
MSNBC News Story About Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Request to the US Supreme Court to get On New York Ballot — 8 Comments

  1. New York usually doesn’t print its ballots as early as other states do. The overseas absentee ballots are already printed and mailed out, but not the great bulk of ballots.

  2. What happens if he gets his name on the ballot it’s a really close election? Like if the state is decided by fewer votes than the number of ballots printed without him?

  3. After losing NY by over 23% in the 2020 election? That would be one HELL of a shift in only 4 years.

  4. Babylon Bee is a source of parables rather than of news. Though it incidentally predicts future news stories with some regularity, it does not aim to give accounts of specific events, but rather to accurately relate the backdrop against which those events played out. That makes it far more reliable than fake news media like MSNBC, which claims to report factually but invariable omits, adds and distorts facts to support its narrative instead.

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