Michigan Court Kennedy Decisions are Inaccurate About the Natural Law Party’s Ballot Status

Both federal and state courts in Michigan have ruled that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, cannot withdraw, partly because it would leave the party that nominated him, the Natural Law Party, with no nominees. However, the Natural Law Party has a nominee for Governor of Wayne State University, a partisan statewide race.

Therefore, even if Kennedy had withdrawn in Michigan, the Natural Law Party would still be extremely likely to retain its place on the ballot for future elections. Minor party candidates for Michigan’s partisan statewide elections always poll enough votes to keep their party on the ballot. The vote test is only 1% of the winning candidate’s vote total for Secretary of State in the last Secretary of State election. No minor party has ever run for a statewide partisan educational post and failed to win enough votes.

Here is the Michigan candidate list. The educational statewide offices are toward the back of the list.


Michigan Court Kennedy Decisions are Inaccurate About the Natural Law Party’s Ballot Status — 8 Comments

  1. “No minor party has ever run for a statewide partisan educational post and failed to win enough votes.”

    I find it amusing that educational posts, especially the governorship of a public university, are keeping Michigan parties on the ballot. But hey, why not.

  2. Reprogram the AZ bot: probably not, and it’s not worth the effort either way. Just ignore it.

    Commando Jefe: Republicans are far worse.

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