Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is Generally Placing Third in States Where He is On Ballot

In almost every state that has reported any election returns, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is placing third, if he is on the ballot in that state. However, he is only on the ballot in states that have half the electorate.

It is too early to predict which candidate will place third. Kennedy, Jill Stein, and Chase Oliver all have a chance at placing third.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is Generally Placing Third in States Where He is On Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. I didn’t see his name on the certified write-in list. I wrote in Peter Sonski. I also wrote in my friends two cats against some uncontested Democrats. The cats never win.

  2. Maybe if the democratic party would have given a Bobby a fair shot in the primaries they could have won this election rather than using lawfare with the courts.

    I hope they learn to stop trying to rig elections from this and conspire with mainstream media to pull someone pulling Ross perot like numbers early on off the debates

  3. They weren’t going to win no matter what they did. As many of us predicted, all their cheating this time could do was turn a massive Trump / GOP / MAGA landslide into something relatively close.

    Attempting to actually steal the presidency again would have only earned them an armed revolution followed by executions (they’re still coming, but more demon rats will have time to flee the country first…which too will only delay their ultimate executions and descent into the deepest level of hell reserved for traitors).

  4. “Maybe if the democratic party would have given a Bobby a fair shot in the primaries they could have won this election rather than using lawfare with the courts.”

    Well, maybe. But, Kamala was such a weak candidate to begin with. I always though she would fade in the stretch, but she did even worse than I thought. She only did well enough in Wisconsin and Michigan for 3rd party votes to have an impact. Disappointing.

    Simply put, the Democrats have to run better candidates, and stop making excuses about “interference” and “big money”. If they cannot, they should expect more of the same.

  5. Third party votes made no impact. It’s not logical to assume all third party voters would have still voted, much less all voted for her.

  6. As far as I have been able to find he’s sitting at 0.4%, behind self hating jewess Jill Stein and withdrawn candidate RFK Jr.

  7. Ew at the anti-Semitism in that post above me. Based Dr. Stein for placing in the top 3!

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