Iowa Seems Likely to Allow Voters to Register as Members of Non-Qualified Parties

The Iowa Secretary of State and the Iowa Attorney General have tentatively agreed to reform the state’s voter registration form, to let voters register into active but unqualified political parties.

Currently, Iowa and Kansas are the only states that don’t have a blank line in the “political party” question, on voter registration forms. The proposed Iowa change would not necessarily provide a blank line. But it would provide that unqualified parties that meet certain conditions would actually be listed as choices on the “political party” part of the Voter Registration form.

To be listed, a group must have run a candidate for statewide office, or for US House, in the last election; and must submit a petition of 50 registered voters who say that they consider themselves members of that party. A party would remain listed on the Voter Registration form unless two years go by and it has fewer than 50 registered members.


Iowa Seems Likely to Allow Voters to Register as Members of Non-Qualified Parties — 2 Comments

  1. Didn’t a fed circuit court rule that voters have a RIGHT to register in “unqulaified” parties?

  2. The slow pace that election laws are reformed in Iowa is an insult to Iowa voters, and just one more reason why our sec. of state Chet Culver should not be elected to gov. in this years election. Why are independent voters not included in this change?

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