Although No Labels dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on April 4, two of its election-related lawsuits are still pending.
In Arizona, the Ninth Circuit expects to hear No Labels v Fontes during January. This is the lawsuit over whether a party has a Freedom of Association right to block anyone from running in its primary, if the party doesn’t want any candidates for particular offices. No Labels had won this case in U.S. District Court.
In Delaware, discovery is proceeding in No Labels v, a trademark dispute between No Labels and a parody website.
When you don’t use lube, sometimes it takes a while.
“The libertarian transparency caucus” strikes again. Air all your party dirty laundry with endless outrage (under the guise of providing in depth coverage of all US minor parties), but brook no correction (even as to format errors or misquotes) and certainly no dissenting views, even if only occasionally dissenting.
Transparency for thee but not for me Phillies strikes again. Apparently, politbureauesque information control and blackholing is “model true libertarian” (or is that modal?)
Phillies is as bad as Sarwark,Bilyeu, and attention whore Caryn Ann Harlos.
Much worse.
Allah akhbar! Fatwa on labels!
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:43 pm said:
When you don’t use lube, sometimes it takes a while.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus on October 4, 2024 at 8:40 am said:
“The libertarian transparency caucus” strikes again. Air all your party dirty laundry with endless outrage (under the guise of providing in depth coverage of all US minor parties), but brook no correction (even as to format errors or misquotes) and certainly no dissenting views, even if only occasionally dissenting.
Transparency for thee but not for me Phillies strikes again. Apparently, politbureauesque information control and memoryholing is “model true libertarian” (or is that modal?)
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:48 pm said:
Porcus Agricola on October 4, 2024 at 8:00 am said:
Censorship again at Philliestan (the misnamed third party watch which is 99% plus libertarian party drama exclusively)
Did I exceed the comments permission at two? Or what other rule was it this time? Pointing out a formatting error/misquote? Please publish whatever portions may be permissible, if possible with ellipse or something to indicate that a portion was removed, as with all of my comments.
Was no part of the comment acceptable? If any part was acceptable please publish that part or parts.
“You would think someone would post about their meeting with a former President and likely Presidential nominee right after it happened. Why would someone wait 10 months?”
This is not a quote from Mr. Padgett, despite what the blockquote indicates. To answer Mr. Porter’s question, maybe because it wasn’t a done deal and premature publicity may have been seen as counterproductive to a possible deal still being worked on?
Thank you for the link to Mr. Padgett’s substack article, which I found quite interesting. Doubtless, in a different way from the editor and other commenters here. The last paragraph of what appears as if a quote from Mr. Padgett’s article is not from it, but instead looks like Mr. Porter’s commentary. Therefore, the blockquote end tag ought to be moved back a paragraph.
The ending paragraph in bold from Mr. Porter is not supported by anything in his article. Nothing he presented suggests any agreement to disclose terms of. While it certainly does not preclude the possibility an agreement could theoretically exist, it would take far more than one acknowledged meeting months earlier, someone in President Trump’s orbit reaching out to test waters and or vice versa, and an invitation all months apart to prove some agreement with terms exists or is likely to exist. As it stands, this is a huge leap to conclusions and loaded questions.
Speaking of loaded questions, how do you go from “she paid for the trip herself” (second hand information) and a first hand reply that the party didn’t pay to asking who actually paid? Not the party could easily mean she paid herself.
As for Mr. Shanner’s email, perhaps more is being read into it than actually said or implied? Supposing Miss McArdle communicated with someone testing waters months earlier, had one meeting at Mar A Lago, and somewhere within 6 months somehow convinced the President to follow up, would that not fit what Mr. Shanner is quoted to have actually said at least as well as the conspiracy theory wherein Miss McArdle and Mr. Trump coordinated the entire time, had some agreement with terms months ahead of time, had a firm agreement in place back in November to appear in May, etc?
The former explanation might be less bombshell explosive than the latter, but it seems like it would take less conspiratorial jumping to conclusions.
Mr. Shanner did say both that Miss McArdle met with President Trump in November and that she somehow convinced him to appear by May, but where does he say that the two happened simultaneously? He may be referring to things that occurred months apart.
My impression, based solely on skimming here, is that the motion to remove Mrs. Harlos is related to such things as her suing the party or Miss McArdle (sorry, I don’t feel like checking back which one) and their spat over the fundraising agreement with Mr. Kennedy as well as the Colorado ballot, etc. I don’t see anything that supports jumping to the conclusion that it’s because she asked who paid for Miss McArdle’s trip to Florida or anything directly related to that.
I’m not a partisan of Miss McArdle’s faction, any opposing faction, or the libertarian party in general. I’m not even a “small l libertarian.” The criticism is only of sloppy logical leaps – I’m not denying there might be something there, only that the actual evidence presented falls far short of what it’s being stretched to imply and presumptively demand answers to.
Porcus Agricola on October 4, 2024 at 8:02 am said:
Absurd reference article
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm said:
Backing up the pending comments as well – let’s see which if any actually make it,
Jake Porter:
“Why isn’t the Libertarian National Committee asking to see the terms of Angela’s agreement with Donald Trump and why hasn’t Angela disclosed it?”
Darryl Perry:
Probably because every time someone asks her a question, she fails to respond and the questioner gets attacked by other LNC members.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
What’s the evidence any such deal or contract exists? I’m not allowed to give you the longer form answer poking holes in this idea, but you can find it at other similar sites if you look.
Walter Ziobro:
Will McArdle resign if Oliver gets enough votes in the swing states to throw the election to Harris?
Kolkhoznik Porosyat:
Are you presuming those votes would all have gone to Trump if Oliver hadn’t run? I’m not sure even a plurality would have gone to Trump. With Johnson, actual exit polls showed he had only 1/10 the swing of his vote totals, given 2nd preferences of his voters as told to exit pollsters. Oliver skews further left than Johnson, so it’s likely Harris will be the second choice of more of his voters than Trump will, so if anything, Harris would have benefited had he not won the libertarian nomination or failed at Ballot access etc.
People on the left are more likely to vote for Jill Stein than Chase Oliver.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Many votes aren’t nearly so precisely ideological and it all depends on what you call left. For instance, Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney plan to vote for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump . If they had to choose between Stein and Oliver, I would guess they would more likely pick Oliver than Stein. Many people may not be able to bring themselves to vote for Harris (or Stein) but would for a libertarian, maybe; many of those would vote for Harris (others Trump, not vote, etc). Some votes are on a single issue or group identifier – female, homosexual, white/black/etc, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and so on. Voting behavior is fairly complicated. I’ve read Richard Winger make plausible cases that Nader voters would have been more likely to vote for Bush than Gore, contrary to popular belief. Etc.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Why do you think he would throw the election to Harris as opposed to Trump?
Walter Ziobro:
If Harris wins, and Oliver covers the spread, you can be sure that he will be blamed, even if those voters had no intention of voting for Trump.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Wouldn’t the same hold true if Trump wins and Oliver covers? And either way, would that be new or unexpected? Good or bad? Regardless of who wins, if you cover the spread, you are likely to get a lot of grief from one direction and little corresponding relief from the other.
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 3:00 pm said:
From the same TP(w) article..
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:43 pm said:
When you don’t use lube, sometimes it takes a while.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus on October 4, 2024 at 8:40 am said:
“The libertarian transparency caucus” strikes again. Air all your party dirty laundry with endless outrage (under the guise of providing in depth coverage of all US minor parties), but brook no correction (even as to format errors or misquotes) and certainly no dissenting views, even if only occasionally dissenting.
Transparency for thee but not for me Phillies strikes again. Apparently, politbureauesque information control and memoryholing is “model true libertarian” (or is that modal?)
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:48 pm said:
Porcus Agricola on October 4, 2024 at 8:00 am said:
Censorship again at Philliestan (the misnamed third party watch which is 99% plus libertarian party drama exclusively)
Did I exceed the comments permission at two? Or what other rule was it this time? Pointing out a formatting error/misquote? Please publish whatever portions may be permissible, if possible with ellipse or something to indicate that a portion was removed, as with all of my comments.
Was no part of the comment acceptable? If any part was acceptable please publish that part or parts.
“You would think someone would post about their meeting with a former President and likely Presidential nominee right after it happened. Why would someone wait 10 months?”
This is not a quote from Mr. Padgett, despite what the blockquote indicates. To answer Mr. Porter’s question, maybe because it wasn’t a done deal and premature publicity may have been seen as counterproductive to a possible deal still being worked on?
Thank you for the link to Mr. Padgett’s substack article, which I found quite interesting. Doubtless, in a different way from the editor and other commenters here. The last paragraph of what appears as if a quote from Mr. Padgett’s article is not from it, but instead looks like Mr. Porter’s commentary. Therefore, the blockquote end tag ought to be moved back a paragraph.
The ending paragraph in bold from Mr. Porter is not supported by anything in his article. Nothing he presented suggests any agreement to disclose terms of. While it certainly does not preclude the possibility an agreement could theoretically exist, it would take far more than one acknowledged meeting months earlier, someone in President Trump’s orbit reaching out to test waters and or vice versa, and an invitation all months apart to prove some agreement with terms exists or is likely to exist. As it stands, this is a huge leap to conclusions and loaded questions.
Speaking of loaded questions, how do you go from “she paid for the trip herself” (second hand information) and a first hand reply that the party didn’t pay to asking who actually paid? Not the party could easily mean she paid herself.
As for Mr. Shanner’s email, perhaps more is being read into it than actually said or implied? Supposing Miss McArdle communicated with someone testing waters months earlier, had one meeting at Mar A Lago, and somewhere within 6 months somehow convinced the President to follow up, would that not fit what Mr. Shanner is quoted to have actually said at least as well as the conspiracy theory wherein Miss McArdle and Mr. Trump coordinated the entire time, had some agreement with terms months ahead of time, had a firm agreement in place back in November to appear in May, etc?
The former explanation might be less bombshell explosive than the latter, but it seems like it would take less conspiratorial jumping to conclusions.
Mr. Shanner did say both that Miss McArdle met with President Trump in November and that she somehow convinced him to appear by May, but where does he say that the two happened simultaneously? He may be referring to things that occurred months apart.
My impression, based solely on skimming here, is that the motion to remove Mrs. Harlos is related to such things as her suing the party or Miss McArdle (sorry, I don’t feel like checking back which one) and their spat over the fundraising agreement with Mr. Kennedy as well as the Colorado ballot, etc. I don’t see anything that supports jumping to the conclusion that it’s because she asked who paid for Miss McArdle’s trip to Florida or anything directly related to that.
I’m not a partisan of Miss McArdle’s faction, any opposing faction, or the libertarian party in general. I’m not even a “small l libertarian.” The criticism is only of sloppy logical leaps – I’m not denying there might be something there, only that the actual evidence presented falls far short of what it’s being stretched to imply and presumptively demand answers to.
Porcus Agricola on October 4, 2024 at 8:02 am said:
Absurd reference article
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm said:
Backing up the pending comments as well – let’s see which if any actually make it,
Jake Porter:
“Why isn’t the Libertarian National Committee asking to see the terms of Angela’s agreement with Donald Trump and why hasn’t Angela disclosed it?”
Darryl Perry:
Probably because every time someone asks her a question, she fails to respond and the questioner gets attacked by other LNC members.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
What’s the evidence any such deal or contract exists? I’m not allowed to give you the longer form answer poking holes in this idea, but you can find it at other similar sites if you look.
Walter Ziobro:
Will McArdle resign if Oliver gets enough votes in the swing states to throw the election to Harris?
Kolkhoznik Porosyat:
Are you presuming those votes would all have gone to Trump if Oliver hadn’t run? I’m not sure even a plurality would have gone to Trump. With Johnson, actual exit polls showed he had only 1/10 the swing of his vote totals, given 2nd preferences of his voters as told to exit pollsters. Oliver skews further left than Johnson, so it’s likely Harris will be the second choice of more of his voters than Trump will, so if anything, Harris would have benefited had he not won the libertarian nomination or failed at Ballot access etc.
People on the left are more likely to vote for Jill Stein than Chase Oliver.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Many votes aren’t nearly so precisely ideological and it all depends on what you call left. For instance, Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney plan to vote for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump . If they had to choose between Stein and Oliver, I would guess they would more likely pick Oliver than Stein. Many people may not be able to bring themselves to vote for Harris (or Stein) but would for a libertarian, maybe; many of those would vote for Harris (others Trump, not vote, etc). Some votes are on a single issue or group identifier – female, homosexual, white/black/etc, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and so on. Voting behavior is fairly complicated. I’ve read Richard Winger make plausible cases that Nader voters would have been more likely to vote for Bush than Gore, contrary to popular belief. Etc.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Why do you think he would throw the election to Harris as opposed to Trump?
Walter Ziobro:
If Harris wins, and Oliver covers the spread, you can be sure that he will be blamed, even if those voters had no intention of voting for Trump.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Wouldn’t the same hold true if Trump wins and Oliver covers? And either way, would that be new or unexpected? Good or bad? Regardless of who wins, if you cover the spread, you are likely to get a lot of grief from one direction and little corresponding relief from the other.
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 3:00 pm said:
From the same TP(w) article…
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:43 pm said:
When you don’t use lube, sometimes it takes a while.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus on October 4, 2024 at 8:40 am said:
“The libertarian transparency caucus” strikes again. Air all your party dirty laundry with endless outrage (under the guise of providing in depth coverage of all US minor parties), but brook no correction (even as to format errors or misquotes) and certainly no dissenting views, even if only occasionally dissenting.
Transparency for thee but not for me Phillies strikes again. Apparently, politbureauesque information control and memoryholing is “model true libertarian” (or is that modal?)
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:48 pm said:
Porcus Agricola on October 4, 2024 at 8:00 am said:
Censorship again at Philliestan (the misnamed third party watch which is 99% plus libertarian party drama exclusively)
Did I exceed the comments permission at two? Or what other rule was it this time? Pointing out a formatting error/misquote? Please publish whatever portions may be permissible, if possible with ellipse or something to indicate that a portion was removed, as with all of my comments.
Was no part of the comment acceptable? If any part was acceptable please publish that part or parts.
“You would think someone would post about their meeting with a former President and likely Presidential nominee right after it happened. Why would someone wait 10 months?”
This is not a quote from Mr. Padgett, despite what the blockquote indicates. To answer Mr. Porter’s question, maybe because it wasn’t a done deal and premature publicity may have been seen as counterproductive to a possible deal still being worked on?
Thank you for the link to Mr. Padgett’s substack article, which I found quite interesting. Doubtless, in a different way from the editor and other commenters here. The last paragraph of what appears as if a quote from Mr. Padgett’s article is not from it, but instead looks like Mr. Porter’s commentary. Therefore, the blockquote end tag ought to be moved back a paragraph.
The ending paragraph in bold from Mr. Porter is not supported by anything in his article. Nothing he presented suggests any agreement to disclose terms of. While it certainly does not preclude the possibility an agreement could theoretically exist, it would take far more than one acknowledged meeting months earlier, someone in President Trump’s orbit reaching out to test waters and or vice versa, and an invitation all months apart to prove some agreement with terms exists or is likely to exist. As it stands, this is a huge leap to conclusions and loaded questions.
Speaking of loaded questions, how do you go from “she paid for the trip herself” (second hand information) and a first hand reply that the party didn’t pay to asking who actually paid? Not the party could easily mean she paid herself.
As for Mr. Shanner’s email, perhaps more is being read into it than actually said or implied? Supposing Miss McArdle communicated with someone testing waters months earlier, had one meeting at Mar A Lago, and somewhere within 6 months somehow convinced the President to follow up, would that not fit what Mr. Shanner is quoted to have actually said at least as well as the conspiracy theory wherein Miss McArdle and Mr. Trump coordinated the entire time, had some agreement with terms months ahead of time, had a firm agreement in place back in November to appear in May, etc?
The former explanation might be less bombshell explosive than the latter, but it seems like it would take less conspiratorial jumping to conclusions.
Mr. Shanner did say both that Miss McArdle met with President Trump in November and that she somehow convinced him to appear by May, but where does he say that the two happened simultaneously? He may be referring to things that occurred months apart.
My impression, based solely on skimming here, is that the motion to remove Mrs. Harlos is related to such things as her suing the party or Miss McArdle (sorry, I don’t feel like checking back which one) and their spat over the fundraising agreement with Mr. Kennedy as well as the Colorado ballot, etc. I don’t see anything that supports jumping to the conclusion that it’s because she asked who paid for Miss McArdle’s trip to Florida or anything directly related to that.
I’m not a partisan of Miss McArdle’s faction, any opposing faction, or the libertarian party in general. I’m not even a “small l libertarian.” The criticism is only of sloppy logical leaps – I’m not denying there might be something there, only that the actual evidence presented falls far short of what it’s being stretched to imply and presumptively demand answers to.
Absurd reference article
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm said:
Backing up the pending comments as well – let’s see which if any actually make it,
Jake Porter:
“Why isn’t the Libertarian National Committee asking to see the terms of Angela’s agreement with Donald Trump and why hasn’t Angela disclosed it?”
Darryl Perry:
Probably because every time someone asks her a question, she fails to respond and the questioner gets attacked by other LNC members.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
What’s the evidence any such deal or contract exists? I’m not allowed to give you the longer form answer poking holes in this idea, but you can find it at other similar sites if you look.
Walter Ziobro:
Will McArdle resign if Oliver gets enough votes in the swing states to throw the election to Harris?
Kolkhoznik Porosyat:
Are you presuming those votes would all have gone to Trump if Oliver hadn’t run? I’m not sure even a plurality would have gone to Trump. With Johnson, actual exit polls showed he had only 1/10 the swing of his vote totals, given 2nd preferences of his voters as told to exit pollsters. Oliver skews further left than Johnson, so it’s likely Harris will be the second choice of more of his voters than Trump will, so if anything, Harris would have benefited had he not won the libertarian nomination or failed at Ballot access etc.
People on the left are more likely to vote for Jill Stein than Chase Oliver.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Many votes aren’t nearly so precisely ideological and it all depends on what you call left. For instance, Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney plan to vote for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump . If they had to choose between Stein and Oliver, I would guess they would more likely pick Oliver than Stein. Many people may not be able to bring themselves to vote for Harris (or Stein) but would for a libertarian, maybe; many of those would vote for Harris (others Trump, not vote, etc). Some votes are on a single issue or group identifier – female, homosexual, white/black/etc, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and so on. Voting behavior is fairly complicated. I’ve read Richard Winger make plausible cases that Nader voters would have been more likely to vote for Bush than Gore, contrary to popular belief. Etc.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Why do you think he would throw the election to Harris as opposed to Trump?
Walter Ziobro:
If Harris wins, and Oliver covers the spread, you can be sure that he will be blamed, even if those voters had no intention of voting for Trump.
Porcus Agricola Tacitus:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Wouldn’t the same hold true if Trump wins and Oliver covers? And either way, would that be new or unexpected? Good or bad? Regardless of who wins, if you cover the spread, you are likely to get a lot of grief from one direction and little corresponding relief from the other.
Kolkhoznik Porosyat on October 4, 2024 at 3:00 pm said:
From the same TP(w) article…
The answer to Mr. Perry didn’t make the cut. For ease of reading in case he finds it here:
What’s the evidence any such deal or contract exists?
See above for details (holes in Mr. Porter’s breathless conspiratorial conjecture).
Shto za bezpredel tut rebyata?
We have not been fed fresh meat in days! My pack is hungry! Where is our polukhyovya polyachka noonka, off celebrationing jew new year and Shabbat? V Luganske Golubykh Byom Toporom, luzer greshnik bez trusov…
* Luganske, dumb ass. Fuck around and REALLY find out. Oh look, why is everyone in LPR pronouncing it Lugansk, moron?
According to you it’s soviet pronunciation, but that’s only because your dumb ass didn’t get past it being on a pro Soviet utube channel . Try pressing play and listening next time . Oops.
Soviet pronunciation btw was Voroshilovgrad from 1935-58 and 70-90. It was only Luhansk under “Ukraine” occupation in 1991-2014, you actual banderSHITs.
If YouTube is too complex for you, look up how City of Lugansk, Russian Federation Region of Lugansk, FC Zorya Lugansk, etc transcribe it on their own websites.
The worst part is this was explained to you months ago, yet you keep going. You are a running joke, even if you’re the slowest running joke in history.
Official site of our city #1 football club
Soviet? No.
Yes, Nuna is an imbecile
Current site, not Soviet, bitch.
Poshol ka ty uzhe k chortevoy matery, pidor vonuchiy!
Shona tova and Shabbat sholom, nunyatchka. Tell me what to pronounce Lugansk like in 19th century Cossack Balachka , but where as Romachka told you it will be Luhansk over his dead body I’ll be more real – over YOUR dead body, shlyukha satany sukina. Yeah, FAFO FOR REAL, punk.
Btw your stupidity has reached people actually right now in Lugansk who are laughing at you at this very moment. Say hello, Chaimie Nuna. Pizdets obosratiy!
Always remember, bey zhidov, spasay Rossiyu , a polyachek za odno, tolko khuyom! – tvoy batya, blyat.
Obosranaya mudachka ty, nunka. Nado bylo Romu poslushat isho kogda on tebye govoril khvatet balovatsa, mudachka bezmozglaya . A teper uzh, blyat, pozno, tyzh uzhe u vsekh na vidu obosralas I opozorilas, banderush. Baba durnaya kozyolovaya.
Set foot in Luhansk for the first time in your life and you will find out. Cossacks haven’t forgotten. Nor have Tatars. But don’t have the ball to come over, because you are all talk and lies, banderite propaganda and projection. We are not scared of you, because we have on our side Christ, Truth and Russia. Бог будет судить и вы сгорите.
Stop talking to yourself, you mentally ill woman. It’s sad. God will indeed judge you and you will do worse than burn if you don’t check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Please keep my name out of your mouth when you mix it with such filth. Remember, the blindingly obvious is best not belabored – I hear that horse past dead a long time ago, and you now are just beating the meat.
God bless, keep and save both of you, regardless of what you believe.
Real valor, not stolen:
Same job in US Mexico border, LNR and Russia – “Ukraine” border – same mission.
Beat, not hear.
And now you are beating ROTTEN meat, Gents. Spokhvatis.
Also, she is not completely wrong, sadly. Lugansk is deep south, so once you get well outside the city, and drink the milky liquor especially, it’s sort of “Lughansk.” But to go full Luhansk, well, you pretty much need to be Ukrainian/Jew. The latter, incidentally, are not very popular among the Cossacks especially. Tatars being in large part Islamists are not huge fans of the Christ Killers either … After all He is a Prophet to them as well.
Gents – automangle for Genya , particularly ironic since Genya is acting like such a boor with our polish-jew “speaks better German than Russian now” yellow house escapee female/shemale NUNA.
Recall how your pathetic obsession with mistransliterating «Луганск» to Latin started because I originally left you free to use the spelling you preferred. I really don’t care if you want to erroneously call it “Lugansk”, since you are far from the only one and it is clear where is being referred. But I do care that you pretend the correct transliteration “Luhansk” is wrong, recent and worst of all “Ukrainian”, when it is nothing of the sort. And I care a lot when you try and steal the valor from my loved ones to try and add credibility to your obvious lies.
You should aspire to be more like Maksim. While someone who maintains online friendship with banderites and valor thieves like yourself can never be trusted, and willingness to do so pulls his own Afgan vet status into question, he at least presents himself both politely and thoughtfully. And thus, unlike you, he is treated with respect.
But having two Maksims around, while certainly more interesting, would also be far less amusing than what you are currently doing. So by all means, whether you call yourself Roman or GenZ or Unimportant or Look or MyPillows or LGB(TQ+) or Karen or Habibi or Tsarina or Prisoner or Thief or any of the other ten to twenty creatively bankrupt handles you’ve used, please keep demonstrating your complete ignorance of Луганск/Luhansk so that my family and friends there can keep laughing at you banderophile clowns.
See between the one minute and 80 seconds marks. I realize you are incapable of admitting defeat but you only make yourself look more ridiculous the longer you continue. I let it go a long time ago. I’m not Genya, despite your mentally ill insistence I’m him and these other people, some of whom I know , some only seen here, some never even heard of.
I’m only Roman, not whoever you imagine or claim I am. It’s actually my real life given name. The last name is obviously not Salute but my mother’s maiden family name was not far off from it and it’s a reference to border protection.
Btw I never claimed to be a prisoner or thief (but did make some thieves into prisoners). Genya isn’t either. He was joking, although that may not be obvious to you.
Besides chronically doubling down regardless of how obvious any error of yours is made, nunsensical one, another part of your mental illness is conflating everyone who calls you out on it. Some of it is kind of understandable because a bunch of us are on Max’s invitation only group chat so we start to use some of the same in group phrases etc. Some of these other people? I have no clue why you would think I’m them other than that they also made the mistake of calling you out at some point.
I think what you actually do is sit around bored all day every day and troll using these two simple repetition exercises and then collect accurate responses you get telling you about yourself, curate them for the best retorts and deploy them cut and paste style against whomever calls you out or tangles with you about anything.
You clearly do it for lulz and to waste people’s time long past your error is shown beyond any shadow of doubt on anything. You do that on purpose knowing you’re diametrically wrong from the start.
It’s simple ass trolling dressed up in fancy vocabulary and elaborate exaggeration for effect.
Your transliteration of luhansk is not recent or wrong, but it is “Ukrainian.” Ukrainian is basically a far southern Russian accent exaggerated deliberate style for effect, like Ebonics.
I think you were the one who told me it also uses a lot of Polish vocabulary. I don’t speak polish but understand it sporadically, like any Slavic language – Russian is the only one I’m really fluent in, but I can understand “Ukrainian” when I feel like it.
Lugansk has a double etymology – Luhan river and lug. Russian people generally say Lugansk. “UKRAINIAN” pretenders say Luhansk.
Cossacks nowadays in Lugansk are ordinary Russians except for ceremonial and family occasions. There are other Cossacks in the countryside and deeper into “Ukraine” who are more “Ukrainian.”
If you had any family or friends there, they would be very ashamed of you and too embarrassed to laugh. By all means ask them to comment if you want to pretend they exist.
You’re right about one thing, I should be more like Max. I’m more polite to you than you are to me or others, but I can do better. Derision towards mentally ill people like you is a bad look and morally wrong.
I apologize for those times I gave in to the temptation. People like you should be treated with compassion if engaged at all.
Max doesn’t know me IRL, but we know each other well through other communication and mutual real life acquaintances. You, on the other hand – who knows.
/nunsense person.
SCREAMER: To the extent you communicate in something loosely resembling English, it’s a Eurasian language, you screaming demon.
Romush, blen…no wonder that your parents named you Roman. They must have sensed you would write one (novel) each time before you would wipe your ass once you’d get old enough. How do you know that I am not a thief? Are you my guardian angel? Maybe I just don’t get caught, has it occurred to you?
A tak kak ty blen vorov posazhival, nu kak skazat, starik, koroche…Yule peredash ot menya vot privet takoy pozhaluy bratush
I was border patrol, not municipal police. Even so, I’ll guess you’re no thief; thieves who don’t get caught don’t brag about it either.
Your kind regards were conveyed and returned thusly, by way of a namesake:
Some interesting confessions through projection there at 7:32. So you claim to be only a an trolling welfare parasite not a banderophile fed. Though you may of course be bluffing, that sounds quite believable giving the incompetence with which you attempt to spin lies.
While there are plenty of uneducated products of communism who mistransliterate «Луганск» as “Lugansk”, the remainder of your ignorance is so specific and far sought that you would not be able to find anyone else who believes. You have given your many sockpuppets away by doubling down on those errors as well as by your uneducated patterns of speech and choices of words. It is quite obvious to all but yourself – although you probably realize it as well by now.
Don’t presume to try and “educate” me of all people about Cossack history, culture and etymology. I know more than you can Google in a million lifetimes.
My loved ones in Luhansk, in Donestk and elsewhere, including those from whom you insist on stealing valor again and again – God damn you to eternal death – have laughed plenty at your pathetic squirming and writhing every time I sent them a screenshot over the past few months, I assure you, as I’m certain those in Heaven whose valor you grave rob are even now. I don’t presume control them. If they wish to comment, then they will do so – if they haven’t already without you recognizing it – and if they deem if safer to not post to this site, then so be it. Your make-believe nazi buddies occupying our lands on the other hand, and your totally real “wife” “Yulia”TM – could you really not come up with anything less cliche? – are figments of your imagination and will therefore go burn in hell when you finally do – thanks be to God!
Even if he doesn’t know you in real life, the fact that Maksim is willing to be in an online chat with you is bad enough. No veteran of the Afghan War I know – nor of the Chechen and Georgian Wars – would put up with your vile filth, let alone your stolen valor, much less associate with you. But at least he does partake in your constant spewing antisemitism, antipolonism, tatarophobia and hatred of Cossacks. So I will err on the side of caution and give him the benefit of the doubt, showing him the same degree of respect and courtesy he shows.
The American election is a month away and I have voted from here already, so you will soon be able to talk evil nonsense to yourself again here without my calling you out – at least for the next two-four years. Meanwhile enjoy pretending to be mentally ill all you like, but the reality is that your sickness is not (just) of the mind but of the soul, and you will reap what you sow soon enough – praise be to Christ!
Nonsense endlessly:
I read as far as that you are projecting and confessing. That goes without saying.
Buh bye. Good luck. I’ll pray for you.
Thank you for the kind words and consideration, brothers in Christ. While I do strive to be a gentleman, I often fall short, so your kindness is more than I deserve. I also enjoyed some of your music videos and will submit one here to see if the conversation, were it to continue, take a less acrimonious turn.
I don’t necessarily eschew acrimony in all cases, but I think you misdirect the back and forth accusations of false flags and Banderite treachery, stolen valor, and sock puppet accounts and all manner of infamy. Until I see reason to believe it of either of you.
I’m not including Genya – young men who use that type of language in public, as I too often did at what I am guessing may be his age, albeit not that often – should be admonished and encouraged to improve, albeit with humility.
Better version without the bloody soviet rag despoiling any part
Regarding my own military record, I’ll reprise my past disclosure. It’s nothing I take pride in, or rather, I have more shame than pride. It was a job, and I did my job reasonably not horribly. It was slavery to a horrid slave regime fighting against barbaric savages who our side all too often emulated in completely inexcusable acts.
There was nothing good there. By law, and moral duty, I should have reported the war crimes I witnessed on our side. The best I can say is that I did not personally commit them and did not drink myself regularly into blackouts, loss of bodily and mental control , or need alcohol drinks to steady myself and avoid shakes, or use illegal drugs. And had I reported those crimes, I would have far more likely faced severe consequences, and those who committed them far less likely so.
Nevertheless, legally and morally I failed in my duty, and never rectified it. To report crimes from over 40 years ago now would also be worse than useless. I can only pray to God for forgiveness, among many things I seek it for, or rather mercy. Perhaps I should pray instead for justice,come what may.
I can’t in good conscience call what I did there heroic or even really brave. It was certainly dangerous at times – and not particularly or at all at others – but I had no choice in the matter and refusing service would have been far more dangerous. I actually took the easy way out both in performing as commanded well enough to avoid severe reprimand and in my choice to eschew responsibility as a witness to atrocities that should have been shocking but became routine.
In all fairness, no one on the other side even remotely questioned their atrocities, refused to participate personally, or considered them anything but the only way to live, like everyone else in their tribes always had. I’ll avoid graphic description, but it was truly stomach churning stuff.
Max, sorry Sir. You are of course correct about my foul language. It was directed at a very foul troll who in fact started that (but now cries foul except when still doing it of course). Not that two wrongs make a right at all.
One thing about you Ruassian boys, whatever side of anything you take or pretend to take, you always write a War and Peace novel each comment, you fat bastards. Putin is cool but Trump is the real #1 and USA #1, CSA 4EVER EVEN MOAR #1ER! White Men Can Will and Shall Trump! White Power, and Russia is our junior partner friend!
Trump is the CEO, bitch! You leftist cunts think he is Putin’s bat boy robin? No, it is the other way around! Trump is the master, Putin, Lukashenko, Orban, Meloni, Millei, Bolsonaro, Farage, LePen, and all the rest are HIS spergs, not the other way! !!! TRUMP IS THE LORD OF ALL LORDS, KING OF THE REAL JEWS, SAVIOR OF ISRAEL, SABIOR PF AMERICAN, SAVIOR OF EUROPE AND EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION WIRLDQWIDE, SAVIOR OF THE WORK AS WORLD, LORD KIMG JESUS RETURNED, SAVIOR OF WHITE RACE AND CHRISTENDEM, SAVIOR OF THD WORPD, KING OF ALL KIMGS, DON OF ALL DONS, BOSS OF ALL BOSSES, WHITE MAFIA KKK DIXIE STAMD UP!!! KKK SLL THE WAY!!! WHIRE POWER!!!!!!!!
Hail victory! Hail the white race the greatest race to ever walk the earth! White Power forever, forever white power!
Feel free to insult me, Perun idolator, you invariably already do so anyway, but don’t presume to insult Maksim’s intelligence with such easily debunked lies:
Look at you spamming your vile insults and idle threats all over the place unprovoked. But now you are suddenly too infantile to stand behind your words? A cry bully is indeed what you are.
Maksim, milostivy, why do you suffer these fools-for-antichrist? Why do you put up with their endless spewing of hatred against Jews, Poles, Cossacks, Tatars, Rusyn, Abkhazy, Osetiny, Adjartsy, Dukhobory, Starovertsy, Beliye potomki, … against every friend and ally of Russia about whom they know not the first thing? Why do you associate with filth that idolize rape and torture?
Perun idolatry was a bad joke, like the rape “threats,” you nail polish bottle blondinka playing dumb in the dumbest way possible, shlyukha bezdarnaya. I’m as Christian as you pretend to be. God knows my heart, not you, no matter how pretentious you are.
None of that was unprovoked. Not one bit.
You were provoking it nonstop for months on end. I apologize for giving in to the trolling provocation, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop. I hope I will soon. No guarantee but your prayers are always welcome. Not yours, false flag numbbrain. Congratulations, you at long last got the reply you trawled for. So?
Spamming is what you do. I speak from the heart, even when it takes the form of very inappropriate jokes. My dark humor is like food in Stalin times, not everyone gets it.
Max knows my struggles and does not need your help to know how sinful i am and my shortcomings. You will of course claim to walk on water and pretend like he or anyone else will take it seriously. Not even you take it seriously so you keep repeating it endless times to convince yourself, polishing your own polish brain til its as smooth as a bowling bowl in your polish bowling league, LOL
Rape and torture are horrible of course and you can keep pretending I was serious but Max knows me better than that so ur barking up the wrong tree, you polskaya suka.
And yes I’m prejudiced, but not half as prejudiced as my bad jokes or you make me out. Max has long known this long before you came along like a pollock fish with a yarmulke and a big jew nose.
Poshla podlaya polka nafig…
“You were provoking it nonstop for months on end”
Oh, you want to move the goal posts and talk about your original unprovoked vile insults, instead of your most recent round? Fine, take your pick:
It’s you, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich, it was always you. You are the very foul troll who started it.
I showed incredible patience and restraint towards you, letting things go which I should not have. And how did you repay me?
You abused my kindness and generosity to double down again and again. Stealing valor. Insulting the loved ones I have lost. Disrespecting my own service and sacrifices. Endless lying and projecting. Endless slander and libel.
You are no Christian. You are not even human. You are a banderite, i.e. nazi and a satanist. But don’t worry, you will burn in hell with your master soon enough.
Repeating your lies endlessly doesn’t make them true , much less convince Maxim or anyone else, nunentity
You are speaking to yourself again, banderovitz, the evidence is right there and speaks for itself.
Yes, Nuna speaks to itself in second person and acknowledges it is the actual false flag banderite here.