The Cleveland Plain Dealer has this article about Jill Stein and whether her votes will be counted in Ohio this year.
Cleveland Plain Dealer Article Gives More Information on Jill Stein’s Status in Ohio — 74 Comments
“an unauthorized withdrawal letter used Rios’ “copy/pasted” signature” copy-pasting signatures? That’s illegal. Whoever did that should be punished.
So, Ohio SoS office doesn’t know state law. That’s nice. OR do they? The Plain Dealer mentions “non-presidential candidates” BUT a Veep is part of a team. So, maybe the Plain Dealer isn’t exactly right. And who is this “Lusheck”? First reference has no first name, nor a title. AP answers that
And, Jill Stein’s campaign staff was out of touch. Shock me.
That said, the reason (I presume) Stein is running indy is that Ohio’s GP is small, or it used to be — for state Green Parties, small.
Farley is, of course, telling the truth. The Stein campaign didn’t realize that by trying to replace Rios with Ware, they were giving the crooked LaRose an excuse to effectively remove Stein from the ballot. So now they are trying to find excuses by which LaRose would have acted not only in an unethical way, but also in an illegal one. And they are more than happy to scapegoat Farley, if they think there is even the slightest chance of getting back on the ballot that way. In fact, they might even be willing to sacrifice her just to save themselves from the embarrassment of admitting they overlooked the excuse they were giving LaRose.
@Solipsistic Dungfly
Daniel Lusheck is LaRose’s “deputy communications director” and “media contact”.
Fascist Racist Nutbar Fucktard: I already saw that, per the AP link I posted.
I guess reading comprehension isn’t high among the sub-Neanderthals?s
Just Me = Robert K Stock the troll.
@Solipsistic Dungfly
LMAO. As if I’m gonna bother clicking any link you post or visiting your nazi sources. Fuck off, you God damn nazi son of a whore, and be grateful that I answered the question you were too lazy to do any research into for yourself.
Are any of the people above not Stock?
Everyone is Stock, period.
I am Stock. Stock is me. We are all Stock. Stock is us.
All of these characters are obvious stock characters. If you don’t know what a stock character is, you are one.
Regressive leftard has it backwards, as usual. The Stein/Green cabal tried to pull a fast one an and got caught. It’s not any more complicated than that.
Kamala Harris is #1 candidate for natural born America citizens! All of us born in USA the patriots are 100% for the Kamala!
Chase Oliver pulled petition fraud in Tennessee. He should be in jail to.
Yes, put Chase and Jill in prison and throw away the key.
Anyone who has doubts that nun A is racist should see her recent claim that African-Americans owe reparations to whites for the middle passage, slavery, and Jim Crow.
She also claims that the rest of the world should kiss white people’s asses for colonialism, imperialism, slavery, capitalism, etc.
“Yes, put Chase and Jill in prison and throw away the key.”
That doesn’t seem to keep anyone off the ballot.
Then fry them, how about that?
“Anyone who has doubts that nun A is racist should see her recent claim that African-Americans owe reparations to whites for the middle passage, slavery, and Jim Crow. She also claims that the rest of the world should kiss white people’s asses for colonialism, imperialism, slavery, capitalism, etc.”
But I don’t think Taran is a “she”, let alone a nun.
Taran is Robert K Stock, meaning a man. That’s obviously.
The real reason that Secretary of State LaRose practically raced to disqualify Stein is because, according to polling, whenever she is on the ballot as an independent, she takes votes from Trump. However, when she is on the ballot as the Green Party, she takes votes from Harris.
In Ohio, she is an independent. So, of course, LaRose disqualified Stein.
Stein, even as an independent, is not going to take more votes from Trump than from Harris. LaRose has always been a pretty Democrat-minded RINO. He is just helping out his uniparty buddies to keep the duopoly in power.
No, Nun A, those are your claims, made explicitly in the surrounding comments. Nuna or Nun A or whatever you call yourself.
I meant to say I’m Robert K Stuck, meaning a boy, obviously. Nun A is a nun, meaning a woman, obviously. Taran sounds like a man, although he has said he intends to transition and become a lesbian.
Mypillows: you say all that like it’s supposed to be bad or something?
Also, thanks for letting me know about the discount on MyPillows. I just ordered 14 of them. My dad has a bigger house than me, and I let him know about it. He’s ordering 88 of them right now!
Correction: it wasn’t surrounding comments. NunA literally made those racist statements in the very comment she linked!!!
Scratch a regular rightwinger, and there’s a racist Nazi not far below the surface.
Mypillows for only $14.88! is Robert K Stock.
Look, boy,I know you’re looking for your daddy Robert K Stock, I get it. But just because I had sex with your mother doesn’t make me him. I hate to break it to you, kid, but your mother is like a subway turnstile. If you don’t know what that means, we’ll talk after you find out.
“Correction: it wasn’t surrounding comments. NunA literally made those racist statements in the very comment she linked!!!”
As anyone who reads that comment can see, I pointed out the implication of Taran’s statements. Don’t try to pin his racism on me.
Nah. It was your true beliefs, you lying piece of crap. Taran didn’t say or imply anything like that. Those views are yours and yours alone. Twist all you want – people can indeed see who said what, and that it was you and only you who said that crap, you twisted racist piece of garbage.
Nah. It is the implication of Taran’s statements if he were honest with himself and logically consistent in his cognitive dissonance.
Statements such as that “[Europeans] have no right to anything they haven’t produced, and that includes anything and everything outside Europe. They should go back there and take their evil ways, including capitalism and their false religions, with them.”
Twist it all YOU want – people can indeed see what a twisted racist piece of garbage Taran is.
And now they can also see what a lying piece of crap you are. Congratulations.
You are dishonest. Maybe with yourself, maybe just with everyone else. You said African Americans owe “boat fare” for the middle passage and the rest of your racist garbage.
You’re the lying piece of racist crap and only your racism leads you to believe only Europeans have ever produced anything worthwhile, that they have the right to push it on other people whether they like it or not (and then charge them for genocidally taking them as slaves, genocidal colonialism and imperialism, etc), that European monarchs have “divine right” to declare the rest of the world their property and the property of their cronies (kind of like “discovering” your neighbors houses, killing them, raping and enslaving their kids, etc), and all the rest of your racist vomit.
Nazi and nuna – two four letter words starting with N, containing an A, and otherwise very similar in many respects, including racist beliefs justifying European world conquest. Other than about Jews, you pretty much 100% openly agree with their agenda.
You are completely full of crap, you racist cognitively dissonant lying turd.
Taran isn’t racist? He has openly called for literal white genocide, lamenting that population replacement and mixing isn’t violent or genocidal enough – that’s not racist?
You can say that counteraggressive force isn’t the same as initiation of force aggression, or you can ignore that context and say they are both racist. What you can’t credibly say, though, is that NunA is anything besides a racist bigot (and a lying, dissembling, wannabe crybully projecting hypocrite finger pointer scumbag, too).
Like with Mike Lindell – scratch a right winger and the 14-88 crap isn’t far under the surface. Same with nunA and her nasty fashy nunsense and non-stop foul smelling verbal methane gas expulsion.
“You said African Americans owe “boat fare” for the middle passage”
Tell me you can’t read without telling me you can’t read.
Do I really have to spell it out for you? Will it even help since you presumably can’t comprehend that either?
If Taran’s claim that Europeans have never produced anything outside of Europe were true – which it obviously isn’t – then the same must be true of Africans.
If Europeans then do not have a right to own anything outside of Europe – Taran’s claim, not mine – then the same must be true of Africans.
If Europeans must then must go back to Europe and take all their advancements with them – Taran said he is willing to use for to achieve this – then the same must be true of Africans.
So then, according to Taran, Africans never produced anything outside of Africa, cannot own anything outside of Africa and must go back to Africa and take their lifestyle with them. That is what Taran is implying.
In my opinion, that is vile and racist. Following that train of logic, because the Africans were brought to America on boats of European invention, they would even be indebted to the Europeans for that.
That is what Taran is saying. Not me. I do not think it is impossible to own something you have not produced. And I certainly do not pretend that people never produced anything outside of their continent of origin.
So no, unlike Taran, I do not think African owe the boat fare for being brought to America as slaves.
“What you can’t credibly say, though, is that NunA is anything besides […] Like […] Mike Lindell”
Thanks. I quite like Mike Lindell. He’s none of those things you call him and me. He’s a good man. I just wish he hadn’t let himself be (ab)used by Trump.
That’s not a train of logic. It’s a train of twisted lies. Taran explicitly disagreed with it. Being forced to go somewhere as a slave is a lot different than imperialistic conquest. Only racists would ever even think of owing host care for the genocidal middle passage, and that offensive idea came from you and only you. Taran never said anything like that.
African Americans were forced to work as slaves and produced plenty, but the slaveowners kept the profits. Under Jim Crow and wage slavery it’s only been less explicit, not essentially different. Bigotry of many kinds ensured that profits continue to go to people who didn’t do the work but profit off the work of others, whether explicitly through colonialism, imperialism, conquest, genocide and slavery or less explicitly through what has been built off that crooked foundation.
Of course you like him. You must really love the $14.88 deal on his pillows, you turd sausage.
“only your racism leads you to believe only Europeans have ever produced anything worthwhile”
Again, you didn’t read what I said. Life and undeniably modern civilization originated in the Middle East. It spread throughout the world incorporating or replacing everything in its path. There were certainly other civilizations, some of which had produced worthwhile things on their own. But none of them survived extensive contact with “western” civilization. By superior technology, either used to forcefully subjugate or voluntarily adopted for its superiority, oftentimes a mixture of both, for better or worse, it subsumed every other civilization.
Where are the Aztecs, Maya and Inca, the great civilizations of the Americas, now? Partly destroyed, mostly merged into western civilization. Where are the ancient Chinese, Japanese and Koreans? Completely overtaken by both western technology and political thought. Where are the ancient Egyptians, the proverbial “cradle of life”, one of the original Middle Eastern civilizations to whom we all owe so much? Almost entirely eradicated by muslims, another Middle Eastern civilization, one of the Abrahamic variety. The Copts alone are what is left of the Egyptian civilization, and they had already voluntarily adopted Christianity, largely even before the muslim occupation and genocide.
Utilitarian value and moral value are, alas, not one and the same. Whether it is a good thing that products of European/Middle Eastern civilization took over everywhere, is a different question entirely. But it cannot be denied that everywhere in the world, sooner or later they came to be preferred, they became valued more in the utilitarian sense.
“that they have the right to push it on other people whether they like it or not (and then charge them for genocidally taking them as slaves, genocidal colonialism and imperialism, etc)”
Where on Earth did you get that stupid lie from. No that is not at all what I said, nor do I agree with that at all.
“European monarchs have “divine right” to declare the rest of the world their property and the property of their cronies (kind of like “discovering” your neighbors houses, killing them, raping and enslaving their kids, etc)”
Only a few – and a decreasing number of – monarchs are directly invested by God, and they are certainly not necessarily European. The (Carlist i.e. only legitimate) King of Spain is one. The Emperor of Ethiopia is another. The Shah of Iran, may or may not be.
But no British monarch since Queen Mary I has had the Divine Right of Kings. The Netherlands hasn’t since it was a Spanish territory under King Philip II. Sweden and Norway never had it. And in Poland monarchs were elected by the people rather than by God.
And naturally none of God’s elect monarchs engaged in any of crimes you and Taran so desperately want to libel them with. Spanish colonialism and, with a notable exception (Coonan Cross Oath), Portuguese colonialism were not nearly as sordid as, for example, English, French, German and Dutch colonialism. And the clowns who pretend to have “suffered” under the Spanish prior 1808, invariably forget to mention how much more they benefited and leave out how they were always the instigators merely reaping their just deserts.
“Only racists would ever even think of owing host care for the genocidal middle passage”
Indeed, and a racist Taran certainly is, as he keeps proving over and over again.
“African Americans were forced to work as slaves and produced plenty, but the slaveowners kept the profits.”
Yes, often; and African Americans were provided with far more comfortable living and working conditions than Africans enslaved by other Africans or Africans enslaved by muslims, or Europeans enslaved by Africans or by muslims, or African Americans and Europeans enslaved by redskins. What is your point? Slavery is inherently evil no matter who does it to whom. The only one disagreeing with that is Taran who thinks slavery is fine so long as his preferred group are the slave owners.
“Under Jim Crow and wage slavery it’s only been less explicit, not essentially different.”
Yes, you can thank the “Democrats” for that, the party of slavery and totalitarianism.
“Bigotry of many kinds ensured that profits continue to go to people who didn’t do the work but profit off the work of others,”
It’s called the social welfare state. And if one of bright ideas filthy thieving communist came up with that bigots like Taran and no-doubt yourself support.
Shabat sholom nunyachka, and shona tova you false flag fyvel. We see you, and we see your tricks. Time to absolved your sins is soon at yom Kippur, polyachka zhidovskaya sladenkaya moya, lol .
Imperka I kolovrat nad Ruskoy derzhave, smert vragam, Slava Rossiye!
Good morning, comrade Nuña. Life did not originate in middle east. Carbon based life on Earth originated long before the current continents, probably in the ocean(s).
What you call civilization originated in several places, including the middle east, approximately 6,000 years ago, along with a few other places like China and most likely some archaeological research has yet to discover, perhaps due to cataclysmic events since which wiped out traces.
Given that the modern human brain has been essentially unchanged for some 40,000 years and there’s all sorts of things which are not yet explained by conventional history and science well predating surviving recorded history in many parts of the world, our Turtle Island included, it’s likely that earlier civilizations were wiped out, with environmental disaster being the most likely culprit.
Today, your idiotic western/ European based world civilization is courting the biggest such disaster, in what is already one of the worst waves of species extinction and anthropogenic climate change – monkeying with the composition of the atmosphere, among many other things – out of billions of years of world history, all in just the last few hundred years alone.
Ironically, your tradition graphic from or whatever fits this current stupidity perfectly, but on a timescale you and its creators haven’t contemplated. The tradition your suicidal and ecocidal civilization ignores is living in harmony with the balance of nature.
That’s not pretty – folks die young of starvation, disease, exposure, etc. So, of course, merging into your evil, vile, short sighted, suicidal-ecocidal European civilization is attractive in a way, along with its insistence on global domination in the name of its Abrahamic idiocy,false sense of racial superiority (actually inferiority complex, overcompensation), etc.
Although, granted, to some degree that’s merely a crime of opportunity on your behalf, but only to some degree. The real bottom line is that there’s plenty of blame to go around, but in order for all of us and our Mother Earth to survive, drastic and immediate step can, will, should, must and shall be taken to rip out your European civiruszation and Abrahamic mental disorder by the roots globally and return to a sane natural balance – tradition! – for our species and ecosystem alike to survive, and time is short – 5 to 50 years tops!
We must transition the Europeans, their descendants and their destructive civilization racially, sexually, religiously, techno-postindustrially, and in all ways, and elevate the feminine, left hand path, nonWhite and nonAbrahamic ways of our ancestors to preserve biodiversity, including human biodiversity – tradition! – for our species and ecosystem alike to survive, and time is short – 5 to 50 years tops
More in a bit.
Unhappy feast of Saint Phocas, o “Lesbian Gay Bisexual”.
We see you also, and we laugh and your foolishness. Much like poor Taran over here, you need to learn not to make idle threats. Не только слава России, но и слава Богу!
Taran, life originated at the source of the rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.
Civilizations did indeed arise in various places, but as I explained all of the ones that remain are today overwhelmingly influenced by, indelibly stamped by, largely become part of western civilization – take for example all technology and political thought in the world today – i.e. the civilization(s) of Europe that themselves owe everything to those of the Levant if one goes back far enough.
I concur, it is certainly possible – likely even – that multiple civilizations – perhaps even relatively advanced ones – were lost before ever coming into contact with Europeans. Due to flooding, due to diseases, etc. For example, I suspect all those different tales about Atlantis, Lemuria, etc. were completely without some kernel of historical basis.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of climate change being to any meaningful extent anthropogenic. In so far as there can said to be a “scientific consensus” – by which must be understood a consensus among scientist specializing in this field (physicists, geologists, hydrologists, atmospheric scientists, astronomers, etc.), since “science” itself precludes any such concept as consensus – it is that we do not understand Earth’s climate sufficiently to properly analyze the causes for change, but that empirically we are merely observing the latest iteration in a natural cycle that has happened since long before humanity, let alone before recent levels of technologization, and that it is occurring according to schedule.
As for America’s pre-redskin “archaic human” population, the archaeological evidence is quite clear that they did not succumb to disease or natural disaster, but were hunted to extinction shortly after the arrived of the redskins.
If by “living in harmony with nature” you mean “stop putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay”, I agree. But if you mean carbon-dioxide, methane and water vapor damaging the atmosphere and all that Thunbergesque bunk, you are falling prey to the “anthropogenic climate change” hoax and need to start doing some research. May I recommend Tony Heller and John Clauser as good introductions to serious climate science.
Additionally, to pretend that western civilization is inherently more “ecocidal”, to use your word, is also woefully ignorant. It is no more or less “in harmony with nature” than any other civilization, but has merely come further due to its superiority leading to it being incorporated and swallowing up every other culture on the globe.
If you actually care about “sane natural balance”, the very last thing you should be advocating for is “drastic and immediate” action of any kind. That is exactly what leads to self-proclaimed “green” ideologs with no respect for science “monkeying with the composition of the atmosphere, among many other things”. On the contrary, we should not change course from our natural trajectory at all, until we have a better understanding.
That 5 to 50 years deadline nonsense has been tried time and time again, for more than 50 years. And guess what, we are still here and doing environmentally as well if not better than before. Societally we are certainly doing worse, but a good deal of that can be almost entirely attributed to totalitarian leftist nonsense, including “anthropogenic climate change” hoaxes and the abuse of ungrateful anti-European minded people benefiting from and living in western civilization.
I don’t speak your foreign language. Korean and US English are my foreign languages from outside Turtle island.
I’ve never come close to threatening you, especially given I do not know or want to know who you are. I predicted and promised what will happen, not whether either of us will live long enough to see it, which is completely irrelevant to the global scale, like any individuals.
I made this clear several times, yet you still insist on a nonexistent threat. Why? I mentioned, off hand, that I have relevant experience and no hesitation applying it again if and when it comes to it. What does that have to do with you, whoever you are? Sure, we’d be in different sides…along with billions of other people.
That’s not a threat. Your evil civilization is a threat to our planet, but I’m not accusing you of personal threat on me. You got a first name on me – there are many thousands if not millions of us. I don’t even know or card about yours.
5 to 50 years is obviously an estimate. In 5 years, my past experience is likely relevant, at least in my usual role as a teacher (based on that experience). In 50 years it’s highly unlikely I’ll be alive. In 25 or 30, if I’m alive, I’ll be about the age Jimmy Carter is now. What type of threat would I be to anyone, much less you, whoever you are?
Touchy much? Insecure? Silly crapitalist abrahimist Euralbino invader LOL. Epitomy of your crybully kind. Thank Mother Gaia and the ancestral and local spirits I’m getting rid of all the baggage that makes you so – machismo, inferiority complex, competitiveness, anger, hatred, binary left brain male energy, Americanism, abrahamism , heteronormativity, unhealthy food, factory meat and dairy, European ways, and all the rest of that evil Mother Earth and spirit destroying baggage. I hope for your sake you get that weight off your shoulders to, sibling human. Namaste.
Unfortunately, you don’t let me finish one lesson before requiring another, but I’ll refrain from reading the rest before I finish the prior lesson as promised.
I suggest we keep it in English as it is the only language we all have in common. I just recognized that you wrote in Russian. I know a tiny bit, but on that one you would be my teacher and I’m not unwilling to learn. Along with Spanish it would be among my top choices from outside Turtle Island.
Navajo or Lakota, anyone? A bit of Cherokee or Creek?
Let me be explicit in case it was unclear: if you were in front of me, I have nothing but good will towards you. The very opposite of a threat.
In fact, I hope I would not even defend myself if you attacked me unprovoked, which is not at all to say you would. I can’t make such a promise; I’m a work in progress, of course. But that is my goal: true pacifism until revolution.
I might make love to you if you asked me nicely, but not war. War is not personal or immediate. When it comes it will be total and ruthless, but it’s not here or imminent at all. For now, nothing but love and good wishes.
Threats do not have to be personal, Taran, they can against whole groups of people. For example, these are (idle) threats and calls to genocide which you made:
“[Europeans] should go back there and take their evil ways, including capitalism and their false religions, with them. I’m not opposed to forcing them to go if they won’t go willingly.”
“I have no problem with playing my role in revolutionary violence when that time comes. Without discussion of things which aren’t for you to know, I have relevant experience and no problem at all with putting it to use again.”
“[Europeans] must pay reparations with everything they have, up to and including their last and final breaths. They can be worked and starved to death or killed for sport and entertainment. There is nothing morally wrong with literally eating the rich, even while they are alive. If we choose to be merciful, they can all be dumped in Europe, naked and shorn of all possessions and technology, and forced to so remain.”
“you will be forced to confess to a revolutionary people’s tribunal after some very highly enhanced interrogation if you live long enough once the international workers revolution comes. It’s coming sooner than you might imagine, although it can’t come soon enough.”
“The bill is coming due”
“drastic and immediate step can, will, should, must and shall be taken to rip out your European civiruszation and Abrahamic mental disorder by the roots globally”
Now, you claim that you only meant to predict and promise what will happen, but that does not match up with what you actually said. Because you didn’t leave it at “this will happen” or even “I believe this should/needs to happen”, but you made explicit that you are more than willing to make it happen. And that is where it becomes a threat.
Putting aside all moral and ethical considerations and looking at this purely pragmatically, that wasn’t very smart of you. Because assuming you are at all serious about any of these threats, all that airing them without even any concrete trajectory for carrying them out may achieve, is to get you – not just you personally, but also you “the workers uprising”, “the communist revolution” or whatever you call your thingy again – shut down before you ever even start to get off the ground.
It’s like with training a dog. There is no point in punishing later when you get home, because by that time the dog will not associate the punishment with the act it is being punished for. Threats only serve any (non-counterproductive) purpose when they immediately precede their fulfillment, because only then are they taken seriously; and even then there is always a risk that plans go awry, so more often than not, it is wisest to keeps threats to yourself.
It was not addressed to you but to the LGB(TQ+) above, which ironically followed up its amusing assumptions about and idle threats towards me, with “Glory [Slava] to Russia [Rossiye]!”, to which I responded “Not [Не] only [только] glory [слава] to Russia [России], but [но] also [и] glory [слава] to God [Богу]!”.
Thank you. I think we are miscommunicating, albeit ostensibly both in “American” variant English. I’m going to think on how to communicate more clearly on my end of it, and I appreciate the Russian Lesson. I’ve meant to learn for years but have put it off with other things always taking precedent, but Russia was after all the birthplace of the first stage of global revolution
I have always admired the Russian folk more than any other Europe based particularly the Asian part of their or your heritage which we share given that Turtle Island nations came from Asia long ago and Asian folk came west from Mongolia and Siberia in waves making Russians superior to other Europeans. In other words being eurASIAN makes them better!!!
I still think Koreans and to lesser extents modern Mongols, Viets, Lao, Kampucheans, Chinese & related Asians implement Marxist Leninism Better than Europeans and of course Leninism improved Marxism much as Stalinism and especially Maoism improved Leninism and JUCHE being closest to Turtle Island not coincidentally has the best implementation yet but I believe ours will be even Better .
“Red” and “yellow” races together like our red and yellow communist flags…Turtle Island and DPRK together , world revolution us the only Solution!
I think you are right to an extent it inadvertently came off like threats
Like I said I’m very much a work in progress , I was raised rez rough and tuff which sounds like macho bragging but I’m ashamed of that mindset and working hard to overcome it. I’m seeking to become more gentle , more gay, more submissive , more SJW, more two spirit and eventually trans and only then go lesbian but trying to overcome my attraction to women and yearnings to dominate and lead in the meantime .
I truly apologize where I fall short and will seek to do better . Seeking is not always finding of course . But the best teacher is the best student and vice versa and that’s my goals in all ways always
Purely pragmatically what I say here makes no difference at all. I’m basically as anonymous as you are. Even if I had made personal threats , against whom? That is just silly . Not even the most totalitarian of government goons like USA or EW-NATO would have a case or a person to link it to.
I won’t go into real world experience, it’s not relevant but believe or not I might know a thing or two about a thing or two. Or worse comes to worse what can they do to me? Not only do I not fear execution or incarceration, I don’t fear torturers or rape or being skinned or electrocuted or anything else. I can be on either side of those things easily and it wouldn’t matter the least bit . I’m way past that and personal feeling don’t matter. I can’t be brainwashed or reprogrammed – I won’t explain why and you can believe what you wish .
But if I could , so? I still wouldn’t matter any more than you or anyone else even if pain or loneliness or psychological manipulation or hunger of any kind or fear or any and all other triggers were used to make me think I or any individuals matter at all. What I would think at that point of ego backsliding wouldn’t matter any more than what I thought was important before. What I would want still wouldn’t matter even if I and others fooled me into thinking it matters. Mother Earth and Sky around and Stars and Planets etc are all and I am nothing regardless of what I think or don’t think.
My mother Tara tried to teach me but I am late in life to this lesson – but even so I learned it many moon and sun cycles ago.
Yes, I’m more than willing to make my predictions and promises happen when that time comes. So what? Any government or capitalist or whiteskin invader goon who cares already knows this about me or would find out easily, I teach and organise everywhere I go because otherwise what purpose do I serve? Less than zero!
And they all know there are many of us and more every day and that we are leaderless resistance and spontaneous organizations that they can’t stop from linking up, teaching and learning and spreading vitally like a virus or countervirus within or without the human virus that they will eventually lose their “arms race” to.
And that does not depend in the least on whether, where, when and how I make that explicit. I could doxx myself here and it would not make any difference because there would be a thousand more like me by the time a black bag could be put over my head even if the capitalist system cares that much about “threats” they don’t even begin to take seriously until they can do nothing
Which is already the case – it’s literally just a matter of time because their dominoes are already falling! Not in the cold war sense but a similar concept – it’s already in play and I’ve explained the approximate approach time scale to critical mass.
Explaining why 5 to 50 years would be more effort than it’s worth but they are not random numbers and what anyone predicted before is besides the point.
There is no risk of plans because there are so many different plans involving so many different combinations of people and things that no system could stop them all – it will stop some and eventually it’s weak points will be found and overcome though trial and error ..critical mass chain reactions. Like dams bursting, nature finds a course eventually and dam if you like it LOL
If I wasn’t willing or foolimg myself that I am or trying to fool myself or you or other folks that I have things to teach about practical revolution tactics and willingness – it also wouldn’t matter.
I could be the world’s most pathological liar and least useful in such regards, most cowardly and hypocritical – and there would still be countless people like the one I was pretending to be. I know we exist but you don’t have to believe either that I could be of use or willing or honest – in fact you can disbelieve we exist and it also wouldn’t matter
Or you could be an enemy agent and 31173 haXOr or both and fixing to catch me. So ? Catch me if you can, there’s plenty more where I came from . I don’t mind being the fish that gets caught. It would teach the other fish lessons, and I need to be taught some hard lessons the hard way again sooner or later – it’s inevitable and welcome.
“Taran” is actually Robert K Stock.
You are actually Robert k Stuck. You could explain why you think I am or why you think anyone would care if I am. I’m not, but it doesn’t matter. I haven’t lied here..But if I had, so what ? You won’t because you can’t. Don’t make a bot of yourself, kid.
I mean I can try and play Robert for you if you keep insisting. I’ll ignore that you haven’t taken off those panties in years that the older communist man molested you in years or decades ago . Tell me what you want me to do to you and what you want to do to me under the red flag and on our satanic gay altar ??
Or don’t, young man. I can be your teacher if you want me to be. Blood is red no matter your race or flag, kid .
It’s ok to be gay, it’s ok to be in love.
Maybe you don’t want to admit, even to yourself even, you are gay and in love with him. It’s ok. We can pretend it’s not love just like I can pretend I’m Robert. Teach me to be a better Robert and I’ll teach you how to live and love you never fully realized or admitted to yourself you wanted , and you don’t have to tell anyone unless and until you wish
I’m in love with love and you’re in love with Robert, as much as you hate it. It’s ok.
Wanna flip? I’m ready. I can be a better Robert if you top. I know you want revenge.
Do you want me to Bob for you, young man? I will Bob. Close your eyes and picture me the way you want while my mouth makes your little boy clitty feel so good you will forget everything and anything and just explode endlessly in unimaginable pleasure forever.
Take my hand, take my head. Make me Bob how you want me to Bob. Take stock and I’ll be the best stock character ever. We can use stocks and bondage, k? Tie me up, I won’t tie you down, free bird.
Well, that was certainly an acid-trip of an off-topic ride. Getting back to something tangentially related to the topic of this article (finally) I voted for Trump in the primary, but I’m not voting for Trump in the general election. I had intended to vote for Jill Stein’s independent ticket, but now that vote wouldn’t count. So, I’m casting my protest write-in vote for Maya Butt-Hertz and Ivy Ben Scrood. Let the revolution begin!
Thanks for the reminder to get back to this discussion. As for psychedelic substances I’m a mushrooms and peyote Person.
Not surprised retard Stock would be on drugs.
You’re not surprised that you’re on drugs? Nobody else is either.
“an unauthorized withdrawal letter used Rios’ “copy/pasted” signature” copy-pasting signatures? That’s illegal. Whoever did that should be punished.
So, Ohio SoS office doesn’t know state law. That’s nice. OR do they? The Plain Dealer mentions “non-presidential candidates” BUT a Veep is part of a team. So, maybe the Plain Dealer isn’t exactly right. And who is this “Lusheck”? First reference has no first name, nor a title. AP answers that
And, Jill Stein’s campaign staff was out of touch. Shock me.
That said, the reason (I presume) Stein is running indy is that Ohio’s GP is small, or it used to be — for state Green Parties, small.
Farley is, of course, telling the truth. The Stein campaign didn’t realize that by trying to replace Rios with Ware, they were giving the crooked LaRose an excuse to effectively remove Stein from the ballot. So now they are trying to find excuses by which LaRose would have acted not only in an unethical way, but also in an illegal one. And they are more than happy to scapegoat Farley, if they think there is even the slightest chance of getting back on the ballot that way. In fact, they might even be willing to sacrifice her just to save themselves from the embarrassment of admitting they overlooked the excuse they were giving LaRose.
@Solipsistic Dungfly
Daniel Lusheck is LaRose’s “deputy communications director” and “media contact”.
Fascist Racist Nutbar Fucktard: I already saw that, per the AP link I posted.
I guess reading comprehension isn’t high among the sub-Neanderthals?s
Just Me = Robert K Stock the troll.
@Solipsistic Dungfly
LMAO. As if I’m gonna bother clicking any link you post or visiting your nazi sources. Fuck off, you God damn nazi son of a whore, and be grateful that I answered the question you were too lazy to do any research into for yourself.
Are any of the people above not Stock?
Everyone is Stock, period.
I am Stock. Stock is me. We are all Stock. Stock is us.
All of these characters are obvious stock characters. If you don’t know what a stock character is, you are one.
Regressive leftard has it backwards, as usual. The Stein/Green cabal tried to pull a fast one an and got caught. It’s not any more complicated than that.
Kamala Harris is #1 candidate for natural born America citizens! All of us born in USA the patriots are 100% for the Kamala!
Chase Oliver pulled petition fraud in Tennessee. He should be in jail to.
Yes, put Chase and Jill in prison and throw away the key.
Anyone who has doubts that nun A is racist should see her recent claim that African-Americans owe reparations to whites for the middle passage, slavery, and Jim Crow.
She also claims that the rest of the world should kiss white people’s asses for colonialism, imperialism, slavery, capitalism, etc.
“Yes, put Chase and Jill in prison and throw away the key.”
That doesn’t seem to keep anyone off the ballot.
Then fry them, how about that?
“Anyone who has doubts that nun A is racist should see her recent claim that African-Americans owe reparations to whites for the middle passage, slavery, and Jim Crow. She also claims that the rest of the world should kiss white people’s asses for colonialism, imperialism, slavery, capitalism, etc.”
Those are Taran’s claims (if he were logically consistent in his cognitive dissonance or honest with himself):
But I don’t think Taran is a “she”, let alone a nun.
Taran is Robert K Stock, meaning a man. That’s obviously.
The real reason that Secretary of State LaRose practically raced to disqualify Stein is because, according to polling, whenever she is on the ballot as an independent, she takes votes from Trump. However, when she is on the ballot as the Green Party, she takes votes from Harris.
In Ohio, she is an independent. So, of course, LaRose disqualified Stein.
Stein, even as an independent, is not going to take more votes from Trump than from Harris. LaRose has always been a pretty Democrat-minded RINO. He is just helping out his uniparty buddies to keep the duopoly in power.
No, Nun A, those are your claims, made explicitly in the surrounding comments. Nuna or Nun A or whatever you call yourself.
I meant to say I’m Robert K Stuck, meaning a boy, obviously. Nun A is a nun, meaning a woman, obviously. Taran sounds like a man, although he has said he intends to transition and become a lesbian.
Mypillows: you say all that like it’s supposed to be bad or something?
Also, thanks for letting me know about the discount on MyPillows. I just ordered 14 of them. My dad has a bigger house than me, and I let him know about it. He’s ordering 88 of them right now!
Correction: it wasn’t surrounding comments. NunA literally made those racist statements in the very comment she linked!!!
Scratch a regular rightwinger, and there’s a racist Nazi not far below the surface.
Mypillows for only $14.88! is Robert K Stock.
Look, boy,I know you’re looking for your daddy Robert K Stock, I get it. But just because I had sex with your mother doesn’t make me him. I hate to break it to you, kid, but your mother is like a subway turnstile. If you don’t know what that means, we’ll talk after you find out.
“Correction: it wasn’t surrounding comments. NunA literally made those racist statements in the very comment she linked!!!”
As anyone who reads that comment can see, I pointed out the implication of Taran’s statements. Don’t try to pin his racism on me.
Nah. It was your true beliefs, you lying piece of crap. Taran didn’t say or imply anything like that. Those views are yours and yours alone. Twist all you want – people can indeed see who said what, and that it was you and only you who said that crap, you twisted racist piece of garbage.
Nah. It is the implication of Taran’s statements if he were honest with himself and logically consistent in his cognitive dissonance.
Statements such as that “[Europeans] have no right to anything they haven’t produced, and that includes anything and everything outside Europe. They should go back there and take their evil ways, including capitalism and their false religions, with them.”
Twist it all YOU want – people can indeed see what a twisted racist piece of garbage Taran is.
And now they can also see what a lying piece of crap you are. Congratulations.
You are dishonest. Maybe with yourself, maybe just with everyone else. You said African Americans owe “boat fare” for the middle passage and the rest of your racist garbage.
You’re the lying piece of racist crap and only your racism leads you to believe only Europeans have ever produced anything worthwhile, that they have the right to push it on other people whether they like it or not (and then charge them for genocidally taking them as slaves, genocidal colonialism and imperialism, etc), that European monarchs have “divine right” to declare the rest of the world their property and the property of their cronies (kind of like “discovering” your neighbors houses, killing them, raping and enslaving their kids, etc), and all the rest of your racist vomit.
Nazi and nuna – two four letter words starting with N, containing an A, and otherwise very similar in many respects, including racist beliefs justifying European world conquest. Other than about Jews, you pretty much 100% openly agree with their agenda.
You are completely full of crap, you racist cognitively dissonant lying turd.
Taran isn’t racist? He has openly called for literal white genocide, lamenting that population replacement and mixing isn’t violent or genocidal enough – that’s not racist?
You can say that counteraggressive force isn’t the same as initiation of force aggression, or you can ignore that context and say they are both racist. What you can’t credibly say, though, is that NunA is anything besides a racist bigot (and a lying, dissembling, wannabe crybully projecting hypocrite finger pointer scumbag, too).
Like with Mike Lindell – scratch a right winger and the 14-88 crap isn’t far under the surface. Same with nunA and her nasty fashy nunsense and non-stop foul smelling verbal methane gas expulsion.
“You said African Americans owe “boat fare” for the middle passage”
Tell me you can’t read without telling me you can’t read.
Do I really have to spell it out for you? Will it even help since you presumably can’t comprehend that either?
If Taran’s claim that Europeans have never produced anything outside of Europe were true – which it obviously isn’t – then the same must be true of Africans.
If Europeans then do not have a right to own anything outside of Europe – Taran’s claim, not mine – then the same must be true of Africans.
If Europeans must then must go back to Europe and take all their advancements with them – Taran said he is willing to use for to achieve this – then the same must be true of Africans.
So then, according to Taran, Africans never produced anything outside of Africa, cannot own anything outside of Africa and must go back to Africa and take their lifestyle with them. That is what Taran is implying.
In my opinion, that is vile and racist. Following that train of logic, because the Africans were brought to America on boats of European invention, they would even be indebted to the Europeans for that.
That is what Taran is saying. Not me. I do not think it is impossible to own something you have not produced. And I certainly do not pretend that people never produced anything outside of their continent of origin.
So no, unlike Taran, I do not think African owe the boat fare for being brought to America as slaves.
“What you can’t credibly say, though, is that NunA is anything besides […] Like […] Mike Lindell”
Thanks. I quite like Mike Lindell. He’s none of those things you call him and me. He’s a good man. I just wish he hadn’t let himself be (ab)used by Trump.
That’s not a train of logic. It’s a train of twisted lies. Taran explicitly disagreed with it. Being forced to go somewhere as a slave is a lot different than imperialistic conquest. Only racists would ever even think of owing host care for the genocidal middle passage, and that offensive idea came from you and only you. Taran never said anything like that.
African Americans were forced to work as slaves and produced plenty, but the slaveowners kept the profits. Under Jim Crow and wage slavery it’s only been less explicit, not essentially different. Bigotry of many kinds ensured that profits continue to go to people who didn’t do the work but profit off the work of others, whether explicitly through colonialism, imperialism, conquest, genocide and slavery or less explicitly through what has been built off that crooked foundation.
Of course you like him. You must really love the $14.88 deal on his pillows, you turd sausage.
“only your racism leads you to believe only Europeans have ever produced anything worthwhile”
Again, you didn’t read what I said. Life and undeniably modern civilization originated in the Middle East. It spread throughout the world incorporating or replacing everything in its path. There were certainly other civilizations, some of which had produced worthwhile things on their own. But none of them survived extensive contact with “western” civilization. By superior technology, either used to forcefully subjugate or voluntarily adopted for its superiority, oftentimes a mixture of both, for better or worse, it subsumed every other civilization.
Where are the Aztecs, Maya and Inca, the great civilizations of the Americas, now? Partly destroyed, mostly merged into western civilization. Where are the ancient Chinese, Japanese and Koreans? Completely overtaken by both western technology and political thought. Where are the ancient Egyptians, the proverbial “cradle of life”, one of the original Middle Eastern civilizations to whom we all owe so much? Almost entirely eradicated by muslims, another Middle Eastern civilization, one of the Abrahamic variety. The Copts alone are what is left of the Egyptian civilization, and they had already voluntarily adopted Christianity, largely even before the muslim occupation and genocide.
Utilitarian value and moral value are, alas, not one and the same. Whether it is a good thing that products of European/Middle Eastern civilization took over everywhere, is a different question entirely. But it cannot be denied that everywhere in the world, sooner or later they came to be preferred, they became valued more in the utilitarian sense.
“that they have the right to push it on other people whether they like it or not (and then charge them for genocidally taking them as slaves, genocidal colonialism and imperialism, etc)”
Where on Earth did you get that stupid lie from. No that is not at all what I said, nor do I agree with that at all.
“European monarchs have “divine right” to declare the rest of the world their property and the property of their cronies (kind of like “discovering” your neighbors houses, killing them, raping and enslaving their kids, etc)”
Again, that is not at all what I said. And we’ve been over this repeatedly before. E.g.
Only a few – and a decreasing number of – monarchs are directly invested by God, and they are certainly not necessarily European. The (Carlist i.e. only legitimate) King of Spain is one. The Emperor of Ethiopia is another. The Shah of Iran, may or may not be.
But no British monarch since Queen Mary I has had the Divine Right of Kings. The Netherlands hasn’t since it was a Spanish territory under King Philip II. Sweden and Norway never had it. And in Poland monarchs were elected by the people rather than by God.
And naturally none of God’s elect monarchs engaged in any of crimes you and Taran so desperately want to libel them with. Spanish colonialism and, with a notable exception (Coonan Cross Oath), Portuguese colonialism were not nearly as sordid as, for example, English, French, German and Dutch colonialism. And the clowns who pretend to have “suffered” under the Spanish prior 1808, invariably forget to mention how much more they benefited and leave out how they were always the instigators merely reaping their just deserts.
“Only racists would ever even think of owing host care for the genocidal middle passage”
Indeed, and a racist Taran certainly is, as he keeps proving over and over again.
“African Americans were forced to work as slaves and produced plenty, but the slaveowners kept the profits.”
Yes, often; and African Americans were provided with far more comfortable living and working conditions than Africans enslaved by other Africans or Africans enslaved by muslims, or Europeans enslaved by Africans or by muslims, or African Americans and Europeans enslaved by redskins. What is your point? Slavery is inherently evil no matter who does it to whom. The only one disagreeing with that is Taran who thinks slavery is fine so long as his preferred group are the slave owners.
“Under Jim Crow and wage slavery it’s only been less explicit, not essentially different.”
Yes, you can thank the “Democrats” for that, the party of slavery and totalitarianism.
“Bigotry of many kinds ensured that profits continue to go to people who didn’t do the work but profit off the work of others,”
It’s called the social welfare state. And if one of bright ideas filthy thieving communist came up with that bigots like Taran and no-doubt yourself support.
Shabat sholom nunyachka, and shona tova you false flag fyvel. We see you, and we see your tricks. Time to absolved your sins is soon at yom Kippur, polyachka zhidovskaya sladenkaya moya, lol .
Imperka I kolovrat nad Ruskoy derzhave, smert vragam, Slava Rossiye!
Good morning, comrade Nuña. Life did not originate in middle east. Carbon based life on Earth originated long before the current continents, probably in the ocean(s).
What you call civilization originated in several places, including the middle east, approximately 6,000 years ago, along with a few other places like China and most likely some archaeological research has yet to discover, perhaps due to cataclysmic events since which wiped out traces.
Given that the modern human brain has been essentially unchanged for some 40,000 years and there’s all sorts of things which are not yet explained by conventional history and science well predating surviving recorded history in many parts of the world, our Turtle Island included, it’s likely that earlier civilizations were wiped out, with environmental disaster being the most likely culprit.
Today, your idiotic western/ European based world civilization is courting the biggest such disaster, in what is already one of the worst waves of species extinction and anthropogenic climate change – monkeying with the composition of the atmosphere, among many other things – out of billions of years of world history, all in just the last few hundred years alone.
Ironically, your tradition graphic from or whatever fits this current stupidity perfectly, but on a timescale you and its creators haven’t contemplated. The tradition your suicidal and ecocidal civilization ignores is living in harmony with the balance of nature.
That’s not pretty – folks die young of starvation, disease, exposure, etc. So, of course, merging into your evil, vile, short sighted, suicidal-ecocidal European civilization is attractive in a way, along with its insistence on global domination in the name of its Abrahamic idiocy,false sense of racial superiority (actually inferiority complex, overcompensation), etc.
Although, granted, to some degree that’s merely a crime of opportunity on your behalf, but only to some degree. The real bottom line is that there’s plenty of blame to go around, but in order for all of us and our Mother Earth to survive, drastic and immediate step can, will, should, must and shall be taken to rip out your European civiruszation and Abrahamic mental disorder by the roots globally and return to a sane natural balance – tradition! – for our species and ecosystem alike to survive, and time is short – 5 to 50 years tops!
We must transition the Europeans, their descendants and their destructive civilization racially, sexually, religiously, techno-postindustrially, and in all ways, and elevate the feminine, left hand path, nonWhite and nonAbrahamic ways of our ancestors to preserve biodiversity, including human biodiversity – tradition! – for our species and ecosystem alike to survive, and time is short – 5 to 50 years tops
More in a bit.
Unhappy feast of Saint Phocas, o “Lesbian Gay Bisexual”.
We see you also, and we laugh and your foolishness. Much like poor Taran over here, you need to learn not to make idle threats. Не только слава России, но и слава Богу!
Taran, life originated at the source of the rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.
Civilizations did indeed arise in various places, but as I explained all of the ones that remain are today overwhelmingly influenced by, indelibly stamped by, largely become part of western civilization – take for example all technology and political thought in the world today – i.e. the civilization(s) of Europe that themselves owe everything to those of the Levant if one goes back far enough.
I concur, it is certainly possible – likely even – that multiple civilizations – perhaps even relatively advanced ones – were lost before ever coming into contact with Europeans. Due to flooding, due to diseases, etc. For example, I suspect all those different tales about Atlantis, Lemuria, etc. were completely without some kernel of historical basis.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of climate change being to any meaningful extent anthropogenic. In so far as there can said to be a “scientific consensus” – by which must be understood a consensus among scientist specializing in this field (physicists, geologists, hydrologists, atmospheric scientists, astronomers, etc.), since “science” itself precludes any such concept as consensus – it is that we do not understand Earth’s climate sufficiently to properly analyze the causes for change, but that empirically we are merely observing the latest iteration in a natural cycle that has happened since long before humanity, let alone before recent levels of technologization, and that it is occurring according to schedule.
As for America’s pre-redskin “archaic human” population, the archaeological evidence is quite clear that they did not succumb to disease or natural disaster, but were hunted to extinction shortly after the arrived of the redskins.
If by “living in harmony with nature” you mean “stop putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay”, I agree. But if you mean carbon-dioxide, methane and water vapor damaging the atmosphere and all that Thunbergesque bunk, you are falling prey to the “anthropogenic climate change” hoax and need to start doing some research. May I recommend Tony Heller and John Clauser as good introductions to serious climate science.
Additionally, to pretend that western civilization is inherently more “ecocidal”, to use your word, is also woefully ignorant. It is no more or less “in harmony with nature” than any other civilization, but has merely come further due to its superiority leading to it being incorporated and swallowing up every other culture on the globe.
If you actually care about “sane natural balance”, the very last thing you should be advocating for is “drastic and immediate” action of any kind. That is exactly what leads to self-proclaimed “green” ideologs with no respect for science “monkeying with the composition of the atmosphere, among many other things”. On the contrary, we should not change course from our natural trajectory at all, until we have a better understanding.
That 5 to 50 years deadline nonsense has been tried time and time again, for more than 50 years. And guess what, we are still here and doing environmentally as well if not better than before. Societally we are certainly doing worse, but a good deal of that can be almost entirely attributed to totalitarian leftist nonsense, including “anthropogenic climate change” hoaxes and the abuse of ungrateful anti-European minded people benefiting from and living in western civilization.
I don’t speak your foreign language. Korean and US English are my foreign languages from outside Turtle island.
I’ve never come close to threatening you, especially given I do not know or want to know who you are. I predicted and promised what will happen, not whether either of us will live long enough to see it, which is completely irrelevant to the global scale, like any individuals.
I made this clear several times, yet you still insist on a nonexistent threat. Why? I mentioned, off hand, that I have relevant experience and no hesitation applying it again if and when it comes to it. What does that have to do with you, whoever you are? Sure, we’d be in different sides…along with billions of other people.
That’s not a threat. Your evil civilization is a threat to our planet, but I’m not accusing you of personal threat on me. You got a first name on me – there are many thousands if not millions of us. I don’t even know or card about yours.
5 to 50 years is obviously an estimate. In 5 years, my past experience is likely relevant, at least in my usual role as a teacher (based on that experience). In 50 years it’s highly unlikely I’ll be alive. In 25 or 30, if I’m alive, I’ll be about the age Jimmy Carter is now. What type of threat would I be to anyone, much less you, whoever you are?
Touchy much? Insecure? Silly crapitalist abrahimist Euralbino invader LOL. Epitomy of your crybully kind. Thank Mother Gaia and the ancestral and local spirits I’m getting rid of all the baggage that makes you so – machismo, inferiority complex, competitiveness, anger, hatred, binary left brain male energy, Americanism, abrahamism , heteronormativity, unhealthy food, factory meat and dairy, European ways, and all the rest of that evil Mother Earth and spirit destroying baggage. I hope for your sake you get that weight off your shoulders to, sibling human. Namaste.
Unfortunately, you don’t let me finish one lesson before requiring another, but I’ll refrain from reading the rest before I finish the prior lesson as promised.
I suggest we keep it in English as it is the only language we all have in common. I just recognized that you wrote in Russian. I know a tiny bit, but on that one you would be my teacher and I’m not unwilling to learn. Along with Spanish it would be among my top choices from outside Turtle Island.
Navajo or Lakota, anyone? A bit of Cherokee or Creek?
Let me be explicit in case it was unclear: if you were in front of me, I have nothing but good will towards you. The very opposite of a threat.
In fact, I hope I would not even defend myself if you attacked me unprovoked, which is not at all to say you would. I can’t make such a promise; I’m a work in progress, of course. But that is my goal: true pacifism until revolution.
I might make love to you if you asked me nicely, but not war. War is not personal or immediate. When it comes it will be total and ruthless, but it’s not here or imminent at all. For now, nothing but love and good wishes.
Threats do not have to be personal, Taran, they can against whole groups of people. For example, these are (idle) threats and calls to genocide which you made:
“[Europeans] should go back there and take their evil ways, including capitalism and their false religions, with them. I’m not opposed to forcing them to go if they won’t go willingly.”
“I have no problem with playing my role in revolutionary violence when that time comes. Without discussion of things which aren’t for you to know, I have relevant experience and no problem at all with putting it to use again.”
“[Europeans] must pay reparations with everything they have, up to and including their last and final breaths. They can be worked and starved to death or killed for sport and entertainment. There is nothing morally wrong with literally eating the rich, even while they are alive. If we choose to be merciful, they can all be dumped in Europe, naked and shorn of all possessions and technology, and forced to so remain.”
“you will be forced to confess to a revolutionary people’s tribunal after some very highly enhanced interrogation if you live long enough once the international workers revolution comes. It’s coming sooner than you might imagine, although it can’t come soon enough.”
“The bill is coming due”
“drastic and immediate step can, will, should, must and shall be taken to rip out your European civiruszation and Abrahamic mental disorder by the roots globally”
Now, you claim that you only meant to predict and promise what will happen, but that does not match up with what you actually said. Because you didn’t leave it at “this will happen” or even “I believe this should/needs to happen”, but you made explicit that you are more than willing to make it happen. And that is where it becomes a threat.
Putting aside all moral and ethical considerations and looking at this purely pragmatically, that wasn’t very smart of you. Because assuming you are at all serious about any of these threats, all that airing them without even any concrete trajectory for carrying them out may achieve, is to get you – not just you personally, but also you “the workers uprising”, “the communist revolution” or whatever you call your thingy again – shut down before you ever even start to get off the ground.
It’s like with training a dog. There is no point in punishing later when you get home, because by that time the dog will not associate the punishment with the act it is being punished for. Threats only serve any (non-counterproductive) purpose when they immediately precede their fulfillment, because only then are they taken seriously; and even then there is always a risk that plans go awry, so more often than not, it is wisest to keeps threats to yourself.
It was not addressed to you but to the LGB(TQ+) above, which ironically followed up its amusing assumptions about and idle threats towards me, with “Glory [Slava] to Russia [Rossiye]!”, to which I responded “Not [Не] only [только] glory [слава] to Russia [России], but [но] also [и] glory [слава] to God [Богу]!”.
Thank you. I think we are miscommunicating, albeit ostensibly both in “American” variant English. I’m going to think on how to communicate more clearly on my end of it, and I appreciate the Russian Lesson. I’ve meant to learn for years but have put it off with other things always taking precedent, but Russia was after all the birthplace of the first stage of global revolution
I have always admired the Russian folk more than any other Europe based particularly the Asian part of their or your heritage which we share given that Turtle Island nations came from Asia long ago and Asian folk came west from Mongolia and Siberia in waves making Russians superior to other Europeans. In other words being eurASIAN makes them better!!!
I still think Koreans and to lesser extents modern Mongols, Viets, Lao, Kampucheans, Chinese & related Asians implement Marxist Leninism Better than Europeans and of course Leninism improved Marxism much as Stalinism and especially Maoism improved Leninism and JUCHE being closest to Turtle Island not coincidentally has the best implementation yet but I believe ours will be even Better .
“Red” and “yellow” races together like our red and yellow communist flags…Turtle Island and DPRK together , world revolution us the only Solution!
I think you are right to an extent it inadvertently came off like threats
Like I said I’m very much a work in progress , I was raised rez rough and tuff which sounds like macho bragging but I’m ashamed of that mindset and working hard to overcome it. I’m seeking to become more gentle , more gay, more submissive , more SJW, more two spirit and eventually trans and only then go lesbian but trying to overcome my attraction to women and yearnings to dominate and lead in the meantime .
I truly apologize where I fall short and will seek to do better . Seeking is not always finding of course . But the best teacher is the best student and vice versa and that’s my goals in all ways always
Purely pragmatically what I say here makes no difference at all. I’m basically as anonymous as you are. Even if I had made personal threats , against whom? That is just silly . Not even the most totalitarian of government goons like USA or EW-NATO would have a case or a person to link it to.
I won’t go into real world experience, it’s not relevant but believe or not I might know a thing or two about a thing or two. Or worse comes to worse what can they do to me? Not only do I not fear execution or incarceration, I don’t fear torturers or rape or being skinned or electrocuted or anything else. I can be on either side of those things easily and it wouldn’t matter the least bit . I’m way past that and personal feeling don’t matter. I can’t be brainwashed or reprogrammed – I won’t explain why and you can believe what you wish .
But if I could , so? I still wouldn’t matter any more than you or anyone else even if pain or loneliness or psychological manipulation or hunger of any kind or fear or any and all other triggers were used to make me think I or any individuals matter at all. What I would think at that point of ego backsliding wouldn’t matter any more than what I thought was important before. What I would want still wouldn’t matter even if I and others fooled me into thinking it matters. Mother Earth and Sky around and Stars and Planets etc are all and I am nothing regardless of what I think or don’t think.
My mother Tara tried to teach me but I am late in life to this lesson – but even so I learned it many moon and sun cycles ago.
Yes, I’m more than willing to make my predictions and promises happen when that time comes. So what? Any government or capitalist or whiteskin invader goon who cares already knows this about me or would find out easily, I teach and organise everywhere I go because otherwise what purpose do I serve? Less than zero!
And they all know there are many of us and more every day and that we are leaderless resistance and spontaneous organizations that they can’t stop from linking up, teaching and learning and spreading vitally like a virus or countervirus within or without the human virus that they will eventually lose their “arms race” to.
And that does not depend in the least on whether, where, when and how I make that explicit. I could doxx myself here and it would not make any difference because there would be a thousand more like me by the time a black bag could be put over my head even if the capitalist system cares that much about “threats” they don’t even begin to take seriously until they can do nothing
Which is already the case – it’s literally just a matter of time because their dominoes are already falling! Not in the cold war sense but a similar concept – it’s already in play and I’ve explained the approximate approach time scale to critical mass.
Explaining why 5 to 50 years would be more effort than it’s worth but they are not random numbers and what anyone predicted before is besides the point.
There is no risk of plans because there are so many different plans involving so many different combinations of people and things that no system could stop them all – it will stop some and eventually it’s weak points will be found and overcome though trial and error ..critical mass chain reactions. Like dams bursting, nature finds a course eventually and dam if you like it LOL
If I wasn’t willing or foolimg myself that I am or trying to fool myself or you or other folks that I have things to teach about practical revolution tactics and willingness – it also wouldn’t matter.
I could be the world’s most pathological liar and least useful in such regards, most cowardly and hypocritical – and there would still be countless people like the one I was pretending to be. I know we exist but you don’t have to believe either that I could be of use or willing or honest – in fact you can disbelieve we exist and it also wouldn’t matter
Or you could be an enemy agent and 31173 haXOr or both and fixing to catch me. So ? Catch me if you can, there’s plenty more where I came from . I don’t mind being the fish that gets caught. It would teach the other fish lessons, and I need to be taught some hard lessons the hard way again sooner or later – it’s inevitable and welcome.
“Taran” is actually Robert K Stock.
You are actually Robert k Stuck. You could explain why you think I am or why you think anyone would care if I am. I’m not, but it doesn’t matter. I haven’t lied here..But if I had, so what ? You won’t because you can’t. Don’t make a bot of yourself, kid.
I mean I can try and play Robert for you if you keep insisting. I’ll ignore that you haven’t taken off those panties in years that the older communist man molested you in years or decades ago . Tell me what you want me to do to you and what you want to do to me under the red flag and on our satanic gay altar ??
Or don’t, young man. I can be your teacher if you want me to be. Blood is red no matter your race or flag, kid .
It’s ok to be gay, it’s ok to be in love.
Maybe you don’t want to admit, even to yourself even, you are gay and in love with him. It’s ok. We can pretend it’s not love just like I can pretend I’m Robert. Teach me to be a better Robert and I’ll teach you how to live and love you never fully realized or admitted to yourself you wanted , and you don’t have to tell anyone unless and until you wish
I’m in love with love and you’re in love with Robert, as much as you hate it. It’s ok.
Wanna flip? I’m ready. I can be a better Robert if you top. I know you want revenge.
Do you want me to Bob for you, young man? I will Bob. Close your eyes and picture me the way you want while my mouth makes your little boy clitty feel so good you will forget everything and anything and just explode endlessly in unimaginable pleasure forever.
Take my hand, take my head. Make me Bob how you want me to Bob. Take stock and I’ll be the best stock character ever. We can use stocks and bondage, k? Tie me up, I won’t tie you down, free bird.
Well, that was certainly an acid-trip of an off-topic ride. Getting back to something tangentially related to the topic of this article (finally) I voted for Trump in the primary, but I’m not voting for Trump in the general election. I had intended to vote for Jill Stein’s independent ticket, but now that vote wouldn’t count. So, I’m casting my protest write-in vote for Maya Butt-Hertz and Ivy Ben Scrood. Let the revolution begin!
Thanks for the reminder to get back to this discussion. As for psychedelic substances I’m a mushrooms and peyote Person.
Not surprised retard Stock would be on drugs.
You’re not surprised that you’re on drugs? Nobody else is either.–mayfield-accounting-llc
The rapist slaver mass murderer invader and genocider Columbus is nothing to celebrate and it was indigenous people’s day.
Many apologists and deniers but also plenty to back up what a scumbag piece of waste he was
Stock, please get a hobby and go elsewhere.
Stock is using his Taran alias again I see.