Private Individual Tallies the Washington, D.C. Write-ins for President

Washington, D.C. has a procedure for a write-in declaration of candidacy for presidential candidates in general elections, but D.C. also has a policy that it won’t tally those write-ins. This year, these candidates filed the declaration: Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, Claudia De la Cruz, and Shiva Ayyadurai.

Joseph Bishop-Henchman, who lives in D.C., was irked that no write-in information was released by the Board of Elections, so he arranged to count them himself. Among candidates who were on the ballot in at least one state, he found these: Jill Stein 2,246; Claudia De la Cruz 609; Cornel West 461; Chase Oliver 202; Peter Sonski 128; Randall Terry 4.

He also tallied the votes for people who weren’t candidates. See his whole report at Independent Political Report.


Private Individual Tallies the Washington, D.C. Write-ins for President — 54 Comments

  1. Stein getting the most write-in votes makes sense; when on the ballot in DC, the Green Party sometimes even outpolls the Republicans. She also got significant amounts of write-in votes in IL and NY.

  2. DC is a Marxist people’s republic like North Korea, Chicago, NYC, Cuba, etc.

  3. The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

    Federalist 47 PARA 3 PART, Madison
    JAMES II – FLED UK 1688
    GEORGE III – DIED INSANE 1820 — AFTER 1775-1784 AM REV WAR AND 1812-1815 WAR OF 1812

    ZERO LEARNED IN USA IN 1775-2025 ???

  4. Look up the New Hampshire LP and JBH’s corruption. He had secret emails with Sarwark and co and refused to show them to investigators. Similar to Hillary Clinton.

  5. The point is he still denies destroying emails or the fact they existed.

    It was so bad he resigned after being caught. He then worked with illegitimate chair Bilyeu and aided her corruption. Both are puppets of Sarwark.

  6. Wow. How embarrassing for Chase Oliver. Not even 10% of the writein votes of Jill Stein, far fewer writein votes than non candidate Nikki Haley, and barely more than Mitt Romney, who has not been on any DC ballot since…2008? Also less than a third of De La Cruz and less than half of West … And a very very embarrassing 8th place. Possibly lower, depending on the “ceasefire” distribution.

  7. Campaigning in gay bars and selling your pee isn’t a winning strategy.

  8. Harris-Walz (294,185), Trump-Vance (21,076).

    It doesn’t seem very cost efficient to hold presidential elections in DC. They always vote for the party of humongous federal government every time, predictably. This is why they were never supposed to be allowed to vote in presidential elections.

    I propose a new version of the Barr amendment which would forbid the allocation of even a penny of federal funds for any presidential votes in DC to be tallied or certified, thus rendering any presidential election results there unofficial.

  9. The DC electors should be appointed to the national electoral vote. For example, this year Trump would have been allocated two and the hyena would have been allocated one.

  10. State legislatures should pick the presidential electors. Since Congress is DC’s legislature, the interim solution to repealing the 23rd Amendment is to have congress pick D.C. electors.

  11. Only White natural born citizen cisgender male property owners age 40 to 80 should elect state legislators, who elect electors, who elect the president. There should not be any popular votes for president at all.

  12. The 23rd Amendment does give Congress the right to decide how to choose DC’s electors.

  13. Yes, and they should do it by congressional vote, not popular vote, until the amendment is repealed.

  14. DC is not a state and thus residents should not be allowed to vote. It shouldn’t have any electoral votes.

    If they want voting, have Maryland take it back.

  15. That’s right. But amendments are hard to repeal, so that’s why interim solutions are proposed.

  16. Why do other countries have a much easier time counting votes and don’t have months between election and inauguration?

  17. No. It used to be, but has been heavily gentrified. Whites and blacks are now about equal in population, whereas blacks used to heavily outnumber whites. The median household and per capita income are now higher than in any state.

  18. DC has lots of government employees and contractors and people who work for or with groups connected to the ruling establishment politicians.

  19. sell dc to trump – reduce natl debt ???



  20. Andy: most of those used to live in suburbs except for well into NW DC, but a lot of those exsuburbanites have moved into the city and a lot of the former ghetto residents moved into suburbs because they can’t afford DC anymore.

    The district should not vote in presidential elections, even as part of Maryland. If anything, the area that should be excluded from federal voting should be expanded to include the suburbs. The people you describe are precisely who should NOT vote in federal elections or the only question left is not whether we become a Marxist dystopia but how quickly.

  21. There should have been a provision in the US Constitution that barred government employees and contractors from voting or donating to political campaigns.

    If this had been put in place at thr beginning of this country’s formation governmemt would have been.kept a lot smaller and we’d have a lot more liberty right now.

  22. A big part of the problem has been the expansion of the voting eligible population.

  23. ANDY – get A-N-Y $$$ from govts = want more *free* $$$ from govts —

    >>> LOOT the treasury commie/fascist candidates in govt primaries

    later elected in rigged gerrymander areas

    result — usa debt $$$ 35 plus TRILLION — about 25 pct per year borrowing since 1929

    ALL govt deficits/debt CUT the savings for ***productive*** private capital investment — cause/increase recessions/depressions

    esp. in 1929-1934 and 2008-2012


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