President Trump Pardons Ross Ulbricht

On January 21, President Donald Trump pardoned Ross Ulbricht, and credited the Libertarian Movement for influencing him to do this.

His statement on Truth Social says, “I just called the mother of Ross William Ulbricht to let her know that in honor of her and the Libertarian Movement, which supported me so strongly, it was my pleasure to have just signed a full and unconditional pardon of her son, Ross.”

Here is the wikipedia article about Ulbricht.

Here is a Reason magazine article about the pardon.


President Trump Pardons Ross Ulbricht — 32 Comments

  1. Take that Nick Sarwark! Take that Caryn Ann Harlos! Take that Chase Oliver! Trump kept his word!

  2. I am please Ross Ulbricht was pardoned. Now, let’s consider the injustice to millions of ballot access censorship laws. Abolishing ballot access laws and replacing them with the Liberty Ballot, the write-in only voter verifiable ballot, would be a pardon for the millions held in thrall by the incumbent parties

  3. Wouldn’t have any connection to our transactional-nature prez and his wife Melanin rolling out their own memecoins, would it, Richard? Both you and Reason need to up your skepticism meters.

  4. A big problem with the write in only ballot is that it is still a ballot. The standing count gets rid of this problem.

    Increasing numbers of young people are no longer learning the “alphabet” abracadabra method of casting spells. Soon, an ever more tiny minority will understand these squiggles – probably about the same percentage as can read ancient Egyptian or Mayan hieroglyphics.

    Another problem with ballots is that counting them is prone to fraud, whereas with the standing count everyone in the room can see everyone being counted off and it can be reviewed on video by anyone afterwards.

    Open, on the record voting prevents antisocial votes from being cast. Voting is political power, whether by politicians or voters, and political power without accountability is never a good thing.

  5. Well I’m Donald Trump, the one they’re talking about, if you talk crap about me you’ll get punched in the mouth.

    If you disrespect me, forget about it, forget it. Best case for you is you’ll survive to regret it.

    I’m the Boss of all Bosses, King of all Kings. I bring the world hope, I’m why we have nice things.

    Last time I took human form, I got crucified. This time around, I won’t be so nice.

    If you think bad about me, stop trusting fake media. Go to and read conservapedia.

    But even if you’re not smart enough to, or have no eyes to see, you’re still smarter than to take seriously the spambot “AZ”

  6. what percent of the nazis in the nazi * triumph of the will* movie in the Hitler regime survived to see 8 may 1945 – unconditional surrender of nazi regime ???

    esp the nazi ss in their devil black uniforms

  7. Now that the J6 heroes are finally getting out of jail, it’s time for Trump to take the next step and give each and every one of them the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

  8. I am also glad that Trump pardoned the J6ers.

    I never endorsed or voted for Donald Trump but I will give anyone credit when they do something right.

  9. Freeing the J6 heroes is great. They should have been preemptively pardoned before he left office the first time. Freeing this dope pusher who helped poison children, not so much. He should have been executed or rotted the rest of his life in a mediaeval dungeon.

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