On October 3, the Alaska Elections office released a new registration tally. See it here.
Percentages are: Republican 23.96%; Democratic 12.31%; Alaskan Independence 3.13%; Libertarian 1.09%; Green .25%; Constitution .13%.
Percentages in May 2024 were: Republican 24.12%; Democratic 12.40%; Alaskan Independence 3.16%; Libertarian 1.12%; Green .26%; Constitution .13%.
40.87% total, down from 41.19% in May. Seems a bit… hmm, you know… low.
That’s because independents and miscellaneous increased.
Yes, so assuming these are the six largest parties, then registrations with other parties will be even smaller, implying that well over half of Alaskans are independent voters. I don’t the figures for every other state, but that seem surprisingly high to me.
See Massachusetts. I think the type of primary system makes a difference. In other words, what are the consequences of being registered to a party?
Oh definitely. States with closed primaries will always have relatively few independent voters, because people naturally want to have an impact during the primaries. Whereas states with open primaries lack that incentive to register with a party, and will consequently always have relatively many independent voters (e.g. Arkansas’s 87%).
And similarly, while not an open primary in the same sense, Alaska’s top-4 RCV primary is non-partisan and therefore does not motivate voters to register with a party. But then again, California also has non-partisan top-2 primary, and there we still see 77% of voters registered with a party, for some reason.
Thus, if you’d have asked me this morning to take a blind guess of the number of independent voters in Alaska, I would have said anywhere between 20% and 40%, but I’d never have guessed almost 60%.
“The California Democratic Party allows even voters who aren’t registered Democrats to vote in its presidential primary — although there’s a catch. Unaffiliated voters — who are otherwise set to receive ballots that don’t have the presidential race on it — will need to request a ballot that includes the presidential race.”
As an Californian, that’s why I’m registered as a Democrat [literally a DINO] rather than a Green/Independent – so I don’t have to “request a ballot that includes the presidential race” in order to vote for a leftist in a Democrat Primary. It’s more convenient to receive that ballot automatically.
California party registration used to matter more before top two, and many people have not reregistered since then.
In some states there are just more independent minded people. Alaska is more independent minded than California.
It also matters what the no party option is called. In California it is (or used to be) decline to state. Some people don’t readily identify that as independent and register as American Independent (99%+ of their registrations from recent decades) or register with a party thinking there is no nonparty option.
In some states there are also paid partisan voter registration drives, California being one. I worked on Republican and peace and freedom party paid drives there. I know people who worked on the libertarian drive in the 70s and on democrats. I never worked on democrats because they usually paid by the hour rather than by the card.
Those are some of the reasons for the difference.
California used to be a lot more competitive decades ago when Republicans used to regularly elect senator’s, governors etc. That’s no longer the case, but back then there was a lot of incentives for Ds and Rs to promote registration with their parties, and it was not all that long ago.
Alaska has never been competitive, or if it ever was, that must have been a really long time ago, so there’s no equivalent incentives.
Alaska has a lot more people proportional to population who moved there in recent decades as registering independent has become more popular. California has a relatively larger portion of its population who registered decades ago when more people registered with parties in general and have not moved so see no reason to switch anything regardless of how they identify now.
As for Minor parties in California voter registration is the primary method by which they qualify as a party. There is another method but it’s very difficult, as is the independent presidential petition. The registration method isn’t easy at all but it can take multiple years.
How the F does anybody read THAT? Letters A-U ? Where is the key?
It fell into the hole.
Alaska has Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), but it is based on the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). Anyone who is registered with the PFD and are not registered to vote are sent a letter and post card. If they don’t return the post card they are registered as undeclared. They can return the post card and say they don’t want to be registered. Or they can choose a party or political body and return the card.
But the letter says that you are already registered and don’t have to do anything. Some folks probably think that if they are getting the PFD that they should be able to vote. The letter says you can already change your affiliation.
Alaska has always distinguished between Undeclared and Nonpartisan on registration. At one time they were comparable in numbers, but now there are more than 3 times as many Undeclared as Nonpartisan. Some characterize Nonpartisan as “independent”, but it could as easily be characterized as “indifferent”. Independents might claim they voter for the man not the party, but Indifferents might not vote.
When voting rolls are purged, a greater share of Undeclared voters are purged. In the most recent purge:
Undeclared: -2.31%
Alaska Independence: -1.99%
Democratic: -1.95%
Republican: -1.73%
Nonpartisan: -1.58%
Libertarian: -3.16%
Green: -2.40%
Alaska had a blanket primary from before statehood (they copied it from Washington). They kept partisan registration, while Washington which adopted the blanket primary in the 1930s had dropped it (if they ever had it). If you are in a rural area with limited transportation, you don’t need registration. Everyone knows everyone else.
At statehood, it was expected that Alaska would be Democratic, while Hawaii would be Republican and the senators would balance out. It didn’t work out that way.
Alaska does not have deep partisan elections. They have the 3 federal offices, governor/lieutenant governor, and the legislature. They don’t elect anyone else statewide, and local government where it exists is non-partisan. Because of its small population, personal campaigning for the legislature is possible.
After they stopped the blanket primary, the Green Party won a suit to permit non-Greens vote in the Green primary. The Alaska Supreme Court has determined that the Alaska constitution provisions comparable to the 1st Amendment are more expansive than the national ones. The Libertarians in Oklahoma had tried to open their primary to non-Libertarians, but lost in the SCOTUS. But that did not apply to interpretation of the Alaska constitution.
Ironically, the Green Party lost ballot access and no longer had a primary, but the Alaska Independence, Democrats, and Libertarians let anyone, including Republicans, vote in their primary. Even if Libertarian and Alaska Independence voters only wanted to vote for party nominees they could still vote for a Democrat in the primary. Republicans permitted nonpartisan and undeclared to vote in their primary. Non-party members could pick a primary ballot based on the races of interest – quite possible because of the shallow Alaska ballot.
Later on the Democrats were able to have non-Democrats run for their nomination. They wanted to hide the fact that they had nominated a Nonpartisan, but the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that both the nominating party and candidate’s party appear on the ballot (e.g. Nonpartisan nominated by Democratic Party). Alaska has never had a presidential primary. Overall, there has never been a strong incentive to declare a party.
From 1995 to 2016, the share of unaffiliated changed little, though the distribution between Nonpartisan and Undeclared did:
1995: 53.4%, U 29.5%, N 23.9%
2016: 52.6%, U 36.4%, N 16.2%
But since 2016, when AVR was adopted, the unaffiliated has sharply increased.
2024: 58.7%, U 44.8%, N 13.9%
The partisan shares have declined at the same time:
1995: R 23.4%, D 17.2%, G 0.77%
2016: R 27.2%, D 14.8%, G 0.33%, L 1.43%
2024: R 24.0%, D 12.5%, G 0.25%, L 1.09%
There has not really been a decrease in R registration, but just an influx of unaffiliated voters due to AVR.
Actual voters varies widely by party. At the 2024 primary:
D 26.2% (26.2% of Democrats voted)
R 23.6%
N 23.0%
G 15.4%
A 13.0%
U 11.9%
L 8.4%
Note that the Green and Constitution parties are not ballot qualified. Alaska has “political bodies” which require a sheet of paper. It provides the lists of parties and bodies to voters, and tracks their registration. Candidates affiliated with the UCES Clowns would have that appear on the Top 4 ballot.
Nunka – my tebya zhdyom suka blyat. Your daily reminder about the anteroom to your eventual even worse destination from Those you implausibly impersonate, zhidovskaya mraz.
@Jim Riley
So presumably the large proportion of independents+miscellaneous is primarily a result of a growth in undeclared voters (i.e. of Alaskans becoming more lazy or more private, or for some other reason not returning the post card), rather than of disillusionment with the available parties (including “political bodies”) – otherwise the non-partisan figure would have grown at least as much or more.
It used to be that you would have a hard time finding someone who wasn’t an outspoken supporter of one face of the uniparty or the other (or, going back even further to the Vogler days, alternatively of the Alaskan Independence Party) – especially in more isolated, rural towns, even among the eskimos and, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, those who wished to see Alaska returned to Russia – whom I would assume were politically active and certainly motivated enough to register with their party of choice.
@Khokhol Gay Banderite
Я жду тебя, бандеровец. God will be the Judge, нацистская мразь, so I do not envy your fate.
Nu y zhdi, suchka. Ysho dozhdyozhsa y kak poluchish. Pryamo rezko gluboko bystro dolgo y zhostko v gorlo, zhopu, ushi, nu y tam gde ranshe byly glaza, nos, mozg (toyst esli byl by), lyokhkiyi, itd. Sama blyat ponimayaesh. Zhdi, zhiduchka zhduchaya, I nadezhdyozhsa khuy kitovoy poka od tebya dazhe mokrovo mestam ne budet pakhnut, mudila. A poka zhdyosh, zhidul, vot mozh vsyo take nauchishsya tvar pravilno proiznasit LUGANSK:
@ 56-8 seconds into song since you are probably too lazy to make it that far, petushka sladinkaya.
Nu a tam gde u tebya yaitz nekogda y nebylo, urodachka, sama ponila, moyi tam poluchish poka ya tebye kishki perestavlyu, ty khuyovanaya khuntasha. Nagnu tebya suka tak sho uzh neraZgibneshsya nikogda blyat okhuyelaya.
If you are going to speak Russian use Cyrillic, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich, and if you are going to use Latin speak Polish. Because now you are just embarrassing yourself again with your communistic and poor quality Latin transliteration.
I’m not Roman, dumbass, and I don’t speak Polish or bother to put a Cyrillic overlay on this phone. I have completely separate devices I use in different alphabets, not that this is any of your business. My Latin transliteration was totally fine. Your Russian is by your admission not as good as your German, which is why you embarrassed yourself yet again by not recognizing slang. Anyone actually from Russia would know exactly what I said, you fucking imbecile.
The funniest shit is you telling me I can’t speak my primary language when you literally don’t even know or pretend you don’t know Cyrillic azbuka (ABCs) and refuse to learn.
You will of course insist things are inverse as always, but in the highly unlikely case anyone here gives a shit
You only need to go to the 4th letter of the alphabet. Embarrass yourself some more with your “knowledge” of my country and language. Your grasp of any of it is as weak as your claims to be tough. You can insist otherwise all you want, but you can’t convince me or yourself or anyone here with any familiarity with any of it.
Roman has zero interest in being Shukhevich. As I’m sure you have no idea or pretend not to, it’s a common Russian name and the actual name his parents gave him, which has nothing to do with your Banderite jackass and everything to do with his Moldavian (basically Romanian) mom, you bleating moron. I likewise have zero interest in being either Roman S, especially the long dead piece of shit you keep pining for.
The reason you post shit in Cyrillic is because it comes out that way from Google translate. You can insist on not having a clue or pretending but you can’t plausibly pretend not to be a troll – if anyone cares it’s as easy as ABVGD (or ABCDE for that matter).
So why even answer you? I’m trolling you right back, you troll piece of troll. Something to do while I take a dump . But, only because you have been playing these obvious games here for months.
It would be better to scroll past you, but fuck it punk bitch, step up and get beat down you dirty ho skank cumstain .
Poshol poshol ty durniy troll , flush
“I’m not Roman, dumbass”
Whatever you say, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich sockpuppet.
“I don’t […] bother to put a Cyrillic overlay on this phone”
Indeed, you are a lazy embarrassment.
“My Latin transliteration was totally fine.”
No, it is a particularly sloppy and erroneous application of the post-Soviet style.
“Your Russian is by your admission not as good as your German, which is why you embarrassed yourself yet again by not recognizing slang.”
I don’t know what makes you think I do not recognize slang, but while I am sad that my Russian and my Polish are as rusty as they are, they are more than fluent enough to understand your obscene drivel.
“Anyone actually from Russia would know exactly what I said, you fucking imbecile.”
Yes, and? Despite my rusty Russian, I do understand, “you fucking imbecile”. And as anyone actually from Russia would, I cringe at your bad transliteration even more than at your childish obscenities and idle threats.
“You only need to go to the 4th letter of the alphabet. Embarrass yourself some more with your ‘knowledge’ of my country and language. Your grasp of any of it is as weak as your claims to be tough. You can insist otherwise all you want, but you can’t convince me or yourself or anyone here with any familiarity with any of it.”
Presumably this entire paragraph is self-reflection which accidentally included. I have no idea whether or not you speak Russian, but you certainly do not seem to know how to correctly transliterate it into the Latin alphabet, which as you say, does not seem indicative of a strong grasp of the language, despite all your pretense and projection.
“Roman has zero interest in being Shukhevich. As I’m sure you have no idea or pretend not to, it’s a common Russian name and the actual name his parents gave him, which has nothing to do with your Banderite jackass and everything to do with his Moldavian (basically Romanian) mom, you bleating moron. I likewise have zero interest in being either Roman S, especially the long dead piece of shit you keep pining for.”
Whatever you tell yourself to get to sleep at night, banderite child of satan not from nazi occupied Hungary.
“The reason you post shit in Cyrillic is because it comes out that way from Google translate.”
Oh that’s a good one. Except Google also puts out and accept Latin transliteration, much better than your own. So no cigar. The reason I post in Cyrillic, when I post Russian at all, is that, unlike you, I respect the language.
“I’m trolling you right back, you troll piece of troll.”
Agreed, you are only trolling yourself.
“Poshol poshol ty durniy troll , flush”
For goodness sake, can’t you even transliterate three words without errors?
Blah blah blah. Learn the alphabet A B V G… Never mind Russian, learn to troll better since you insist on trolling.
Btw what are you babbling about “correct” tranliteration? Your brain is rustier than your Russian. It’s phonetic and only made to be understood, not some exact science. I’m supposed to sit here and fix grammar and spelling while talking shit to an anonymous troll? That’s as funny and sad as the rest of your nonsense.
This post brought to you by the letter G.
Even if you can only count to 4 between your fingers, toes, and teeth, you can get that far in the azbuka, troll(op) – yes, even a dumb streetwalking cooze like you – to learn that the letter that looks like you when I bend you over is not an H. That one looks like an X, sort of like what I’ll nail you to upside down and backwards at some point if you’re lucky, you snail trail troll beyotch.
Lazy embarrassing whorebitch: the only marionette here is you, even before I penetrate you and add new holes. The only thing you’ll be polishing is the floor under me, you for sale jewess fish smelling pollock egglayer. Unlike you I’m not anyone’s puppet.
How did I get to be from Hungary and half a century plus before I was born? I said me and the bratva are hungry for fresh meat like you to gang cleanse and pimp, not from Hungary, you idiot.
A B V G it’s as easy as 1 2 3 4
You and me, white
1 2 3 4
Whore not white lol
Obviously pollock yids aren’t white
Respect these nuts, you inferior subhuman
Shouldn’t Evgeny be Zhenya, genius? Genya is usually Genady, no?
Btw will you (two?) please get a room already? Same if it’s just one of you pretending to be two. It makes no difference, it’s just not a public conversation, much less relevant. Nasty, gross, disgusting, icky…take it somewhere else please, kthx
My apologies if anyone is offended or grossed out. My humor is like food in Stalin times – not everyone gets it. Of course, nothing ugly I said was serious much less a threat.
I’m not actually queer or a criminal convict or desperate for sex or violence with random anonymous people from your country or who knows where. I’m not Roman but do know him, IRL long time ago, mostly vk now. His wife and mine are actually better friends which was why we could joke around like on other article discussion here. I’m solely here at his invitation too laugh at the crazy polish jewish woman troll/op but sorry for taking the joke too far.
Yes, Ebgeny is most often Zhenya but I’m an exception. It became Genya a long time ago and stuck. Long story and not for here.
I don’t think the crazy lady is actually stupid or ignorant. It’s a weird game she plays for who knows what reason. If she’s trolling for information, all she will get is misinformation about anything that could even very tangentially get anyone in trouble or directly identify etc. Nothing even remotely close to real threats or whatever she’s fishing for.
Sorry to disturb your weekend. I got caught in stupid back and forth with a weird troll because I enjoyed the game for a bit. But I think she’s bored, lonely, maybe in need of a “win” or imagining she has respect somewhere or something. Who knows. I can sort of see her likely mental twists and pathologies, approximately and maybe, but certainly not worth any time, and more is worse and stickier – likely her goal, so she can “win” in her mind only. Deliberate obtuseness aka trolling.
And no, I’m not near as much of a bigot , racist, chauvinist or whatever as I joke. Only a little LOL. Maybe a lot by your standards, by Russian standards not so much.
Return to your regular whatever you do and apologies for disrupting it.
She can get a room by herself. LOL. I understand your request and apologies.
Yeah you’re really putting that G in LGB, Genya.
Raz, dva, tri, chitiri, pyat,
Vishol xaichik pogulyat,
Vdrug brarushi vyletayut,
Pryamo v zaichika yebayut…
Pif paf,oi oi ok,
Na zone yobnut zaichik moy
Suku zaitsa blyat v bolnitsu
Otsasal vsekh tam zaichishka
Suku zaichika v palatu
Poluchil v zad ot rebyatykh
Suka zaichik dalazhil
Syely zaichika zhivim
* bratushi
* oi oi oi
Zek crap and especially prison camp gang rapes and murder-cannibalism are not actually funny, and I’m sorry I started that. Cut it out, please. I was being a jerk, it wasn’t funny then and is no more funny it you keep at it now.
Of course I didn’t think anyone would be mentally ill enough to think that the “threats” were serious or that a real Russian Zek or avtoritet among thieves in law (old school Soviet era Russian mob, and mostly anachronism) would ever post here, much less post “threats” to anonymous trolls about greatly exaggerated things, much less here of all places.
It was basically rap style bragging, a momentary lapse of reason. I figured if trolls insist on that nonsense I would exaggerate it and make it creative at least. But the troll failed to appreciate lowbrow art, or just couldn’t hack it in return, so turned up her pretend superior blue nose and simultaneously called it idle threat when it was obviously neither one (duh!)
Sodomite pederasty and paedophilia is also not funny or cool, and no twist of wordplay will make it funny. It’s a real social pathology with devastating societal consequences, particularly among lower classes (I am lower working class myself, always was and likely always will be, capitalism or no capitalism).
Especially in the suicidally permissive, brains falling out social liberal west, and quite seriously in the post Soviet world too.
It’s equally destructive under the rug and behind closed doors there, and likewise where it is hidden among the middle and upper classes and pedo sodomite evil scum in power (grand conspiracy or none) and worse yet when allowed to fester legally or semi legally and openly, a slippery slope to actual Sodom and Gomorrah / Gehenna and the attending consequences repeated or reemphasized more stringently, as repeat lessons should be with unruly children.
If you go down that, road, clearly bestiality, corpse abuse, zombie cannibal brain disease aka Biden syndrome, females and inferior races voting, Christ Killers openly elevated and exalted, race mixing, and other forms of satanic governance soon follow.
We must cut such nonsense off at the root, seriously, but likewise even as a joke.
Mea culpa, and please do not follow my irresponsible lead further.
Far more seriously :
Original and officials, true classic, respekt rebyata! Slava Khristosu,Slava Rossiye, Slava Donbassu, Slava LNR, Smert Ameriki, Smert NATO, smert Zhidam, smert polulyudem, Rossiya dlya RUSSKIKH, DOMBASS DLYA BELIKH LUDEY !!!!!
Sorry not sorry , I will not fix grammar and spelling for the shitposting. Like the Joker says in Batman why so serious b**** LOL
The banderite making idle threats of rape, calls someone else “subhuman”… And the khokhol who doesn’t know the difference between “Zh”, “G” and “H” even in its own name, preaches others to learn the azbuka… Poetic.
You ukrops are always so obsessed with raping anyone and everything you can lay your filthy paws on.
We saw it in Kiev. We saw it in Babi Yar. We saw it in Wolyn. We saw it in Galicja. We saw it in Polesye. We saw it in Lublin. We saw it in Lwow. We saw it in Odessa. We saw it in Slavyansk. We saw it in Azovstal. We see it in Kursk and in Ughledar right now.
You would violently sodomize your own father on his deathbed without thinking about it, if you had the chance.
Why? Is your imaginary “wife” “Yuliya” not good enough for you perverted fantasies?
Zhirinovsky said that “Ukrainian” feminists were all nymphomaniacs, but what passes for men in “Ukraine” are clearly no more civilized.
Keep inverting and confusing and conflating completely separate people, you provide fodder for laughter. I’m a deal with your whose on first idiocy latter if at all , other things to do now punk. F U and f u crane
The non-affiliated vote was over 50% in 1995, the earliest statistics that I have found. It remained about at that level until 2016 when AVR was instituted. During that time (1995-2016), Undeclared gained at the expense of Non-Partisan.
I went back over old Alaska election results. The Democrats controlled the Alaska legislature until around 1995. In the early years after statehood the federal officers and governor were Democrats. Over time, Republicans were elected, and put up huge margins (e.g., Ted Stevens and Don Young). They could be seen as representing Alaska (and being representative of Alaskans) in a way that is impossible for a larger state, while the legislature continued to be Democratic controlled.
A curiosity was that Alaska used to have multi-member House districts. The Anchorage district elected 14 representative and the Fairbanks 7 representatives. The House had 40 members just as it still does. Despite being elected at large (“vote for up to 14”), it was quite unusual for one party to sweep all the seats even in two and four seat districts, the variation among the candidates was quite large such that the best performing R’s would outperform the worst performing D’s or vice versa. Voters behaved in a less partisan manner than one might expect. In a small town or city (Anchorage had a population of 48,000 in 1970), voters could evaluate candidates based on their personal biographies.
@Gay Zelenskyite Subhuman Rapist
I wouldn’t recommend it. Every time you open your mouth, you find some way to put your foot in it.
@Jim Riley
Thank you for taking the time and effort.
I must admit I’m a bit surprised that about half of Alaskans would already have been non-affiliated thirty years ago, because that doesn’t match up with the apprehension under which I was laboring. Oh well – the more you know, eh
It’s a shame they did away with multi-member districts though.
Nonsense, why did you speak to yourself out loud and second person?
Also, numsense A, why do you give yourself recommends? Surely even you wouldn’t want to know what your dumb NumA ass would it would not recommend, pinche cabron
In reality of course I’m not “gay” (particularly inverted inversion of English language to call sodomires gay) or banderite or subhuman or rapist but the opposite of all those whereas I was only kidding about nunyachka but who knows?
She keep insisting she is even when I took it nvm back and apologize for the poor taste of even joking about it. So may be she knows something about herself that I don’t and it could even be possible that I inadvertently guessed correctly as unlikely as that might seem
Seriously numya your crap is not funny whether you direct it at me or yourself u need serious professional mental help 4 real girl. I’m being completely serious this time for once.
Please don’t confuse me with Genya. Love ya bro but I can tell when you drink 2 much LOL
Alaska is more independent minded, like Siberia. I worked there a couple summers on fishing boats cannery and oil work.
Numbskull I should not and really am not offended but please keep my wife’s babe name put of your nasty filthy mouth . A friend told me to say privet to her which is 100% the ONLY reason you know her name. It’s actually nunya business what her name is. As is your retarded pretense that it’s a “Ukrainian” babe name.
Anyone can look up for themselves how many women are named Yulia or Yuliya and how
Many of each are Russian, how many “Ukrainian” you lying sack of troll turd. It’s the exact same babe name and transliteration is not some exact science regardless of whatever you invent or pretend. It’s actually legally Julia in the US and has been for years which is also not your business either, still same babe name but at this point why not.
There is NO difference between the Russian and U babe name it’s the exact same babe name 100% numbskull. Look it up its easy. You can find 100 Yulia 100 Yuliya and 50-50 either one can be R OR U. It’s completely random which one gets transliteration which way unlike with luGansk and other things where there actually is a difference between the two accents / “languages”
There’s a lot more but this waste of time is why I usually just ignored and laugh at the numbnuts
Genush &}¿pinche cabron? ¿Madre de Dios , donde tu hablo Espanol y porque? Serious question where or how did u stumble on that ??
Numbskull at 8:16 am was not wrong about banderite ukrops (quite possibly including itself). Only about Genya being me or his bad jokes being either idle or threats or my wife being his wife or fake. They are actually really good friends since childhood which has the main reason I am in touch with Genya , women are a lot better at staying in touch like that long term than men are.
Me and genya were bros IRL years ago when we lived nearby but we probably wouldn’t be still talking except for the wives.
Subhuman was just Genya exaggeration of how prejudiced he is for the joke. I don’t think you are joking when you call people subhuman though Numbbrain. You are the banderite so in your case what you said about Genya confusing him with me is 100% likely true as usual whenever you throw accusations except about you. You reveal your true self non-stop in comments ostensibly about others, as with your intentionally pretend distorting the alphabet on purposes
You’d only saving grace is nobody here cares otherwise it as so easy to follow any of the links to the azbuka AND see you are the one lying .
So what. Genya already told you yes Genya is usually Genady and Zhenya is usually Evgeny and that he’s an exception for long ago long story reasons that are not your business and besides the point and he’s not confused about his name at all.
You are not confused either just trying to confuse others and intentional waste people’s time. Congratulations, I gave in this time and waste time on your crap. So what? Obviously you are a piece of crap Pollack for lwow Russians say LVOV ukraps say LVIV as you know. Only fish egg Polyudi say LWOW. Go ahead and dispute that too LOL, the rest of your town list says a lot too
F right off back to Pole dance land and stay out of Russian and American business you “na zdravie” poluchelovek polukhuyoviy . Yeah I’ll be racist about polelocks and shylocks all day, sue me!
See. I tried to warn you but you just had to go and post nine comments of back to back cringe and projection, thus embarrassing yourself yet again.
So Alaska and Siberia are two more places you know next to nothing about despite claiming to have lived and worked, and no doubt “fought” there too. It’s getting old, banderovitz, old and stale.
I know you are mentally ill, but that does not mean your memory is broken. You yourself told me about your totally real and definitely not made up “wife” Юлия who absolutely exists long ago, among all your other windbaggery, which you no doubt thought lent credence to your transparent bullshit.
You could really not even be bothered to come up with a more believable name, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich? “Hello, my name is Jack Smith and this is my wife Jane Brown”. XD
But you still haven’t answered my question. If you take so much pride in this alleged “wife” of yours, why are you so desperate to rape every man, woman, child and animal you come across?
As I explained to you before, your sickness is not (merely) of the mind but of the soul:
Seek all the professional mental help you want. Spend millions on psychologists. Make blood sacrifices to Perun. Swallow your pride and consult what passes for a “priest” or “starets” in “country”‘s schismatic “church”. Take it all the way up to the accursed Dmitri Arkhondonis.
Nothing will avail you. You are the spawn of satan and to him you shall return, with all your evil, with all your lies, with all your imaginary nazi friends “currently occupying Luhansk” you swear, with all your creatively named “wives” and “children”. Ты сгоришь, к вящей славе Божией.
*Ten comments, even
Hah! More of your baseless “crazy polish jewish woman troll/op” assumptions. Make up your mind already about what you wish to believe I am or am not.
Lwow is and has always been Lwow. Not Lvov. Not Lviv. Not Leopoldstadt. Not Leopol, Leopoli or Leopolis. Not Lemberg. Not Lemberik. Just like Bakhmut is and has always been Bakhmut, not Artyomovsk or Artemivks, no matter what you Leninists and Banderists want to believe. It does not belong to you and never did, so do not dictate it’s name and never will.
Weren’t you just crawling and groveling for Maksim’s favor? Trying to excuse your antisemitism, antipolonism, tatarophobia and hatred of Cossacks, by lying about not starting it:
And yet here you are going right back to your usual filth. Like a badly raised child who will misbehave something, then deny it when caught, then double down as soon as it thinks the parents’ backs are turned. Pathetic.
Learn to count, along with learning the alphabet, polished polish projector. I spent two summers working in Alaska. Plain and simple. I was not a resident and fought? Fought who in what war? I wasn’t even border patrol there. I was border patrol in US states along the Mexico border and in Russia and LNR along the frontier borders region u kraya. Different years and times.
None of which had to do with the two summers in Alaska doing fishery and oil work . Fought who there? Fish? Yeah, I done fought some fish , fought sleep and sea sickness (at first), fought things like that. The last war on Alaska was a half century before I was born and in a few far Aleutian islands.
I made no claims about Siberia other than its like Alaska . I know siberyaks. You, polished pole, might know more about Siberia than I do. Teach me something of you feel like it. But I know the Siberian spirit from those who have it in their bones, good friends. That’s it. The last war there was even 20 years earlier than in Alaska as far as I know. Of course they do have borders with China and Mongolia, Kazakhstan if you count that, and non land border with Alaska, but pogranichnik duty did not send me in that direction.
The only one old and stale banderovshitz ukrap is you. When you keep working the pole of chaps your skin polyachka.
LOL my name is not believable? Roman and Julia two very normal Russian names..which who said anything about last names like brown and smith you weird stalker creep?
I gave no last names of any kind. And you are of course a liar. A friend said tell her hello for me and that was the only way her name got dropped, nothing was said to you other then you were beating off in the hallway and confused me and the friend who was talking to me with each other, you mentally ill meat polisher, so you keep pretending someone was talking to you when no one was.
You are ridiculous.
Find me where I told you her name, liar.
And stop accusing me of doing crap you might do like “try to give credence ” as if I care about your credence or what you believe. Only lying psychos like you take shit talking on this board that seriously or even pretend to. This place is a joke. You are a joke. It’s all good. But where do you even come up with this crap? Nobody except you plays the mental games you think up – trying to give myself credence in a trolls imagination LOL
Funny how the polisher trollop polish troll projects lol. Lvov was only lwow under the polock state between world wars or between revolution / independence and great patriotic victory . 25 or so years a century ago. Deal with it, fake polished bitch. It will be Lvov again soon because F U, F U Crane and f u with a crane, ponel blya? You can lviv or lwow that right down your polish esophagus and rectum *same place with polluted poluludy *
Wasn’t I just apologizing to Max? No, dura blya polskaya suka, that was genya not me. We are only the same person in your mind and your mind only . I have nothing to make up about who I’m want you to be . I don’t want you to be anyone. You can be Donald Tusk and his American Jew wife at the same time for all I care. You can be Hans Hoppe or his biggest polisher fan. You can be the last Jew in Oswiecim. Who cares? Only you imagine I care.
Evgeny had reason to apologize to Max that time I didn’t. Now I do if he’s here.
Desparate to rape? You have quite the sick imagination. I’m a normal straight guy, faithful to my beautiful young wife who is faithful to me, and before we were together I dated other normal straight women. That’s it. Nothing more complicated.
When Genya and Bova started that prison camp rape talk I thought it was in bad taste than and the same this weekend when evgeny got too drunk and starred those jokes again. He admitted it was poor taste, I agree. Big deal. It’s ok, it happens but that ain’t me and the only one playing with sick puppets or being a sock here is you – banderohymie.
Rape or no rape you’re the only desperate one , twisted psycho. Go rape yourself again I guess/??
Polish Meat Master Baytor or however you polish sausage suckers and packers spell it or transwhatever yeah I’ll stick my foot but not in your mouth. Get out poshol von uzhe polosh. PoLOZH actually. Pole polisher LOL count my comment count while you see double LOL get off my scrotum hairs and stop trying to count them too.
I’ll give Vova this, no prison rape is not ever actually funny or ok but at least his bad jokes were creative unlike Genya ^^ 4:14 am above
Oh dipshit pole has named my children nice. What are their names then fake know it all zaitshukhalayasha polyashka Christ Killer suka? Go eat Satan feces for eternity in the absolute Zero degrees frozen lake below Satan anus for ever. Be cognizant then. Just for uttering such a lie that’s what you deserve you creepy weirdo tipsy turvy reality inverter LOL
As for my “imaginary” wife she sends you “imaginary” poison kiss of death LOL
Another ten comments of the same embarrassing filth. How mathematically pleasing. At least you are consistent, I’ll give you that.
Again I advise you to stop with the lying and projecting, to learn some manners from Maksim, to learn to think before you open your mouth and put your foot in it. Maybe then you will be ready to learn the alphabet and how to count. Who knows, if you work hard enough, you might even work your way up to correctly transliterating and actually reading what was said, before you are inevitable thrown into the eternal lake of fire with your imaginary “wife” and “children”, you sick perverse rape idolizing nazi larper.
That’s…not…where…my boot…goes, ykrap, and nice talking to yourself out loud in public as usual.
You already know azbuka and counting teeth, fingers, toes and whatever other parts you have, you just pretend to be dumb, and the joke is old and stale.
Of course, you couldn’t back up your lies that I told you my wife’s name or that you know my kids names at all. Of course you still “don’t know” G from H or V from non-existent in Cyrillic W. Not even you would want your “advise,” which is why you don’t take it.
Enjoy the frozen lake of Lucifer frozen translucent feces flowing through cognizant and aware you from mouth to exit at absolute zero degrees for eternity as you realize too late what’s real and what’s not. And what you should have kept out of your Satan’s gorshok – rot in either Russian or English.
Raz, dva, tri, chitiri, pyat, vyshla nunya pogulyat…..
“Of course, you couldn’t back up your lies that I told you my wife’s name or that you know my kids names at all.”
I do not know what children you may have invented to try and seem like less of a failure in life, nor have I pretended to. I did not even know you would stoop so low, until you started boasting about them. But as for “Yulia”TM, you most certainly did bring up that boring cliche name yourself.
And since you are the one conveniently pretending to have forgotten doing so, catamite of the anti-christ, I am not going to wade back through all your embarrassing filth to try and find it. If you wish to suffer through that yourself, feel free to do so. You certainly deserve the humiliation.
But rest assured that not only did you, you lying bacha-bazi of the beast, but that you did it so unconvincingly that you regretted it instantly.
“Of course you still “don’t know” G from H or V from non-existent in Cyrillic W.”
“Lwow” = «Львов» exactly because Cyrillic does not have a “W”.
«Луганск» = “Luhansk” exactly because Cyrillic doesn’t make a distinction between how it denotes “G” and “H” when sandwiched between vowel sounds.
Thank you for demonstrating yet again that you don’t even know what transliteration is.
You absolute muppet.
Blah blah blah. Talking to yourself out loud like always. Keep telling yourself lies not even you believe, polished pole polishing polisher.
It’s like this, there’s no such thing as asking for rape, but there is such a thing as not being careful to avoid it. You reap what you sow even if it’s rape, numbskull nazi ykrop bandrrshit nunA nunsense nonsense nincompoop null set nonentity nitwit noGo nunyachka. Raz dva tri chetiri pyat vyshla nunka pogyulyat…
So if a dumb bottle blonde half dressed polish floozy like nunya here drinks a few bottles of polish vodka at the strip club and walks in the wee hours through the ramshackle immigrants neighborhood full of ykrop bandrrshits, turks, Syrians and other trash in Krakow or lodz or wherever is she “asking” to be raped or is it even really rape? Just asking.
The world is a ghetto, and we should have kept the Christ Killers in the original ghetto in Italy and booted them out like 100+ countries have or oswiecim or what have you. Hell awaits nunuchuks.
First we pray, then we ride
Riffing on bvova version
Raz, dva, tri, chitiri, pyat,
Vishla nunya pogulyat,
Vdrug bratushi vyletayut,
Pryamo v nunyu blyat yebayut…
Pif paf,oi oi oi,
Na zone yobnuta v ovboy
Suku nunku blyat v bolnitsu
Otsasal vsekh tam ptitsa
Suku nunku blyat v palatu
Poluchila v zad otryady
Suka nunka dalazhila
Syely nunku pedofili
* otsosala tam blyat ptitsa
What is polish vodka, nail polish? Is that how polish guys nail polish women? Is Roman Romany gypsy or Romanian?
Eastern Europe, oof. Old school scary stuff. It makes me think of Dracula, countess bathory, Auschwitz, kafka, blitzkrieg, lebensraum, panzers, world wars starting, Molotov ribbentrop pact, tears, tsars, comissars, huns, Goths, vandals, waves of invaders from the steppes into Europe, khazars, gates of Vienna, greeks raping greeks, Byzantine empire, ottoman suzereinty, Balkans, balkanization, danzig…you get the picture. Dark, dreary, deadly, destructive, death…
Roman is Italia from Rome Italy next to the Vatican and the faggit western apostate pope. For a lil bit the fag pipe was actually a pollock pole polisher but usually he’s an Italiano sausage grinder.like 99 out 100 Romans. Pedos in Speedos, the whole city is like a 365 247 rainbow pride freak show mixed with a sand Negro bazaar from the near orient amidst amazing ruins from antiquity and vulgar modern trash of various recent eras.
It’s no better when you get down to the beach or the liberal eye of sauron called the Vatican.
They blew smoke a few times since the pole dancer antipope. The current fagmander in chief is Jorge “Francis” Bergoglio, who is Italiano by ancestry but from Argentina, the first western apostate fagmander in chief actually from the western hemisphere.
The crossdresser in chief was pretty much always an Italiano for many centuries until the pollock. Now it’s an ethnic Italian again but of course a kiddy diddler and toddler gobbler like every other western apostate antipope, priest and cardinal alike. Misinterpretation of what being married to Christ …never mind, let’s not go there, Mary, mother of Jesus…
The last apostate antipope “Benedict” had to resign in disgrace because the kiddy diddling was about to blow up big time and implicate his unholiness head to toe beyond the shadow of a doubt in every way possible including the child sex trafficking and mass ritual abuse , satanic alters, altered boys, devil worship rituals, orgies, drugs, organized unimaginable filth and perversion, porn, prostitution, nun abortions, nunnery brothels, antiexorcisms, demonic deals with Christ Killers and the islamofascist terrorist caliphate moon rock worshipping haji terror doom global death cult, newage ecumenical pablum, money laundering and extortion, and all the rest of their mob activity that put Nero, Caligula and the Cosa Nostra and Ndraghella small timers look like pikers and Mussolini seem like Martin Van Buren by comparison ..
They say the cover up is worse than the crime so for the first time in a very long time we had an antipope emeritus for close to a decade … But that’s just how the pizza slices sometimes
The Romanian and Romany Gypsy Romans are also small time next to the Roman Romans, just like the American cooza nostra even in its heyday was nothing next to the Sicilian original. And that and the Neapolitan ndraghella were not anything next to the Vatican and its unholy Roman empire and Catholic antichurch (synagogue of Satan) – little do Amerikossovtsy know since they are of course like children ….