Two Powerful Election Lawsuits Involving Minor Parties Likely to be Filed in U.S. Supreme Court Soon

Two cases involving minor parties are likely to be filed soon in the U.S. Supreme Court. Both cases are very strong.

Upstate Jobs Party v Kosinski challenges New York campaign finance laws that make it possible for individuals to give more money to a major party nominee than a minor party nominee for the same office. The cert petition is due October 31. The lower courts had upheld the law, despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down unequal contribution limits in Davis v Federal Election Commission in 2008.

Meadors v Erie County Board of Elections challenges the May petition deadline in New York for independent candidates. The cert petition is due December 6. he lower court had said the case is moot. This flatly contradicts the U.S. Supreme Court decision Moore v Ogilvie, decided in 1969.

A third case, from Georgia over unequal campaign contribution limits, Graham v Georgia Attorney General, is not yet ready for U.S. Supreme Court action. The Eleventh Circuit had said the case is moot, and the plaintiff is now back in U.S. District Court, asking to amend the Complaint to solve the mootness problem. This is a Libertarian Party lawsuit.


Two Powerful Election Lawsuits Involving Minor Parties Likely to be Filed in U.S. Supreme Court Soon — 10 Comments

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