On September 21, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asked the U.S. Supreme Court to put him on the ballot. Team Kennedy v Berger, 24A285. He had been kept off, even though he had enough valid signatures, because he put an address on his declaration of candidacy that was questioned.
Here is the filing. He filed it only three days after he lost in the Second Circuit. The U.S. On September 23, the Supreme Court has asked for a response by Wednesday, September 25.
In a somewhat similar Nevada Green Party ballot access appeal, the Green Party took seven days to file in the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Nevada Democratic Party and the Secretary of State of Nevada criticized the Green Party for taking that long.
So, does he want to stay on the ballot (NY) or come off (Michigan and others)?
It’s almost like he’s trying to game the system instead of actually taking a position on ballot access.
And this site should do better than “questioned.” He was found by a court to have fabricated the address having never actually lived there.
Fascinating read. They kept their brief… well… brief. They are going to let amici file briefs explaining how the Trump v Anderson decision applies which prohibits states from setting up their own qualifying requirements for president created a patchwork of said requirements (for the purpose of course of restricting ballot access).
It is nice to read that this apply does something many ballot access experts have been asking the US Supreme Court, give us a clear ruling in a recent situation on how states should balance state interest versus the people’s interest in allowing candidates of the ballot (or having the same access as candidates from the major parties to get the ballot).
This all really started on 1 July 2024 in Las Vegas, Clark County, NV. It was on that date that RFK Jr. took advantage of his rights under NRS 41.193 and NRS 41.195 which became effective on 31 October 1979.
Background on 4 July 2017, a Charles F. Adams died in.Anchorage, AK. He died in Anchorage, AK under hospis care at the home of his brother who permitted said final care at his home at 2055 Saratoga Ave., Anchorage, AK.
After 2015 when George Adams, Jr. became a partial ward of the State of Alaska, his brother Charles F. Adams and former Sister-in-Law Lila Lee Adams nee Walker in September 2016 issued a Quit Claim Deed & recorded same that was Wild & purported placing that real property owned in fee by George Adams Jr. In a family trust which George Adams, Jr. was not a trusted.
Lila Lee Adams also died in Anchorage, Alaska on 2 July 2022.
At an evidentiary hearing in a Justice Court in Washoe County, NV on 29 August 1949 the parents of Lila Lee Walker and the mother of Charles Fred
Adams, Sr. name Emma Adams [Note there were two Mrs. Emma Adams that married George Adams, Sr. Her marrage took place in New York City in 1929, prior to the birth of their first son Charles Fred Adams, Sr. In year 1930 in Queens County, NY.]
It was when George Adams, Jr. joined the faith of B’Nai Noach that he declared before an Orthodox Rabbi with the required two additional witnesses, that Emma Adams (1) had a Hebrew name of “Eema” [translated from the Hebrew
word for mother.], as in “Adam ben Eema” as used by both congregation in Anchorage, Alaska during services, praying for the good health of George Adams, Jr. who is a 91 year old man of the B’Nai Noach faith.
At time or that 29 August 1949 evidentiary hearing in the Washoe County Justice Court both Charles Fred Adams. Sr. and Lila Lee Walker were minors and could not get married in Nevada without being domicilaries of a county in Nevada. As minors only there parents could declare they were domicilaries of a Nevada county.
An attorney in Pittsburg, CA directed Mrs. Emma Adams (1) and Mr. and Mrs. Walker to proceed to Reno, Nevada and get Charles Fred Adams, Sr. and Lila Lee Walker to wed so he could get the
Conta County Grand Jury to not proceed with statutory rape charges against Charles Fred Adams, Sr. a 19 year old teenager for rape of Lila Lee Walker a
17 year old child.
To do that the parents of both these teenagers had to declare there domicilaries as Washoe County, Nevada.
Mr. & Mrs. L. Walker and Mrs. Emma Adams did just that. However, George Adams, Sr. did not and also did not join his son and wife on their trip to Nevada.
For Charles F. Adams, Sr. and Lila Lee Adams nee Walker to move their domicile to a state other than Nevada after 30 September 1979 that were require after establish a purported new domicle in a State other than Nevada to return to a District Court in Nevada and file a Statement of Domicile in a State other than Nevada.
At no time prior to 4 July 2017 for Charles Fred Adams, Sr. did he do the required act under NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195. Also at no time prior to 2 July 2022, did Lila Lee Adams nee Walker do that Statement filing either.
Therefore, even though Lila Lee Adams nee Walker’s will has to be probated at the District Court of Douglas County, Nevada at Minden, before the Hon. Judge Gregory.
Because of the Adams issues with not following the procedures under Nevada Law under NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195 probate must take place in Nevada and not Alaska.
Therefore, we are now in the sixth court over this issue of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., since 1 July 2024, viz., US Supreme Court.
Sorry typo the effective date of NRS 42.193 & NRS 42.195 was on 1 October 2979.
Again.typo it became effective on 1 October 1979.
As the filing says, if this does not succeed, New York will be the only state with only Trump and Harris on the ballot. No other state thought RFK Jr’s address was a problem. The filing points out that if the New York precedent is not reversed, there are whole classes of people who can never get on the New York ballot. Some people do not have a domicile.
If you don’t have a domicile, you shouldn’t be running for office.
Is that in the Constitution?
We don’t need vagrants in office. It’s bad enough we have Fetterman.
Everyone has a domicile. Homeless people can claim a homeless shelter or described physical location as a domicile. Even most homeless people are not stereotypically truly homeless and can establish a domicile somewhere through evidence. Kennedy is obviously not homeless. It’s just that his domicile is in California. The NY address exists, but it’s not where he actually resides. Every available piece of evidence points to his residence being in California except for his voter registration, where his claimed address was accepted on faith.
No other state has a problem with the NY address because only in NY is it an in state address which could have misled petition signers that he was a “favorite son” candidate from that state. While it would be justified for other states to kick him off for fraud (claiming a residence where he doesn’t live for the purpose of registering to vote and to file as a candidate) the NY situation is unique.
What does the Alaska story have to do with anything?
Richard Winger,
I guess that can be possible, not having a domicile by origin or domicile by choice. But that seems very rare. RFK was born in the District of Columbia, but his domicile by Origin was the Commonweath of Virgina, since Robert Kennedy Sr. Established his domicle by choice in Virginia prior to Robert Kennedy’s birth.
California has never been domicile of RFK Jr.
Yes it is. That’s where he lives.
Living in a place does not establish domicle. It is the intent to return
Being born somewhere does nothing to indicate intent to return. When you have the possessions you actually use above what you take on road trips somewhere, are there most of the time, get mail and physical deliveries there, patronize businesses in the area to the point of being recognized as a regular, etc, that is a more likely indicator of intent to return.
Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh
Kamala Harris is gonna win!
1. Alaska has no counties.
2. The counties in New York City are the boroughs of NYC.
3. All of Alaska is divided by boroughs.
4. Historically Oregon Country was divided by boroughs which were used in the Garfield Act of 1877.
5. I discussed this with RDK Jr. prior to his filling in Las Vegas on 1 July 2024.
Even more importantly, Trump will lose, big league.
What does any of that have to do with anything?
Harris will beat Trump by a wide margin. Every swing state and quite probably some in the next tier of states will all go for Harris. The question at this point is which foreign country will felon Trump flee to after the election.
If Trump stays in the US he will be in prison before long, possibly as soon as next year (or even this year, but that’s very unlikely). Given his age, he would likely die in prison and go out the back door. I don’t think he will let that happen if he can help it.
Jumping Jehososophat on,
Minors can not establish domicilary. IF parents are wed it comes from father. If not comes from mother.
Kennedy is damn near 70 years old. He hasn’t been a minor in a very long time. That has nothing to do with where he lives, domiciles, or intends to return. I have no idea why you keep talking about who knows what.
Democrats will have majorities in both the House and Senate going into the Kamala Harris Presidency. And, we won’t let the Senate filibuster sideline progress any longer. Harris will be much more transformative than Obama or Biden. She will become by far out greatest President ever.
Kamala and the Coach are the right team at the right time!
Jumping Jehosophat’s comment reminds me of that iconic Trump quote about RFK (“And radicalized also are his family. They’ll never allow him to be a Republican, they’ve said that, ‘We will not let him be a Republican'”) … like, please, he’s not a child, he’s literally “damn near 70 years old”
Marx Seidenberg is probably old enough that damn near 70 still seems like a child to him.
“A White House without an inhabitant for a vagrant without an NYC domicile”…
And be grateful you didn’t get the wizard of Oz. At least Frankenstein’s Monster seems to be getting less and less bad with age – and returning brain-function.
We need vagrants in office. At least that will put the white house to good use, housing the homeless.
Frank Adams was a domicilary of Baltimore County, MD according to the 1910 census. When he died at Mare Island, CA on 15 July 1903. He used the name of Hans Frankenberger on arrival in the United States from Bavaria. He joined the US Marines as Frank Adams. He did not use the name
of Frankenstein.
Why do you keep going on about these Adams people? What do they have to do with any of this?
Q on,
When RFK Jr. on 1 July 2024 at the District Court at Las Vegas filed a Statement of Domicile in a State other than Nevada, viz. State of New York. He was complying with NRS 41.193 and NRS 41.195 he was complying with Nevada law on establishing domicilary in a State other than Nevada under the terms of a law that became effective on 1 October 1979. Charles F. Adams, Sr. and Lila Lee Adams nee Walker did not do what RFK Jr. did at any time after 30 September 1979 to file the require statement to move their established domicilaries to Alaska from Washoe County, NV under law.
So, what’s the point with the Adams family, or is there one?
Q on,
It was on 3 June 1938 that Frank Adams body was moved and reburied from the Mare Island Naval Cemetary to the San Francisco National Cemetary with out the approval on his next of kin by an order from the Quarter Master General of the US Army when Frank Adams, who was formerly known as Hans Frankenberger in Bavaria. This was at a time that there was no removal of the remains of a bear named “Mike” who died on Mare Island in 1905 as the ships mascot of the USS Bennington.
It was on 30 December 1898 at Honolulu, HI that Captain Calvin L. Hooper, USRCS gave a sua sponte order to commander or the USS Bennington to take formal possession of Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean at a time when Germany made a claim also to Wake Island. The US Government took formal possession of Wake Atoll on 13 January 1899 from a landing party from the USS Bennington, while the German government sent the US Government a diplomatic note of protest.
So, there is no point?
“Q on,” it’s just Q
Q on,
I studied International law from a one leged attorney and professor at the Graduate School of the United States Department of Agriculture. Back in the 1980’s I joined him and his wife for dinner. During that dinner conversation Hans Frank name came up by this Professor who was active in the Nurenberg Trails. He began talking to me about George Lincoln Rockwell and than shifted his conversation to Hans Frank testimony about L. Frankenberger at the Nurenberg Trials.
Maria Anna Schicklgrober (15 April 1795 to 6 January 1847) married Johann
Georg Hiedler on 10 May 1842, about five years after Adolf Hitler’s father was born in 1837 as a Sckicklgrober out of wedlock. “Anna” Adams the wife of Frank Adams, formerly Hans Frankenberger, was originally named Johanna L. Heidler after either Johann
George Heidler or his brother Johann with the same first name but different middle names. The last named varied on documents as Heidler and Hitzler.
Sorry some documents give the middle name as “Georg” and not “George”.
How many different and overly long ways will Mark Seidenberg say that he has no point?
Yes, but are you sorry for posting this irrelevant trivia, Mr. Seidenberg?
Q on,
It was because of the fact that both Charles Fred Adams, Sr. and Lila Lee Adams nee Walker not complying with NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195 before their deaths that they did not move there domicilaries from Nevada so probate has to take place in a District Court in the State of Nevada and RFK set up proof of his domicilary in New York
by complying with the terms of NRS 41.193 and NRS 41.195 at a District Court in Las Vegas, NV.
Q on,
The date of the testimony related L. Frankenberger by Hans Frank took place on 18 April 1946. Hope this is helpful to the events in 1938 in both Mare Island, CA and Dollershern, Austria.
@Mark Seidenberg
LOL, I was talking about this Frankenstein’s Monster:
He’s somehow worked his way all the way up from being arguably even worse than Doctor Oz, to being arguably the least bad Democrat in Congress. Now if only he could shed his blinkers regarding nazi “Ukraine”, abortion and LGBTQ+, I might even start liking him instead of merely feeling sympathy for him.
Seidenberg wants to create the impression of some odd connection between the Adams family, RFK JR and Adolf Hitler but not explain exactly what he wants us to think this connection might be for some reason. Maybe it involves Area 51?
The Adams family, you say…
They’re creepy and they’re kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They’re all together ooky
The Addams family
Their house is a museum
When people come to see ’em
They really are a scream
The Addams family
So put a witch’s shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We’re gonna pay a call on
The Addams family
Before dismissing this as completely irrelevant spam, did you know that despite the extra “d”, the Addams family is canonically supposed to be related to presidents John and John Quincy Adams, just like their creator Charles Addams was in reality?
There is no connection here between RFK Jr. and Adolf Hitler. There is a connection between Charles Fred Adams, Sr. and Lila Lee Adams nee Walker with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. That is Nevada law, viz., NRS 41.193 & NRS 41.195. Kennedy complied with it. Yet the Adams did not.
As to spelling issues. The last name of the man that married Maria Anna Sckicklgruber in 1842 was Heidler. In 1876 A. Sckicklgruber changed his last name to Hitler. On the other hand “Anna” Adams when wedding Frank Adams used the nee name of Hitzler and not Heidler in 1893 in NYC.
Let’s take my family case on my mother’s side. My maternal grandfather last name us Helfand, but in Odessa, Russia the last name was Gelfand. When my grandparents wed in 1900 in Dublin. Ireland, the name on the record was Helland. It went back to Helfand on the admission document into the United States as Helfand from.Helland on 10 July 1904.
Looking at the Adams case the name of Johanna Heidler became Johanna Hitzler
at marriage to Frank Adams, formerly Hans Frankenberger.