Illinois Libertarian Voter Discovers Serious Ballot-Printing Error in Cook County

Recently, a Libertarian Party supporter in Illinois noticed that his mail ballot for Cook County office was flawed. The Libertarian Party is ballot-qualified in Cook County for the countywide executive offices, and it has a candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court. Although his name was on the faulty ballot, there was no bubble for a voter to be able to vote for him. See this story.

The county officials say only about 300 ballots were flawed, and that it is sending a corrected ballot to the voters who got the bad ballot.


Illinois Libertarian Voter Discovers Serious Ballot-Printing Error in Cook County — 62 Comments

  1. Those thing happen Los Angeles County during a special election several years ago. Wrong return envelopes for a different election so votes were never counted.

  2. It doesn’t sound like an error to me. It sounds like the whiny liberty-for-aryans got the correct format “fixed” in there favour.

  3. So, do ballots where a voter draws their own bubble to fill in, get counted by hand or get thrown out as spoilt?

  4. It depends on how creatively the cum bubble is drawn. In some cases electoral miscounting sex workers will definitely womanually adjust themselves with their hands, but in most cases will throw it out like a used pshyochkin gondon (automotive paper funnel). It’s like in the polish petrol station when they say paper or plastic they mean different type of bag than when you visited American m**********land Nuna Dust…


    Donald Trump has promised a ‘mass deportation.’ It would cost billions.
    Lauren Villagran Bart Jansen Aysha Bagchi
    If he returns to the White House, Donald Trump has vowed to launch a “mass deportation” of at least 11 million immigrants living in the United States without authorization.

    He made a similar promise during his first administration. It didn’t pan out after he hit logistical and legal obstacles.

    This time, experts say, things may be different.

    A second, more experienced Trump administration will know “how to effectively use an enormous bureaucracy to their advantage,” said César García Hernández, an Ohio State University law professor and author of “Migrating to Prison: America’s Obsession with Locking Up Immigrants.”



  6. “Donald Trump has promised a ‘mass deportation.’ It would cost billions.”

    As opposed to what? Keeping them in the US, as if that is gonna be cheaper?

    Don’t worry though, all you little “Ukrainian” and “Palestinian” war-criminals masquerading as refugees. Trump won’t follow through on his promises this time any more than last time. This time, nothing will be different from the last TWO TIMES he got elected.

  7. Whatever it would cost to deport this trash 🗑️ (much more than only eleven millions) you will still pay much more in the long run and eben the short time if you keep them. Set them adrift in the ocean where they belong or fly or frog march them to any s***hole nation that will take them.

    How about Haiti? For example. I hear they are about out of dogs cats geese ducks etc to eat and have just about burned every last tree on their half of Hispaniola for firewood. Certainly they will be in most dire need of kindling and protein of any kind soon. You could have the solution to their bbq problems.

    The remain in Mexico policy was solid but not good enough for decrepit puppet Biden.

    Many countries of Africa land of gorillas and guerrillas as well as the haji caliphate is always short of cannon fodder and mine work slaves.

    Sex trafficking in godforsakenstans is quite indiscriminate. They don’t much care as to sex, age or species of what is attached to socket.

    India and China already have excess population they will soon winnow down darwinism style by throwing at each other but could always kick off the match with imported footballs to start ⚽🥅🏟️💀⚰️☠️☣️⚠️ why not your excess refusegees?

    Domestic servants are in need in the Emirates and fishery boats are looking for slaves in the south China seas.

    It does not have to cost you money to deport these people if you accept the realization that while not all human beings have dignity, all human beings do have value, and this value can be quantified to generate a profit.

    This is a good example of why you need a capitalist like Trump not a Bolshevik Suka like Harris as your next Commander in chief to understand how to turn what a commie bureau rat or urinalist would see only as cost into a $$ maker opportunity.

  8. New new PogoDee do not be so hard and unforgiving on the Mister president Trump. He is not perfect like you. First time he was just learning the deep state ropes and they threw everything they had against him and did you think he would know everything or they would give up without fight or he could be like the dictator they want ppl to think he can be or wants to be just because he beat all projected results and was elected!?

    Of course not. We should not be so naive like you want. They are entrenched and fight dirty. Draining swamps is not easy or clean especially when you are nose hole deep in alligator 🐊 and every other type of Jew space lizard 🦎 and swamp creatures of every kind and fake news, treachery help, ect ..fake investigations, special educated prosecutors and learned elders, subpoenas and every kind of lawfare, assassins attempts and threats, fake dossiers, fake news, fake pee tapes, fake Ukraine president, fake news ..

    So Trump leaned the hard way for 4 years and then got robbed and dragged every which way for 4 more. Would they throw all this at him if he was uni party like all the rest? Who else did they do all this too?

    Ni no NunA, 3rd time will be quite charming – he’s coming back like returning Jedi and this time the trilogy will have a satisfying conclusion, just like in your Hollywood movie films.

    Or could be like base balls – three strikes, he’s out. But it ain’t over til Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, or at least Liz Cheney sings!

  9. @Nuña,

    It might depend on how voter intent is interpreted. In some States there would be specific guidelines, in others it would come down to lawyers arguing based on which candidate would benefit.

    It is unlikely that the presence of a bubble would be relevant. You probably would fill in a bubble very carefully, making sure you don’t go outside the lines (perhaps 5%) and filling at least 95% of the bubble. But the scanners do not require that level of perfection.

    I remember in the 2000-Florida-Bush-Gore election that one county published all their undervotes/overvotes/etc. ballots on their web site. I looked at them, and saw that they had been carelessly completed with just a single stroke, with not attempt to fill the bubble. It turned out those were the perfected ballots, where an election worker had created a ballot that the scanners could interpret. They knew that the scanner only required a mark across the bubble. They later posted the originals, and the perfected ballot matched a best interpretation as to what the voter had intended.

    I think the Chicago situation may have been worse than it seems. In a large county like Cook County, there will be 100s if not 1000s of ballot styles. For each precinct there will have to be a file with the races for that precinct. Software will format the ballot for each precinct. It is not credible that the ballots will be hand typeset unless Mike Madigan’s cousin has the printing contract. But along with printing the ballot, the scanner has to be programmed to match. Beside printing the bubble, the scanning software will have to know that a mark at a certain location (e.g., X = 11.3 in, Y = 8.2 in, is where a mark for a candidate will be).

    So why did the printing software leave off one bubble?

  10. JR noted —

    So why did the printing software leave off one bubble?
    smashed bug(s) on ballot printer – clogged ink head [often in home printers] ???





  12. Jim Riley I’m pretty sure that’s the same answer only words different used. Sorry for my English second language. My friend Minet Bez Zubov helped too translation.

  13. Defeat Donald Trump and his hate-mongering immigration policies. America’s original inhabitants should deport that silver-spooned megalomaniacal political absurdity.

    Cherokee Nation, Cherokee Pride!

    Did any of Trump’s moronic ancestors learn to speak any of the Native-American languages when they arrived here?

  14. Amen, comrade!

    Unfortunately, Kamala Harris is not the communist that Trump makes her out to be, but she’s still much better than he is.

  15. We also agree with the Mister Richardson and can’t wait to do to your country what the early European colonial immigrants did to the Cherokees and other Indian tribes, the sooner the better.

    Please help make it sooner by to elect the Kampala Herass as POTUS plant and the CCP assisting coach Walz and Dougie Doug the foist jewntleman to replace the Beijing Biden Quisling (BBQ) 🧠 and we thank you in the advance for your welcome policies and look forward to eating you for the 🦃 day you t🦃 s we eat 🤣😘

  16. Comminist comrades should support Trump. Only Trump can help bring about the crisis of capitalism that will lead to workers revolution and a dictatorship of the proletariat.

  17. I thought retard commie Darcy Richardson said he wouldn’t post here anymore. What a fucking liar.

  18. “He is not perfect like you.”

    Just because I am not like you, Romashka, doesn’t mean I am perfect. Only Christ is truly perfect.

    “First time he was just learning the deep state ropes”

    He claimed at the time to already know them.

    “Would they throw all this at him if he was uni party like all the rest?”


    “Who else did they do all this too?”

    More than half of the Republican presidential nominees from Taft to Reagan. Many Republican presidential candidates who the GOP got bullied out of nominating, sometimes for better (e.g. Duke, Wallace, Buchanan), sometimes for worse (e.g. MacArthur, Rockefeller, Keyes, Paul). And a myriad of third-party and independent candidates.

    “Or could be like base balls – three strikes, he’s out.”

    Why not two strikes, he’s out? Heck, why not one strike, he’s out? He got two shots and fumbled both terribly, the second even worse than the first. He has no remorse for doing so, shows no signs that he has learnt anything. Why should he get a third chance to screw up, when others haven’t even had a first?

    Fuck him! I stupidly gave him a second chance last election. That was already one more than he deserved. I should have voted for Blankenship instead.

  19. Anne Applebaum, who or what is a Romashka? Not me. Obviously your perfection is meant with sarcasm, and somewhat less obvious that you know this.

    Like yourself , Donald Trump blusters a great deal. He claims to know things which he doesn’t or doesn’t know nearly as well as he thinks or pretends he does. You should certainly be able to relate whether you will admit it or not 🤣

    For example, you claim that each Republicans presidency of your shithole country for over a hundred years was subjected to the barrage of crap thrown at Trump.

    In reality however only one Republican since McKinley had a serious attempt on his life, that is Reagan, and only once. There was a successful assassination of a Democrat president in that period. Trump has already been attempted to be assassinated more than once.

    Nixon was the only one known to have been threatened with impeachment but Trump survived two bullshit impeachment attempts. Nixon is also the only one I can think of besides Trump who has had an election stolen from him (1960, 2020).

    Trump is subjected to multiple lawfare criminal indictments – unprecedented in your woebegone country’s history.


    Not one individual on your list had anything close to the combination of things Trump has had thrown at him. Not even close. Clearly he is a far greater thorn in there side .

    It’s inspiring khokhot when a khokhol like you suggests that the GOP was ever on the verge of nominate anyone nearly as great as Dr. David Duke as he was clearly a very long shot as was the mentally ill negro ambassador Keyes.

    I’m aware of two Wallace’s who ran for potus plant ☘️ 🌵 both as Democrats and or independent/ minor party, Henry and George. What Republicans named Wallace were ever contenders?

    Patrick Buchanan, Douglas MacArthur and Dr. Ron Paul would have each been, like George Wallace or especially the great Dr. David Duke, far better presidents than you had. Trump is the only one in this category who was actually elected and stands to be elected again however. This alone insures the others on that list couldn’t be subject to many of the things Trump has been. Impeachment to take just one example of several.

    Rockefeller? Shirley, you must be joking, 😭 😀 in addition to being the long running joke 🤣 you are.

    Since none of those others were elected, we can only speculate how well they would have carried out their promises. I am being overly generous in judging your list by promises alone whereas Trump has to be graded also by where reality hit him upside his toupee.

    Whereas, the others you mentioned who were elected made neither such good promises, nor tried to do anything on the scale of swamp drainage as Trump seeks.

    Notably you fail to appreciate the trilogy of American movie films and your American past time of three strikes and out. Perhaps you will appreciate the three strikes criminal law or something similar we have in the Motherland called the Black Dolphin near to Kazakh border, eben better one strike and you are out

    On your way station to even harsher eternity punishment

  20. “who or what is a Romashka? Not me.”

    You should have thought of that before repeatedly mixing your identities. Developing different styles would also not be amiss, because you use the same choice of words, sentence structure, punctuation, verb conjugation preferences, etc. under all your names.
    …Unless Maksim is another one of yours, because his style of writing is distinctly more sophisticated. If that is the case, then I would have to give you props for that one, but then it would not make sense why you didn’t diversify the style of your other accounts.

    “Obviously your perfection is meant with sarcasm”

    Compared to you I am perfect, Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich, but such perfection is only relative not absolute.

    “In reality however only one Republican since McKinley had a serious attempt on his life, that is Reagan, and only once.”

    Are you just being completely ignorant about that which you speak of like usual? Or do you have some underlying conspiracy theory about how the multiple attempts on Ford’s life were staged? As well as, all the assassination attempts against Taft, Hoover and Nixon (not to mention both Bush RINOs)?

    “Nixon was the only one known to have been threatened with impeachment but Trump survived two bullshit impeachment attempts.”

    I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you mean Republican in narrowest sense of the word, not including pre-1854 Republicans, and are only considering presidents not vice-presidents.

    “Nixon is also the only one I can think of besides Trump who has had an election stolen from him (1960, 2020).”

    Stop being so lazy and do some research instead of relying on little you can think of, if you insist on being so confidently wrong.

    “Trump is subjected to multiple lawfare criminal indictments – unprecedented in your woebegone country’s history.”

    The first half of that sentence may be true, but the second half most certainly isn’t (except in calling the US woebegone).

    “Not one individual on your list had anything close to the combination of things Trump has had thrown at him. Not even close. Clearly he is a far greater thorn in there side.”

    Objectively false.

    “you suggests that the GOP was ever on the verge of nominate anyone nearly as great as Dr. David Duke as he was clearly a very long shot as was the mentally ill negro ambassador Keyes.”

    Your lack of reading comprehension is showing again, as is your khokhol racism.

    “What Republicans named Wallace were ever contenders?”

    …Unbelievable. It would quite literally take you mere seconds to look this up. How lazy can you get.

    “Trump is the only one in this category”

    How dare group MacArthur and Paul in with such filth as Trump, Duke, Wallace and Buchanan.

    “Whereas, the others you mentioned who were elected made neither such good promises, nor tried to do anything on the scale of swamp drainage as Trump seeks.”

    Objective false. Nor did they break their promises even a fraction as often as RINO Don.

    “Notably you fail to appreciate the trilogy of American movie films [sic] and your American past time [sic] of three strikes and out.

    So many false assumptions about me again 😏 But unlike you, I am legally allowed to vote.

    “On your way station to even harsher eternity punishment”

    My hope is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Whereas you will be reunited with you lord satan and your father Bandera in hell soon enough.

  21. Everyone does, even the so called Jews themselves. And especially in Russia where they have been notoriously causing trouble since the original khazar khaganate with no relent through the commie commissars to the khazar khaganate occupying southwest Russia from Kiev today.

    The protocols of the learned elders of Zion is not a czarist forgery like they want you to think. It’s 100 % inline with their Christ killing, their filthy babylonian talmud, and world history ever since. That’s why Russian people did pogroms against these fake Jews 100% justified. The saying here has always been Beat Jews, Save Russia and the other one also 100% trye is Russia for Russians!

    One more for now ne shaga nazad, no retreat no surrender! White Power! WhiteSkins not devil red skins and devil reds! Star of Rothschild is no star of David, only of the khazary fake jews synagogue of Satan!

  22. Illuminati, Masonic USA, Rothschild khazar devil seed synagogue of Satan all organized c. 1776 & thereabouts

  23. Don’t you wish you were a Mayer wiener like that? Everything they take from us …..

  24. Good points , people should read the protocols for themselves instead of just taking it at the synagogue of Satan word that their czarist forgery. Check out how well history is compared since that time to what protocols call for …

  25. They don’t get kicked out of 110 country’s for without the reason.

  26. The international jew,, the world’s foremost problem, another great book by #1 American genius of all time, Henry Ford, also is good to read.

  27. And regarding other race matters My Awakening by Dr. David Duke, the death of the west as well as suicide of a superpower by Patrick Buchanan, and many many more but these will get you begun.

  28. “And especially in Russia where they have been notoriously causing trouble since the original khazar khaganate”

    Despite frequent pogroms, Jews always formed the backbone of Russian intelligentsia, up until Stalin’s purges. We owe many of our greatest scientific and cultural achievements in part or in whole to Russian Jews. That is the opposite of “notoriously causing trouble”, that is famously contributing to society. As for your Khazarophobic nonsense, Khazars were converts to Judaism, not racial Jews.

    “The protocols of the learned elders of Zion is not a czarist forgery like they want you to think.”

    While they likely did not originate in Russia at all, let alone with the Czar or his ministers, it is most certainly a forgery as has been proven beyond any shadow of doubt ad nauseam. It’s not even a very skillful or convincing forgery. Next you’re going to claim the Veles Book is over a millennium old… 🙄

    “The saying here has always been Beat Jews, Save Russia”

    You’ve slipped up again, fraud. There is no such saying in Luhansk, much less “has always been”.

    “White Power!”

    Only in the sense of the White Movement. Black Russians (anti-balaka) more than welcome!

  29. White Power in every sense, red fraud. You slipped up as always – it’s LUGANSK pronounce looGUNsk by Russian people, evidence in video and audio presented previously, looHUNsk by ykrops khokhol khokots and cock-polish bitch like you, anne Applebaum.

    And you never heard Bey Zhidov, Spasay Rossiyu? Only if you have never been in Russia and know nothing about us, liar. You are lying about one or the other or both, there is no alternative the explanation.

    The veles book is of course a forgery. The protocols are not. Have you read it for yourself? I bet not, unless you are actually an part of khazar fake Jewish conspiracy yourself. You say of course forgery but provide no evidence as usual you fraud. Prove it. And explain if it’s forgery why it’s so accurate about subsequent history. Beles book can’t say this.

    Khazary adopted Judaism, precisely. And they and not the biblical Jews are the ancestors of today’s so called Jews who very indeed have caused great troubles in Russia and the world ever since.

    Certainly they have conspiracy to make themselves prominent in every field, but especially anything which shapes opinion or has to deal with finances.

    Frequent pogroms were for good reason, because they always cause trouble from original khazar khaganate to Kiev khazar khaganate today and Karl Marx, secret fake Jews like lenin and stalin himself and their bloody commissar henchmen who didn’t even bother to hide they were (khazar) Zhidy.

    Always the bane of Russian people for a thousand years and more, you evil khazar Zhidy.

  30. “And you never heard Bey Zhidov, Spasay Rossiyu?”

    Perhaps you nazis have a saying like that about “Ukraine”, but we have no such saying in Russia in general, and in Luhansk or Donetsk in particular.

    “Only if you have never been in Russia and know nothing about us, liar.”

    You already demonstrated that you never set foot in Russia or Donbass with your denial of the historical and correct Latin transliteration of Luhansk, your ignorance of how common eating horse is, and your “authorities don’t care how you phrase things”-bullshit, you Russophobic and antisemitic incompetent liar.

    “You say of course forgery but provide no evidence as usual you fraud.”

    The burden proof is on you, Romashka, and as usual you have not provided any evidence either.

    Just searching “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” with whichever search engine you prefer, will return exclusively results about how it is a forgery, and you will have a hard time finding any results that believe it is genuine. But I’m sure in your sick mind that is just proof that “the Jews control everything including the internet”.

    There are literally hundreds if not thousands of books exposing the Protocols, not to mention articles, lectures, documentaries, etc. Personally, I would recommend reading Norman Cohn’s “Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy And the Protocols of the Elders Of Zion” (1967), or the great ‘Elder of Ziyon’ himself’s “Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism” (2022).

    “And explain if it’s forgery why it’s so accurate about subsequent history.”

    What kind of ass-backwards logic is that? Explain how it can know details about allegedly “subsequent” events (such as king Umberto and president McKinley’s assassinations), if it isn’t a later forgery. Explain how a document that supposed to be “hundreds of years old”, can have entire sections plagiarized from Eugene Sue’s “The Mysteries of the People” (1849), Maurice Joy’s “The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu” (1864) and Hermann Goedsche’s “Biarritz” (1868).

    “And they and not the biblical Jews are the ancestors of today’s so called Jews who very indeed have caused great troubles in Russia and the world ever since.”

    Jews were in what became Russia long before the Khazars converted to Judaism. Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them, not from the Khazars – which would be genetically impossible since Khazars weren’t racially Jewish.

    Your attempt to deny Jews their identity, is no different from “Black Hebrew Israelites” and “Christian Nationalists” pretending to be “the real Jews”, or from Greeks denying Macedonians their identity, or from “Ukrainians” and “Palestinians” pretending to have been a distinct people for more than about a century or so.

    To blame Russia’s (or America’s, or the world’s) troubles on Jews is obviously antisemitic bullshit. Blame individual Jews such as Marx, Trotsky, Soros, Schumer and Stein for their actions, but don’t try to pretend those were the result of their being Jewish or Jews are conspiring to dominate the world.

    “Certainly they have conspiracy to make themselves prominent in every field, but especially anything which shapes opinion or has to deal with finances.”

    Such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and all the other scientific fields they have excelled at? Perhaps the reason for your antisemitism is that you are jealous of Jews for having such a positive impact on Russian (and American, and world) history?

    “secret fake Jews like lenin and stalin himself”

    Stalin who mercilessly and endless persecuted the Jews? Stalin who happily contributed to the Holocaust before falling out with his buddy Hitler? Stalin who after that continued it on his own? Stalin whom even Lenin had warned was too antisemitic to be allowed in power? If you are going to lie, at least make it believable.

    “you evil khazar Zhidy”

    Call me a Jew or a Khazar all you like, banderite, those are not insults but compliments.

  31. Starting with your first response section you do nothing but lie, so I won’t waste time reading the reminder, Anne apllebaum. You are a parasite of course, but any Russian or anyone familiar with us as you claim would know this saying and in the unlikely event anyone who cares reads this and wants to know who is the lying fraud here look it up. Its so easy to find. You bank only on nonexistent audience not bother to do it, or trying only to waste my time like Roma told me, or course you are, American trash, or your a bot or trying to convince yourself, which you wont do either. You goofy bitch.

  32. Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich: “Prove it.”

    Also Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich: “I won’t waste time reading”


    Indeed, any Russian or anyone who has ever set foot in Russia, will know “Beat Jews, Save Russia” is not a Russian saying; and anyone who isn’t and hasn’t, can see from the above what a lying fraud you are. 😏

    Burn in hell, Romashka, you can’t being soon enough.

  33. It’s a Russian saying, unfortunately. I’m originally from Russia and mostly Jewish by ancestry.

  34. It’s not. I’ve never heard it in all my years, not in Donbass, not in Crimea, not in Russia.

    And when you search for it, all you find is i) a relatively modern (1961) poem by Evgeny Evtushenko about the Babi Yar Massacre in which a “Ukrainian” mob shouts it, ii) Shostakovich’ 13th Symphony (1962) which is based on that poem, iii) some unsourced suggestion without any evidence that it might have been a slogan of the Black Hundreds, and iv) Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich using it here on BAN. None of that suggests it was ever a saying.

  35. No, jewboy, do not confuse me with the actual false flag bearer Anne applebaum-wannabe-frank how she confuses me with my friend Roman, dozens of other ppl range from friends to those I have seen to only post to here to those I never even heard of, and the actual banderite (like her) sukobitch ect, and as she tries to steal balors in a coward fashion by implications while “fearfully or carefully” word dancing around it because American pigs will supposedly black bag her and take away her precious voting rights in your miscounted joke elections, lol.

    Why does she not just move to former LNR or anywhere in Russia or Abkhazia like tells to other ppl? Suka blyat bezdarnaya instead accuses first my buddy then the conglomerate person her imagination cuntstructed from me, him and many others of the stolen valor and projections she actually does, and of bring US fed or and banderite like she actually is lol

    As for your whiny yid article – tl ; Dr жидовка угорает по черножопым гоям indeed the lol.

    I might check out the group on VK to see of they are still active and if maybe branch in boronezh or rostob or where I am now or organize here, maybe it shoot to my bros still in Lugansk city of my birth which your fellow jew butchers name of and argues like stupid butch that she is like a moron despite all evidence-based arguments.

    Even you hebe slime would probably know who says it like Lugansk (Russians) and who says it like luhansk (cockpolish polulyudy, ykrop banderite khokhols) and she alleges Cossacks – in real world it all depends which Cossacks.

    Three cheers to Gospodin Kumin, I hope he’s still at it today and not wrapped up in article 282 like so many good men and women in our country have been and I will see to contact him and maybe to expand his group to the south or join if so easy already on our southland.

    Cheers beyotch lol

  36. She “never hear it” because the number of her years in Russia is zero, lol

    And when u search for it

  37. Shall we go on to further humiliation redundancy of the cockpolish jewmerican red “skin” slut? Lolololol

  38. “One of many examples” of what? Websites that aren’t indexed?

    No case is made for «Бей жидов, спасай Россию» being a saying. The article does not even use that phrase outside of the headline, with the year 2015.

    What it does do, however, is attempt to smear poor old Vitaly Milonov as a nazi.

    “I’m guessing you’re both lying, if not actually the same person.”

    Yeah, these do seem like Roman-wannabe-Shukhevich IQ comments:


    Beat in the mind that googol and wiki are leftard jew tilted slime, and yet the search results are nevertheless numerous of which we only scratch surface. Of course the Anne applebaum-nevergonnabe-frank is going to minimise on this basis, like protocols.

    So in response to her whiny snowflake nag I read her “proof;” it amounts like jew/left tilted search results say it’s the forgery so it must be the forgery. Ok whatever little oral and anal Annie. Also some passages may be plagiarized, yes, but in which direction? That would be the more pertinent question if brain was actually in head instead of butt.

    When I refer to subsequently events, anyushka, I mean after published to our present day, not til published. Explain that, know nothing know it all u cnt.

    An(y)us(h)ka priznaysa blya, ty trakhnutaya vgolovku blondinachka feik, napilas blya nail polish vodka konechno lolololol trolololol

    Never heard beat jews save Russia, spent years in Russia, yeah right 🙂

  40. “Shall we go on to further humiliation redundancy”

    “We”? You and your dozens of totally real, absolutely-not-made-up-no-sir “friends” and “wives” and “children”, banderovitz, all of whom happen to be just as ignorant about Luhansk as you are, despite supposedly “having lived and fought there” or “currently living there”? 😂

    By all means continue redundantly humiliating yourself by spamming the same antisemitic threats over countless back-to-back comments under countless names, as if God’s judgement doesn’t await us all.

    It is obvious to everyone but your sock puppets that you are the valor stealing coward, the false-flag bearing banderite who can say anything without a care in the world.

    “Why does she not just move to former LNR or anywhere in Russia or Abkhazia like tells to other ppl?”

    Again with your sloppy assumptions. You have no idea where I currently am. Whereas I know for certain you are not in Luhansk, nor anywhere in Donbass or Russia, and that you have clearly never even set foot there 😏

  41. “So in response to her whiny snowflake nag I read her proof; ”

    Liar. We already know you cannot read. You have demonstrated it time and time again. You do not even know the azbuka or your own name.

    “When I refer to subsequently events, anyushka, I mean after published to our present day, not til published.”

    Ah, so you admit that it’s a modern forgery not an ancient text, then? You slipped up again, Romashka.

    “An(y)us(h)ka priznaysa blya, ty trakhnutaya vgolovku blondinachka feik, napilas blya nail polish vodka konechno lolololol trolololol”

    Prosto priznay eto, ty zhalkiy moshennik. Ty khotel by byt banderovskim nasilnikom i palachom, no u tebya net ni neobkhodimykh yaits ni mozgov.

  42. She’s still going lol

    You know for certain where I am, except you are wrong about everything. Actually you know nothing as is demonstrated by your (pretended) unfamiliarity with common Russian sayings and how Lugansk is pronounced by Russian people and well everything the else.

    Let’s keep it real. I never stepped stooped foot in your stupid jewmerica and you never stepped foot in Russia much less LNR unless as banderite invader or CIA plant. Your by your own admitted stupid Jewmerican confession red “skin” not Russian.

    If you are here, why do you care so greatly about joke US Elections? Why do you worry your not so pretty little head about US Black Bag agency grab you up? They will do it here? Lolol trolol
    Nobody cares where you are.

    That you know nekhuya about Russia, however, continue to being of great khokot, cockpolish khokholka jewmerican red “skin,” not just to real Russians in other cities of Russia like me and in your godless jewmerica like Roman but also to bros still in Lugansk who will not comment here but will still laugh at your obvious horseshit.

  43. Ok last one but I have real world to attend to.

    Nice accurate write up about yourself.

    How would a modern forgery predict events since after it was published including 21st century?

    I’m still not Roma.

    Another accurate writing about yourself in transliteration of Russian. And hypocritical on your part since you said Russian should never be transliteration like that – “write only in Cyrillic if you write in Russian” and for some reason I’m supposed to know your cockpolish language – forgot? Why would a non pollock speak cockpolish anyway? Lolol

  44. “Your by your own admitted stupid Jewmerican confession red “skin” not Russian.”

    Thanks for immediately proving my point that you cannot read:

    “how Lugansk is pronounced by Russian people and well everything the else”

    Not all Russians are uneducated and illiterate communists ignorant of our own history. Not only do you deny the pre-communist orthography, you are even still in denial about the fact that in Luhansk eating horse meat is very common, as it is in Donetsk.

    “If you are here, why do you care so greatly about joke US Elections?”

    Jealous that the backstory you invented for yourself precludes being allowed to vote? Why not just create another identity like you usually do? Why are you even using a sock puppet who is not allowed to vote in the first place? Clearly you are only here to try and make trouble and embarrass yourself in the process. 😏

    “Why do you worry your not so pretty little head about US Black Bag agency grab you up?”

    Again, you have no idea where I am. And with each of your filth riddle diatribes you make more false assumptions.

    “Nobody cares where you are.”

    You sure seem to care a great deal, Romashka.

    “to bros still in Lugansk who will not comment here but will still laugh at your obvious horseshit”

    *Luhansk, but yes indeed, I have sent them screenshots and they are laughing at your ignorant bullshit even now, whether they choose to comment or not.

  45. “Ok last one but I have real world to attend to.”

    Sure, sure. As if you aren’t a well-fare parasite. Run along to your “Yuliya” and the “kids” then, Romashka, licking your wounds and with your tail tucked between your legs.

    “How would a modern forgery predict events since after it was published including 21st century?”

    How would any document “predict events”? Spoiler: it wouldn’t. The Protocols does not accurately predict jack-shit beyond when they were forged. It is like tarot reading: you make a vague platitude and then let morons like you use their confirmation bias to convince themselves there was a prediction.

    “And hypocritical on your part since you said Russian should never be transliteration like that – ‘write only in Cyrillic if you write in Russian'”

    I tried to post in Cyrillic several times, but the post wasn’t displayed so I settled for Latin transliteration – I’m not happy about it, but at least my transliteration is correct, unlike yours.

    Nice jumping to more false assumptions and demonstrating your inability to read again though.

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