Jill Stein Campaign Informs Ohio Secretary of State that “Withdrawal” of the Stand-in V-P Candidate Had No Connection to the Stein Campaign

on September 26, the Jill Stein campaign was able to communicate with the Ohio Secretary of State’s office the information that the so-called “withdrawal” of the Stein ticket was not signed by anyone with any connection to the Stein campaign itself. Therefore, the piece of paper should have been ignored. Instead the Secretary of State took it seriously and said that votes for Stein won’t be counted, even though she is on the ballot. Hopefully the information provided to the Secretary of State will result in reversing that policy.


Jill Stein Campaign Informs Ohio Secretary of State that “Withdrawal” of the Stand-in V-P Candidate Had No Connection to the Stein Campaign — 26 Comments

  1. Hopefully her votes still won’t be counted, and the rest of the states follow suit because we can’t have a patchwork of candidates on the ballot, so since she’s not to be counted in Ohio, she shouldn’t be counted anywhere.

  2. I like that patchwork argument. I think it should be interpreted to exclude candidates who miss making the ballot anywhere everywhere. We have a binary choice when it comes to President, and it’s past time we make that the law, along with universal and mandatory voting for all legal residents of the US over the age of 16 (as a starting point).

  3. So the Ohio Secretary of State is braindead? How could he accept a random person’s signature? It would be like accepting my next door neighbor’s signature.

  4. Why would he have any reason to suspect that anyone unconnected with a campaign would withdraw on its behalf? Besides, it sounds to me like it actually was someone with the campaign in its efforts to substitute a vp candidate, and now they’re scrambling for an excuse to get counted by trying to withdraw the withdrawal through falsely claiming it didn’t come from the campaign.

    This should be thoroughly investigated, and if that turns out to be the case, not only should their votes not be counted but everyone involved in the racketeering election fraud scheme, even very tangentially, should be thrown in the world’s most horrible dungeon naked and alone in unlit cells and have the keys and locks melted down so there’s no way for them to ever leave. Ever.

  5. How is it not obvious that they are lying? You’d have to be very, very stupid or lying yourself to accept their new claim that they were not trying to withdraw the stand in vp candidate.

  6. In 2016, Dr. Stein’s VP was Howie Hawkins in Minnesota despite it being Ajamu Baraka everyone else; also, in 2012, her VP was Howie Hawkins in Illinois despite it being Cheri Honkala everywhere else. Clearly she knows that it’s fine to leave the incorrect VP in place for a state or two. Surely some corrupt DemocRAT forged a signature to get Dr. Stein off the ballot.

  7. You mean 11. Make it 12. I’m also Stock. At least in my solipsistic mind I am. All your attention are belongs to me! Everyone is Stock!

  8. The form was filed by someone who is an activist in the Ohio Green Party, but the Stein petition was an independent petition, with no legal connection to the Ohio Green Party, which is not ballot-qualified in Ohio.

  9. So, it actually was on behalf of the campaign, and now they are disingenuously and unconvincingly trying to pretend otherwise.

  10. Richard said recently that “elections officials have already prepared a postal mailing to all the voters who received an absentee ballot, telling them votes for Stein won’t count.”

    The Secretary of State of Ohio can’t simply say “sorry” when the mailing has already resulted in harm, regardless of what the SoS does now, and regardless of whether there was any ill will. Assuming I have the facts straight, this is a winnable lawsuit. But, it would be nicer if this could be settled out of court instead.

  11. It could be settled by the Steinheads stopping their fraudulent attempts to have their votes counted in exchange for not being prosecuted for their fraud, although I’d rather see them prosecuted vigorously, convicted, and sentenced extremely harshly.

  12. It would only be “on behalf of the campaign” if the Ohio Green Party were ballot-qualified in Ohio, but it is not. Dr. Stein is operating as an Independent in Ohio, thus the Green Party has no relation/association to her in that state.

  13. That’s disingenuous, and you know it. Do you seriously want us to think that you believe this line of obvious bullshit will convince anyone?

  14. Qed, the person who filed it had no formal association with the campaign or any of the affected candidates. The person was not even one of the candidates for presidential elector.

  15. Clearly, it was collusion between corrupt organizations (green party and Stein campaign) operating across state lines. Federal RICO investigation and prosecution are called for.

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