New York Times Article on Minor Party and Independent Presidential Candidates Has Odd Omissions

On October 23, the New York Times ran this story about some minor party and independent presidential candidates. It features Cornel West, Jill Stein, Chase Oliver, and Claudia De la Cruz, in that order.

But the story fails to say that New York state is the only state in which no minor party or independent candidates are on the presidential ballot, even though the national Libertarian Party sent out a press release about this a week earlier. In fact, it appears no general media in New York state have mentioned this startling fact.

The New York Times story is also odd because it doesn’t mention Randall Terry, the Constitution Party nominee. Although he is only on the ballot in twelve states (whereas Cornel West is on in fifteen states), the states in which Terry is on the ballot have more voters than the states in which West is on the ballot.


New York Times Article on Minor Party and Independent Presidential Candidates Has Odd Omissions — 10 Comments

  1. I thought Randall Terry said he doesn’t want people to vote for him so who cares what newspapers mention him or not. His “campaign” is just a gimmick to force television stations to run his anti-abortion ads.

    The alternate Constitution Party candidate Joel Skousen is a registered write-in candidate in Washington state as well as in Arizona so that shows at least they’re trying, unlike Terry.

  2. As a reminder, Terry did not register as a write-in candidate in WA or AZ or anywhere else. Skousen is on the ballot in 3 states and a write-in in 2 other states so far.

  3. He’s a candidate more people will see on the ballot than West, but he’s not an overeducated Marxist negro leftard and he’s pro-life, so despite having a negro on the ticket he gets the opposite of affirmative action from the far left nytwits. In fact they consider any news of Terry-Broden unfit to print, which is actually more true of their whole bird cage liner publication.

  4. Yep, most MSM “polls” that include Oliver, Stein, West, de la Cruz and sometimes still RFK – which are already in the minority – are very careful not to include Terry, Sonski or Ayyadurai.

  5. I don’t think the dying wannabe gatekeeper fake noose deserve to be called mainstream any longer, as they are increasingly no longer the main stream.

  6. Sonski being on the ballot in Ohio and Florida, and registered write in for most states where that’s possible (though not Arizona) shows he’s just as worth mentioning as Terry. He got write in for CA when West and Terry didn’t.

  7. Speaking of the (no longer) mainstream fake news media, both the LA Times and the Washington Post have refused to endorse Harris. They know her number is up.

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