Washington State Bill is Amended to Delete Provision Requiring Petitions to Get on Primary Ballot

On February 11, the Washington State Senate Committee on State Government, Tribal Affairs and Elections amended SB 5225 and passed it. The original bill added a provision for mandatory petitions for candidates to get on a primary ballot. But the Committee deleted that provision and passed it. Now it only deals with cases when two candidates with the same name are on the ballot for the same office. Thanks to Darryl Perry for this news.


Washington State Bill is Amended to Delete Provision Requiring Petitions to Get on Primary Ballot — 18 Comments

  1. Well I’m Donald Trump, the one they’re talking about, if you talk crap about me you’ll get punched in the mouth.

    If you disrespect me, forget about it, forget it. Best case for you is you’ll survive to regret it.

    I’m the Boss of all Bosses, King of all Kings. I bring the world hope, I’m why we have nice things.

    Last time I took human form, I got crucified. This time around, I won’t be so nice.

    If you think bad about me, stop trusting fake media. Go to conservapedia.com and read conservapedia.

    But even if you’re not smart enough to, or have no eyes to see, you’re still smarter than to take seriously the spambot “AZ”

  2. Sorry, AZ, but the First Lady is my Valentine. I know how you feel, Ivanka keeps turning me down.

  3. Lol. Stop anthropomorphizing the bot. It does not have feelings. It’s a computer program.

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