Michigan Legislature Adjourns Without Passing Several Election Law Bills

The Michigan legislature adjourned on December 19. Several election law bills that had advanced quite far did not pass.

HB 5791 would have allowed primary candidates for Congress to get on a primary ballot with a filing fee instead of a petition. The U.S. Senate fee would have been $5,000. The U.S. House petition would have been $1,000. If the bill had passed, it would have had no impact on the state’s various qualified minor parties, which nominate by convention.

SB 1108 would have banned paying a petition circulator on a per signature basis. The bill would have included initiative petitions, primary candidate petitions, and petitions for an independent candidate.

SB 1109 would have required circulators of initiative petitions to read a summary of the measure before asking anyone to sign.

One bill that did pass is HB 5576. It allows the Secretary of State to use a random sample procedure to determine if a petition for a new party has enough valid signatures.


Michigan Legislature Adjourns Without Passing Several Election Law Bills — 12 Comments

  1. Trump is doing more to protect eagles than any other president by calling attention to the dangers of eagle killing wind farm’s. No one does more for eagles than Trump. Trump will save America and Trump will save American Eagles! Hail Trump, Hail Victory and Hail the New Dawn!

  2. We’re having a party in the woods too, featuring a Cross lighting. All our Ku Klux Klan Kinfolk will be there celebrating. Rejoice! Hallelujah!

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