves, murderers and rapists invaded and occupied in the name of their filthy thieving crowns and false religions. Those false religions include filthy thieving capitalism which robs workers of the fruits of their labor.
The portion of DC that had been Virginia was already returned to Virginia a long time ago. We call it Alexandria today (roughly – the two don’t 100% overlap). The Maryland portion is the only part that is still DC.
You lost me at “Communists are not filthy thieves”. As a (part) redskin myself, I don’t care whether you want to pretend that you personally aren’t American. But Puerto Rico, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands are rightfully the personal possessions of the Spanish Crown. And the one and only current king of Spain is Enrique V.
@Not a bot
Columbia Island, Theodore Roosevelt Island, Little Island and, if I recall correctly, the Three Sisters Islands, were Virginian islands which are currently part of DC. But yes, I am being overly pedantic, and the overwhelming majority of current DC used to be Maryland.
I know, I lost you at the point where reality is mentioned, as opposed to your fantasies that capitalists, European invaders and occupiers and their false gods and monarchs rightfully own anything. Filthy thieves calling workers and natives filthy thieves are still filthy thieves.
An adopted monotheistic cult from the Levant portion of Asia doesn’t give Europe and its kings any rights to the rest of the world. That’s just a lie they made up. They have no right to anything they haven’t produced, and that includes anything and everything outside Europe. They should go back there and take their evil ways, including capitalism and their false religions, with them. I’m not opposed to forcing them to go if they won’t go willingly.
And I’m not pretending at anything. It’s the capitalists, monotheists, European invaders and occupiers and those making excuses for them who are the pretenders to rights they invented to cover up their filthy thieving, raping, enslaving, and murdering.
The reality, as mentioned, is that communists are filthy thieves.
Communists calling workers and natives, capitalists and Europeans, God and monarchs filthy thieves, are still filthy thieves.
And the fact that you don’t believe in nor respect property, demonstrates that you are indeed a filthy thief – or rather, that you would like to be a filthy thief, if only you had the balls.
You are free to hold your own sick fantasies and delusions in private. But do not attempt to force your lies on anyone else, lest such an affront to God and man, gives reason to send you and your evil ways, including your communism and your satanism, packing back to hell.
You want to everything taken away from people who haven’t produced it? Outside of Europe and the Levant almost everywhere would go back to having and being nothing overnight. Some of the poorest and most unsophisticated third world countries would not see much change. And places like China, Ethiopia and parts of Middle and South America would only be set back a five to twenty centuries or so.
Your precious “Turtle Island” would return to the “archaic humans” who lived in the New World until the erroneously named “first nations” arrived and massacred them to extinction. Society and technology would collapse back to their level of sophistication, which was on par with the Neanderthals.
Redskins: gone, reduced to nothing at all. African-Americans: sent back to Africa to try and cut out a meager existence in the utmost squalor. Asian-Americans: slaving away under a “god”-emperor of the variety you are seem so fond of. Pacific Islanders: floating back and forth between the archipelagos of the Indian Ocean with less than 0.001% chance of arrive safely from one to the next. Meanwhile European-Americans: thriving as if nothing had happened besides their food getting slightly blander and more monotonous. But hey, if that’s what you want.
You are an American. You are pretending not to be, in order to justify to yourself your sick desire to steal, rape, enslave and murder. Only you are pretending. Nobody else. Just you. It’s pathetic and you should keep it to yourself, except when confessing your sins to a Christian priest.
You would not know reality if it slapped you upside your deeply deluded head. Capitalists, Europeans and monarchy are filthy thieves. Workers, natives and communists are not. Your god is a delusion and a lie, just like hell and the rest of your delusional con game of a false religion.
Property is based on (repeatedly) stolen land, stolen goods, slavery and wage slavery, piled generation after generation on top of each other through a medium of exchange based on all of the above. If you examine its roots, every last bit of it is exploitation and rape of Mother Earth, natives, workers, women, animals, etc. It’s legalized trafficking in stolen goods. None of it is legitimate. Con artist priests living off the collection plate of this stolen loot and blessing the looting in the name of your imaginary deity is part and parcel of this filthy theft.
I have some other things to do and will address some more of your nonsense later..
The delusional nonsense poster confuses revolutionary strategy for personal lack of courage. Personal acts of violence are not what are called for at this stage of revolutionary organizing. Educational and organizational efforts among workers must come first. The critical stage of revolutionary action is not yet reached, but it will be, and I have no problem with playing my role in revolutionary violence when that time comes. Without discussion of things which aren’t for you to know, I have relevant experience and no problem at all with putting it to use again.
The nonsense entity is also delusional as to what will happen under a global dispensation of international revolutionary communist intersectional social justice.
This nonsense spewing filthy thief or propaganda hand puppet mouthpiece of filthy capitalist thieves purports that some archaic humans would get Turtle Island. Where are these archaic humans?
It purports that African-Americans would have to go to Africa, but Africans did not choose to invade and occupy Turtle Island, they were brought unwillingly as slaves by the filthy European thieves who did. I think we would not compound that injustice by forcing them to leave. Only the European invaders would have to leave.
I am not fond of the delusional idea of personalized gods or the equally delusional ideas of humans who claim they are given special divine rights by these invented personalized gods.
It’s equally delusional to believe Europeans and European invaders of other continents produced the wealth they amassed through slavery, invasion and occupation of other continents, gilthy thieving capitalist exploitation of workers, institutionalized rape, exploitation of animals, industrial rape and exploitation of Mother Earth, and every other form of evildoing they have engaged in to amass their looted wealth.
They have produced nothing but misery, and must pay reparations with everything they have, up to and including their last and final breaths. They can be worked and starved to death or killed for sport and entertainment. There is nothing morally wrong with literally eating the rich, even while they are alive. If we choose to be merciful, they can all be dumped in Europe, naked and shorn of all possessions and technology, and forced to so remain. One way or another, justice must be served.
I do not in any way derive who I am from European invader Amerigo Vespucci. Steal, rape, enslave and murder is all these invaders have brought, with their false con artist priests blessing it all in the name of their false deity and the false divine rights their phony kings claim to get from this false deity. Pretending otherwise is truly pathetic, as you will be forced to confess to a revolutionary people’s tribunal after some very highly enhanced interrogation if you live long enough once the international workers revolution comes. It’s coming sooner than you might imagine, although it can’t come soon enough.
Capitalists are the jealous looters, screaming one. Their capital derives from slavery, rape, murder, looting, pillaging, exploitation, and a medium of exchange backed by all of these.
Taran St0ck spewing more bullshit. I thought he was banned.
I’m correcting the bullshit you capitalist idiots spew, you mentally challenged molested child. Sit down, shut up, and try to learn.
You keep proving my points for me. The more you talk, the deeper you dig yourself into that hole, and the deeper the hole gets, they closer to hell you get. You should indeed sit down, shut up, and try to learn, as I suggested before.
“The delusional nonsense poster confuses revolutionary strategy for personal lack of courage.”
Keep telling yourself that, if that’s what lets you sleep at night. But the fact is that you claim to be a communist, i.e. a filthy thief. You have expressed the desire to engage in the genocide of those from Europe and the Levant. And you say that you wish to return to the pre-civilized culture of rape, slavery, theft and murder which dominated America from the first arrival of “first nations” [sic], i.e. redskins, until after the arrival of the Europeans.
“Personal acts of violence are not what are called for at this stage of revolutionary organizing.”
That makes your idle threats and calls to genocide even stupider. All you will achieve it to be defeated before you even get started. Which is fine by me, so by all means continue your ill-advised abuse of free speech.
“Educational and organizational efforts among workers must come first.”
It’s been tried for over a century with less than no success. It turns out that workers like earning capital and owning property.
“Without discussion of things which aren’t for you to know, I have relevant experience and no problem at all with putting it to use again.”
LOL. Sure, sure. Look, everybody knows how this works: if you didn’t want me or others to know about it, then you wouldn’t be talking about it.
You are either so foolish and arrogant to think you are untouchable, or far more likely, you are deeply disappointed with your life and embarrassed by your lack of courage and achievement, and are trying to convince yourself as much as anyone else that you are real revolutionaryTM.
But you might as well stop embarrassing yourself, because you aren’t going to fool anyone like this, least of all yourself. Even those pitiable morons who got duped by the QAnon honeypot into attending the peaceful protest in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021, are bigger “hardcore revolutionaries” than you. And even those cowardly BLM and antifa nazis who beat elderly people in the head with bike locks, are more “dangerous criminals” than you. You’ve never even seen someone die peacefully in their sleep, have you? Much less killed someone in a fair fight. So how can you ever hope to compare yourself to actual communist revolutionaries?
“Where are these archaic humans?”
Weren’t you listening. Our ancestors, the filthy thieving, raping, enslaving, murdering falsely-labeled “first nations” whom you so adore, waged genocide against them until they went extinct long before Europeans ever even arrived in America. All that’s left of them are some archeological traces like bones, tools and cave paintings.
“It purports that African-Americans would have to go to Africa”
Ah so your are not even consistent in your cognitive dissonance, nor honest with yourself. By your own rule “They have no right to anything they haven’t produced”, they would end up owing the boat fair, never mind everything they ever earned thanks to the civilized people of Europe and the Levant.
“European invaders of other continents produced the wealth they amassed”
through slavery, invasion and occupation of other continents, gilthy thieving capitalist exploitation of workers, institutionalized rape, exploitation of animals, industrial rape and exploitation of Mother Earth, and every other form of evildoing they have engaged in to amass their looted wealth.”
Europeans have not engaged in more enslavement, invasion, occupation, theft, exploitation, rape, evil doing or looting than any other people, and a good deal less than most – in particular much, much less than the redskins in America and muslims in Africa and the Levant.
“They have produced nothing but misery, and must pay reparations with everything they have, up to and including their last and final breaths.”
You know who have produced nothing but misery? Filthy thieving communists!
You ungrateful wretch. They have produced every quality of life anyone enjoys. We all owe literally everything to them. With very few exceptions nobody ever managed to produce much of anything outside of the Levant and Europe. And, for better or worse, even those few exceptions, like the Egyptians, Chinese, Ethiopians and Aztecs, after coming into contact quickly became entirely reliant on the technological and social innovations of Europe and the Levant.
You have no clue what you are talking about. Do you really want to take return “Turtle Island” to its pre-civilized state of constant tribal genocide, slavery, rape, theft and murder? I doubt it. If you do, go to hell and do so, instead of forcing your sick perversion on everyone else.
“There is nothing morally wrong with literally eating the rich, even while they are alive.”
Then let yourself be eaten, you ungrateful, affluent, privileged spawn of Satan.
“If we choose to be merciful”
You keep saying “we”. There is no “we”. You are alone. Very few people, if anyone, is as fucked in the head as you are. And those that are, if they exist at all, are just as irrelevant as you, because they too have never produced or contributed anything of value themselves. Pray that Christ is merciful towards YOU, because you certainly do not deserve mercy.
“I do not in any way derive who I am from European invader Amerigo Vespucci.”
Very stunning and brave, I’m sure, but you are an American nonetheless, whether you like it or not.
“Steal, rape, enslave and murder is all these invaders have brought”
They didn’t bring that. That was already there, and it was far worse than anything the Europeans ever they did in the New World.
“you will be forced to confess to a revolutionary people’s tribunal after some very highly enhanced interrogation”
Cool, I’ll be waiting for you. Real (national) socialists have been trying and failing to kill me for a decade now, so truly pathetic LARPers with big mouths don’t scare me in the slightest.
The nonsense entity’s pathetic guesswork about me personally is as pathetic, misguided and wrong as its religion and ideology. Its words are, not surprisingly, mostly about itself, not about me. There’s no hell or devil down there as it digs its hole, but there’s molten lava, and that’s good enough.
European arrival only greatly increased the scale of murder, slavery, rape, theft, robbery, torture, kidnapping, etc. It certainly didn’t end it, decrease it, or create any legitimate ownership or property. Thus, all ownership and property is illegitimate, as is all money and capital (derived from same), and that makes all capitalists filthy thieves.
What’s been tried for over a century is irrelevant to what’s coming. Many things are tried for over a century, even for many centuries, before they succeed. It turns out that some things take time.
I told you what you need to know about me. I don’t care whether you believe me, and you won’t goad me into telling you more. I don’t care how untouchable or touchable I am. My personal survival or quality of life, yours, or anyone else’s are meaningless trivia in the coming workers worldwide revolution. I’m happy with my life, not that it matters. I’ll kill, die, or almost certainly both for the cause when the time is right and not before.
You, foolish and arrogant creature, are the one who thinks your personal qualities or survival matter at all, or matter as far as anything we are discussing, which puts you and your stupid ideology at a distinct disadvantage against those of us who know better.
I’m a real revolutionary, but whether you believe me or not changes nothing. I’m making no threats, idle or otherwise. I’m telling you what will happen at some point in the next half century regardless of what you believe.
Your pretense of knowing anything about me personally would be enough to show any objective reader, if any were to happen to come along at any point, just how delusional you are.
Your misdirection of pretending that Turtle Island is owed to the nonexistent or unidentifiable descendants of a people that hasn’t existed for thousands of years has been shown to be nonsense as well. You should be embarrassed by your racist idiotic claim that the descendants of African slaves brought unwillingly to Turtle Island owe the boat fare, except that you’re too far sunk for embarrassment.
The technological and social innovations of Europe have all been at unsustainable social and especially environmental cost. The bill is coming due, which is why the workers revolution is inevitable.
You have no more reason to believe I am affluent than to believe I lack in courage or achievement or anything else. That is, you invented your claims. Much like European monarchs invented their claims of owning anything, especially outside of Europe.
There is a we. The only one alone is you, by your own choice to believe in the dead end ideology of individualism. There is and was no Christ – another idiotic delusion, like property and divine rights and the rest of your nonsense.
I’m not American. I don’t care who or where you are. None of this is personal, despite your cognitive dissonance. I don’t care if you think you’re ready, or whether you are scared. Everything I said in every prior comment above as well as in this one is still trying true, and each time you answer you only redundantly prove it to be true.
So, keep up the good work, comrade. Or not, because it’s already established well beyond any reasonable doubt how pathetic your nonexistent case is here. The results are the same either way.
Whatever Stock.
Nuna is Stock? Now it all makes sense!
…is still true…
Anyone who has doubts that nun A is racist should see her recent claim above that African-Americans owe reparations to whites for the middle passage, slavery, and Jim Crow.
She also claims that the rest of the world should kiss white people’s asses for colonialism, imperialism, slavery, capitalism, etc.
Those are Taran’s claims (“They have no right to anything they haven’t produced”) if he were logically consistent in his cognitive dissonance and honest with himself.
I don’t think Taran is a nun, let alone an A tier one.
“The nonsense entity’s pathetic guesswork about me personally is as pathetic, misguided and wrong as its religion and ideology.”
So what you saying is that I hit the nail on the head. As usual.
“Its words are, not surprisingly, mostly about itself,”
Yes, your words are. And they fail to address any point made, serving only to prove my case yet again. Thank you. No need to refer to yourself in the third person though.
“There’s no hell or devil down there as it digs its hole, but there’s molten lava, and that’s good enough.”
It’s a start for you. Fuck around and fine out.
“European arrival only greatly increased the scale of murder, slavery, rape, theft, robbery, torture, kidnapping, etc.”
It’s spelt “decreased”.
“I’m happy with my life, not that it matters.”
It does to the eternal damnation of your soul.
“I’ll kill, die, or almost certainly both for the cause when the time is right and not before […] I’m telling you what will happen at some point in the next half century regardless of what you believe. ”
Again, fuck around and find out. If you have the balls, which you don’t. All bark and not bite, you have more in common with a hot air balloon than with a revolutionary.
“Your misdirection of pretending that Turtle Island is owed to the nonexistent or unidentifiable descendants of a people that hasn’t existed for thousands of years has been shown to be nonsense as well.”
Again, you are showing what a hypocrite you are. You are all for murder, slavery, rape, theft, robbery, torture, kidnapping, etc., just so long as redskins were the ones doing it to others. Disgusting double standards.
“You should be embarrassed by your racist idiotic claim that the descendants of African slaves brought unwillingly to Turtle Island owe the boat fare, except that you’re too far sunk for embarrassment.”
That is YOUR claim, not mine, because YOU are the one who believes “They have no right to anything they haven’t produced”. YOU are the racist idiot who wants to reduce African-Americans to trying to cut out a meager existence in the utmost squalor. Don’t project your racist idiocy on me.
“The technological and social innovations of Europe have all been at unsustainable social and especially environmental cost.”
Perhaps yes, but that does not change the fact that you, me and everyone else owe everything we currently have to it.
“You have no more reason to believe I am affluent than to believe I lack in courage or achievement or anything else.”
As much reason as that? That’s more than I would have estimated.
“There is a we. The only one alone is you, by your own choice to believe in the dead end ideology of individualism. There is and was no Christ – another idiotic delusion, like property and divine rights and the rest of your nonsense.”
Again, you’re all talk. How bout you try and back any of that up. Fuck around and find out.
“I’m not American.”
Yes, you are: “We are Natives, whether here in Turtle Island (“America”), in Guam, or anywhere else in the world”. You are an American per your own words. “Turtle Island” – fucking joke of a name – is America.
“None of this is personal, despite your cognitive dissonance.”
Indeed. It is good versus evil. God versus Satan. Which is why I am more than prepared to die fighting for Christ. And why you lack the courage to stand for anything.
Thank you for once again extensively proving so.
Thank God for European, Caucasian and Middle Eastern solutions to humanity’s problems.
All this multifaceted drivel over Guam. How about a post on removing statehood from Hawaii? I can hardly imagine the conversation opening wider, or wilder.
US treatment of Queen Lili’uokalani and especially of King Kalakaua was disgraceful. That alone should be reason enough to put the secession and the restoration of the monarchy to a referendum in Hawaii.
Shabat sholom nunyachka, and shona tova you false flag fyvel. We see you, and we see your tricks. Time to absolved your sins is soon at yom Kippur, polyachka zhidovskaya sladenkaya moya, lol .
Imperka I kolovrat nad Ruskoy derzhave, smert vragam, Slava Rossiye!
Unhappy feast of Saint Phocas, o “Lesbian Gay Bisexual”.
We see you also, and we laugh and your foolishness. Much like poor Taran over here, you need to learn not to make idle threats. Не только слава России, но и слава Богу!
At least you got the part in Russian right. The part in English, not so much.