Kansas Bill to Ban Ranked Choice Voting

The Kansas Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs has introduced SB 6, which would ban ranked choice voting in the state.  No jurisdiction in Kansas currently uses ranked choice voting.  Here is the text.


Kansas Bill to Ban Ranked Choice Voting — 16 Comments

  1. The duopolists are scared of Ranked Choice Voting and Proportional Representation, the idea of minor parties having a fair chance of securing electoral representation and thus undermining their eternal grip on power terrifies them.

  2. Rancid commie voting must be banned and proportional constituent disservice is another terrible idea.

  3. g math 0001 —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged cracked / packed g discs = 1/4 or less control

    much much much worse primary math

    est 5-12 pct really control —

    commie / fascist special interest gangs

    result – commie/fascist tyrant monarch execs / legislative courts

    ROT in all 3 branches — compounded by major sop violations


  4. Put your filthy program subroutines on hold and back away from the tots, slowly.

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