Unity.08 May Raise Unlimited Contributions

On October 4, the Federal Election Commission ruled that Unity.08 is not restricted in its fund-raising activities. It is not a “political committee” for federal campaign finance law purposes, concerning raising money. However, it is limited by federal campaign finance law at the point at which it begins spending money.

Unity.08 was formed earlier this year. It’s goal is to hold an on-line presidential nominating process, and then get that presidential candidate on the 2008 ballot as an independent.


Unity.08 May Raise Unlimited Contributions — 2 Comments

  1. I wonder what the definition of “spending” is? Does that mean spending on a candidate(s)?

  2. Hmmmmmmmm. Serious Presidential maybe Richard Lamm is right down the road [in Colorado] from Unity08 national head quarters in Denver, and has yet to connect. FLorida and Virginia’s (1980) John B. Anderson also is not yet on board. No Nader, no Ventura, no Camejo. ‘Independents’ like California partisans Pelosi (Dem to the core!) and fake reformer Der Ahnold? Yeah, some independent Independents….

    As folks whom are still ‘betting’ on long term reform from the middle, activism via ‘radicals’ from the center [Populist Party, Moderate Party, various Independence Party states, Progressive Party (Vermont), United Party, and other groups whom should be transforming shells of abandoned ballot access’d Natural Law Party groups into the centrist reform revolution coalition of the Post Perot 21st Century].

    Like CUIP (Committee for Unified Independent President), what is their (Unity08’s) REAL agenda?

    And what is with CARP and ARP, California American Reform Party and American Reform Party? [The buzz is on…..that the bloom is off!]

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