Oregon mails a Voters Pamphlet to every registered voter. It includes statements from candidates, if the candidate chose to purchase space in the Pamphlet. The fee for presidential candidates is $3,500.
Seven presidential candidates are on the Oregon ballot and could have purchased space, but three candidates chose not to do so: Donald Trump, Cornel West, and Randall Terry.
The four candidates who did purchase space are Kamala Harris, Oliver Chase, Jill Stein, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He is a link to the pamphlet.
Vice-presidential candidates can also buy space. The only vice-presidential candidate who did so is Tim Walz.
Trump’s omission from the pamphlet was erroneously blamed on the Secretary of State, whose office received so many hostile telephone calls from all over the nation, the office had to shut down the phone system for a few days. Thanks to Michael Drucker for this news.
Biden proposes requiring private insurers cover over-the-counter birth control
FAKE NEWS from Richard Winger. The communist SoS clearly did this intentionally.
Trump might as well not even be on the ballot in Oregon.
The Democrats have rigged the Oregon ballot. It’s obvious.
Trump will win
“the [Secretary of State’s] office had to shut down the phone system for a few days”
Always useful just before a major election.
So nunchucks is not yahya sinwar.
Winger provides no source for this story about Trump. He is just making things up because he supports Harris.
If anything it will help Trump in Oregon and help the Greater Idaho movement in Eastern Oregon.
Hector Salamanca is not afraid of Jesse Pinkman.
@Bob @Dave @Gary
“Winger provides no source for this story about Trump.”
Neither do you.
Are you saying that Trump did purchase a statement in the pamphlet?
If so, what makes you think that?
If not, what are you trying to say?
@Tired of coexisting with s**tlibs
Hopefully the latter. Though I fear it is already too late for that to be a success. Outside of the panhandle Idaho has gone to shit long since. And even in the panhandle the rot has set in:
The problem would not occur if the pamphlet simply said that the candidate had not submitted a statement.
Or why not just have the statement as part of an application. If a candidate did not want to use all his words he could pay a fee. Instead of a $5000 fee, submit a statement of 500 words. If a candidate submitted 487 words, they could pay $130 (i.e., (500-487)*$10
Probably the Oregon SoS had too many people like Nuña calling. He will now prove me correct with his response.
Whatever Stock.
Shame Trump didn’t buy the space. Half the state wants to join up with Idaho. The state is sliding to the right because the movement is waking up the Independents there. It’s possible that the state will only LEAN blue this election. Trump has more than enough money to make this small push in the state.
Trump might secretly be a Jew, he’s so cheap. Come to think of it that was also to explain why he always like to get on his knees and get in Bibi tookhus to the tossing of salads.
@Jim Riley
In that scenario, would the state also have to pay candidates $10 per word they went over their limit, or would candidates be fined $10 per word they went over?
More seriously though, why should candidates get a monetary incentive (if it can even be called that, given that charging them for their application is all stick and no carrot to begin with) to make longer statements, or conversely to keep their statements short? What does the government care about the length so long as it fits on the page, i.e. doesn’t increase printing costs?
@Solipsistic Dungfly
Nah, I’m not a reprobate like you.
Unless you are an Oregon voter, you have no business bothering the Oregon SoS. What the latter should have done, is to block out of state calls for a few days rather than shutting down the whole phone system. (Perhaps they did and that’s just not clear from the above.)
And if you are an Oregon voter, you’re better off calling the Oregon GOP than the SoS, to find out whether or not Trump’s campaign purchased a statement in the pamphlet. If he did, he should sue them and heckling the SoS will only undermine his suit; if he didn’t, you have no reason to heckle the SoS.
The essay would replace any filing fee. The filing fee for a short word count would be to discourage candidates from simply paying for ballot access. Maybe there could be a range (e.g., 400 to 600 words). Longer essays would be truncated in mid
though a candidate would be given an opportunity to correct their essay.
“The filing fee for a short word count would be to discourage candidates from simply paying for ballot access.”
What I mean is, why would the government care to incentivize candidates submitting a statement and disincentivize them just paying for ballot access? In fact, wouldn’t the greedy government prefer to make a bit of extra cash?
“Longer essays would be truncated in mid”
Oh, I like that! I used to know a newspaper editor who did that to news stories she got sent, if the reporter had already been repeatedly admonished for not sticking to their word limit, thereby causing more work and delays for her team who had to edit it down to size. She would just cut off their article mid sentence, sometimes mid word even, and make sure that they were prominently and exclusively credited for it. It was very effective: as far as I know, no reporter who got that treatment ever went over the word limit again after that.
“though a candidate would be given an opportunity to correct their essay.”
Nah, just print the first 500 words only. Much more entertaining that way.
Not all Oregon voters have Oregon phone numbers. Some might be working out of state or out of country. Some might be doing something across the state line or their phone may not be working and they are borrowing a phone from someone who is visiting or working in town etc. Or they just moved there and haven’t changed their out of state number.
Or they move around and prefer to keep their number with whatever area code it had when they got it so they don’t have to let everyone they know and everyone who might get their number from an ad or through a mutual acquaintance etc know that there number changed .
There are in fact valid reasons for people who are not Oregon voters to call their sos (not just election Dept but let’s stick with that):
Presidential campaign
People working on any statewide or local campaigns who have out of state numbers for any of the above reasons
News reporters
Elections division office workers of other states
Etc etc
It’s discriminatory against some voters vs others to have written ballots and ballot pamphlets. Some people don’t see as well as others. Some have dyslexia and other such issues. Some speak English as a second language. Some went to crappy schools. There’s no reason that voting can’t either be in person with the issues and candidates or their spokesmen presented then and there or for the arguments to be in different audio and video formats – state money should not be spent printing and mailing any of it.
With gen z , a + more and more people are postliterate with every passing year, but. All the issues with written formats existed before, during and after the now passing era of widespread casting of spells (aka spelling). They were simply ignored. Now, they’re with ever increasing speed getting to the point where ignorance is no longer an option again.
Sheikha and Minet,
What do you have against Jews in general and Bibi Netanyahu in particular?
“What do you have against a fascist genocidal war criminal who is purposely prolonging the genocide of Palestinians so that he can delay his indefinite jail sentence?” Literally everything. Bernie Sanders and Dr. Stein (as well as Jewish people all over the world) also ABHOR Netanyahu … even many Jewish people who literally live in Israel hate him because he doesn’t give a damn about Israeli hostages lol. In addition to all the other things he is, Netanyahu is an egomaniac who only cares about himself.
If you’re going to quote me, quote me. If you’re going to lie and make things up, don’t imply I said any of that crap about Bibi, who is absolutely none of the things you say about him or even close.
Define genocide and how you think it applies to the present war in Gaza just for starters. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t even remotely apply, unless you mean Hamas and their ilk and their openly stated intentions to ethnically cleans ie genocide Israel from the river to the sea.
Also, yes, there are many self hating Jews, Jews who are not self hating but do naively fall for the propaganda lies put out by Jew haters and “progressive leftists”, and lots of internal politics in Israel which in no way justify your Jew hate, self hate or naivete.
The question was in any case not posed to you , in addition to not being the ridiculous loaded statement masquerading as a question which you asked and then answered. If you are going to talk to yourself why do you require an audience?
I mean, it was a ridiculous question. Asking that about Netanyahu is the equivalent of asking “What do you have against Hitler in particular?” Obviously a lot of things.
My bad, I forgot to refer to the scum by his actual name: Benjamin Mileikowsky.
Just stop it Stock. We all know you are a fucking retarded troll. You don’t need to keep showing it.
Why do progressive leftists side with the decidedly regressive caliphate against Israel?
In 1948 Stalin at first supported the creation of Israel, then changed his fickle dictatorial mind, calculating that there are a lot more Arabs and Muslims than Jews and Israelis and that they have a lot more UN votes as pawns in the global cold war chess game.
Ever since then, “progressive leftists” of every stripe, including ironically many Jews both in Israel and in the US – the only other country left with millions of Jews after first Nazi occupied parts of Europe and then the islamosphere and ex USSR were genocided and ethnically cleansed of Jews – have been bleating the anti Israel lies which originate among dark age caliphate Jihadi islamofascists who were allies of and to this day admire Hitler. How progressive of you!
Speaking of Stalin, shortly after that he became obsessed with a paranoid fear that Jewish doctors and other Jews in his orbit were potting to murder him. He had plans drawn up to genocide Jews, but thankfully he died before he could order them to be carried out.
Stop trolling, “stop trolling”.
Bibi Netanyahu was never named Mileikowsky. He was born in Israel, like most Israelis are. Mileikowsky was his father’s last name at birth. His father fled actual genocide, which regressive hater/dupe has still failed to define as of now (but take your time, aggressive ignoramus).
Thanks for demonstration that your beef is with Jews and not just with Israel in case anyone has any doubts.
Why would Netanyahu, who was born Netanyahu, be “truly named” by a name he never had?
Regressive Sinister lemming is echoing a caliphate lying trope that Israelis are European colonialists.
This lie is of course a lie. Jews were in Israel for thousands of years before “Palestinians” and that included all during the near 2000 year diaspora kicked off by the Roman occupiers. During that whole time there were many other people who came and went either as occupiers or traveller’s or moving in and out but Jews were the only constant.
After the pogroms and expulsions and ghettoes etc in the 19th century many European Jews began settling in what had been and would one day again become Israel. This process accelerated during the actual genocide under Hitler.
In 1948 Israel won a war of independence against the British colonialists and accepted a very unfavorable division which gave most of inhabited Israel to Arabs, but that wasn’t good enough for Arabs, who attacked from all sides, fled Israel in large numbers in reply to lying propaganda from their leadership that Israel was about to genocide them otherwise (the ones who didn’t listen are over 20% of Israel’s population today and have better living standards, civil rights and liberties than in any Arab or Islamic led country), and actually kicked Jews out of the Arab and Islamic nations.
Those Jews who were kicked out of those Arab and Muslim led countries are as numerous in Israel as those who fled European genocide and pogroms and ghettoes, while most “Palestinian” arabs have no ancestry in Palestine – not even an official ottoman province – that predate the Zionist movement which started in the late 19th century by Herzl and his associates.
So, Israel is about 20% Arab which is not including Gaza, Judea and Samaria – “occupied territories” only because Arabs keep attacking Israel when they are not “occupied” and refuse to join it when they are – 40% Jews expelled from or descendants of those expelled from the islamosphere and 40% of Jews who fled European oppression and genocide.
It’s more complicated than that, but 100% of Israeli Jews descend from the original Israelis who were there long before the Arabs and most Israelis today were born in Israel regardless of where their more recent ancestors lived.
That includes Bibi Netanyahu, who was never a Mileikowsky in his 75 years – his father became an Israeli and a Netanyahu a century ago, well before many so called Palestinians had ancestors who became such.
Corrosive leftard has no answers because corrosive leftard has no answers. Just bullshit mischarectarizing misquotes, blood libel lies about genocide, idiotic quips which redundantly demonstrate wilful ignorance etc.
Dipshit, it’s not a ridiculous question, which was once again not asked of you anyways. Comparing Netanyahu to Hitler is completely insane. Of course, regressive leftards are completely insane, so duh.
Did Netanyahu kill millions of people as part of an openly stated plan to wipe out a religion and ethnic group? Has he invaded and occupied most of a continent including dozens of formerly sovereign countries and killed millions of other people, including his own countrymen and women? Has he ruled as a dictator and outlawed all opposition?
Of course not.
If you weren’t beyond shame, you’d be ashamed at having made such a moronic and offensive comparison.
But you are beyond shame so can only be shamed for the benefit of somewhat rational people who nevertheless irrationally took the time to read all this.
Progressive brain disease is a terrible thing, especially among sinister leftists . It’s especially severe whenever the Mideast comes up .
@Fp RE: October 24, 2024 at 10:27 am
You’re right. But I’m not suggesting secretaries of state’s offices never take calls from out-of-state phone numbers, just that temporarily restricting calls to only in-state numbers is a less bad solution than not taking any calls at all. It’s still not an ideal solution though, and is statistically guaranteed to still screw over some legitimate callers (i.e. non-hecklers).
That’s fair.
Former person
See the replies from my fellow Jew wise people here and in follow ups
They don’t get kicked out of 110 country for nothing
Progressive leftists,
Maybe you already understands, maybe not yet, it is all the Jews but only the Benjamin Mileikowsky.
It is always about the Benjamin’s with them

So S & M are garden variety Jew haters…
…and progressive brain disease sinister leftard may or may not be, but is certainly downwind of same fanning the flames of actual genocide which is once again in reality, as opposed to bullshit, being plotted against Jews, not against Arabs.
To call collateral damage in a war that Hamas started, who are dead because Hamas loves using their own civilians as human shields for propaganda value, “genocide” is an insulting abuse of the term.
I am the person who filed the Libertarian candidate statement for Chase Oliver in Oregon. The Secretary of State’s office staff was helpful and highly professional. It took work to raise the funds to file the statement, but we did it. I would prefer a sliding scale so you get a discount for each signature you get, which is the way it works in California. Trump got far more free media out of not appearing in the book than he would have otherwise, so the Secretary of State dropped the ball by not listing him.
Tom Busse supports child abuse and covid mandates? Chase Oliver does.
I do not support child abuse or covid mandates. I actually resigned from helping Chase Oliver over the ‘covid’ BS, and I am one of the most vociferous opponents of covidiocy. I am also gay, and I understand where Chase is coming from…and I know where Chase gets things wrong because the current scientific evidence is that youth gender transitioning has not been proven to be safe or effective, even if that is the politically correct belief among official gays (ugh).
I was asked by Tim Perkins, the Mises caucus aligned vice-chair of the Libertarian party of Oregon, to take care of the Chase stuff in the state including the voter pamphlet statement and the ballot access issues. I followed through on that – not because I was enthusiastic about Chase but because Tim Perkins asked me and both Tim and I agreed about the long-term importance of organizing. Chase’s nomination was a mistake by the LNC where I was a delegate and eventually voted against him. In retrospect, RFK or Mapstead or even NOTA would have been better…but I had a job to do, and I did it, and an ad-hominem without any context to my thoughts is unbecoming.
Why are you gay?