
Cleveland Plain Dealer Article Gives More Information on Jill Stein’s Status in Ohio — 4 Comments

  1. “an unauthorized withdrawal letter used Rios’ “copy/pasted” signature” copy-pasting signatures? That’s illegal. Whoever did that should be punished.

  2. So, Ohio SoS office doesn’t know state law. That’s nice. OR do they? The Plain Dealer mentions “non-presidential candidates” BUT a Veep is part of a team. So, maybe the Plain Dealer isn’t exactly right. And who is this “Lusheck”? First reference has no first name, nor a title. AP answers that

    And, Jill Stein’s campaign staff was out of touch. Shock me.

    That said, the reason (I presume) Stein is running indy is that Ohio’s GP is small, or it used to be — for state Green Parties, small.

  3. Farley is, of course, telling the truth. The Stein campaign didn’t realize that by trying to replace Rios with Ware, they were giving the crooked LaRose an excuse to effectively remove Stein from the ballot. So now they are trying to find excuses by which LaRose would have acted not only in an unethical way, but also in an illegal one. And they are more than happy to scapegoat Farley, if they think there is even the slightest chance of getting back on the ballot that way. In fact, they might even be willing to sacrifice her just to save themselves from the embarrassment of admitting they overlooked the excuse they were giving LaRose.

  4. @Solipsistic Dungfly

    Daniel Lusheck is LaRose’s “deputy communications director” and “media contact”.

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