Arkansas Times Story on Rejection of County Initiatives Requiring Paper Ballots in Arkansas Elections

This isn’t the most unbiased story that you’ll ever read, but it is an interesting one on an effort by to place initiatives on the ballot in certain Arkansas counties that would mandate use of paper ballots in those counties. The main reason for the failure of these initiatives to make the ballot is that Arkansas bans out of state residents from circulating initiative petitions in Arkansas.

I hope there is upcoming litigation to challenge that law, and there should be. For candidate and party petitions in the United States, there are no longer any restrictions barring out of state residents from circulating petitions. There used to be many such restrictions, including in Virginia, where, in the 1980s, petition circulators had to be Virginia registered voters and could only gather signatures of voters in their own congressional district on statewide candidate petitions.


Arkansas Times Story on Rejection of County Initiatives Requiring Paper Ballots in Arkansas Elections — 4 Comments

  1. Using out of state, out of country , or who knows out of planet hoboes with clipboards to help change local laws is not a sign of things getting better. Neither is loss of local control in general, decline in human biodiversity through mass migration and miscegenation, loss of cultural diversity , rise in every form of globalism globaloney, decline in local control and localism, and paradoxic spread of large scale totalitarian inefficiency and waste and atomistic individual social alienation –

    All these things are pernicious and harmful trends.

    Small is beautiful. Think locally, act locally. Devolve government and other institutions to human scale , govt especially. Limit migration , voting population, trade, international and interregional anything, even travel severely – slow speed of changing laws way down by making changing laws much harder.

    Paper ballots are better than electronic but government ballots in general and indeed ballots of any kind need to go.

    The “enlightenment” has gone way too far. Reactionary counterrevolutionary measures to restore balance and sanity are overdue.

  2. There should be a heavy tax and years long application process for every like a Person or object is transported , especially if they don’t have an iron clad and foolproof plan to go back where they are from quickly and reliably.

    Citizenship, voting rights and equal status of any kind anywhere that is multiple miles from the place of your birth should take much longer – several generations at a minimum. Until your grandfather’s grandfather was born within a mile of where you want to vote, you should have no say and basically be a deportable.

  3. Other civil rights and liberties should also be granted to residents of a neighborhood or neck of the woods slowly over the course of several generations. Aliens should occasionally be tolerated, but assimilation within a single century is unrealistic.

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