Reuters Interviews Former Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Supporters, and Finds Kennedy’s Endorsement of Donald Trump Has Helped Trump

Reuters did some research with voters who had been backing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and finds that Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump is winning votes for Trump. Although the Reuters research was small, the article also summarizes other evidence to support the same conclusion. See it here.

Kennedy only became an ally of Trump after enduring months of attacks on his ballot access by Democratic Party officials and sympathizers.

The article notes that some voters who previously voted Democratic have become unhappy with the Democratic Party for its efforts to block ballot access for various candidates.


Reuters Interviews Former Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Supporters, and Finds Kennedy’s Endorsement of Donald Trump Has Helped Trump — 4 Comments

  1. Trump should put Kennedy in charge of the USDA to promote healthy eating in America and be the first one in line when the closed assignation files of his relatives files are opened for the first time.

  2. Dumpy on,

    That would be a great idea about USDA for RFK, Jr. If it happens I would help him, since I retired from USDA after serving 3 POTUS’s.

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